UNIX feed $PATH to find - unix

Is there any way I can search through all folders in my path for a file. Something like
for f in $PATH ; do ; find "$f" -print | grep lapack ; done
So that every folder in PATH is recursively searched for lapack

This should do it, I ran a few tests, seems to be working:
echo -n $PATH | xargs -d: -i find "{}" -name "*lapack*"
The -n in echo prevents it from writing a newline in the end (otherwise the newline would be passed as part of the last directory name to find(1)).
The -d in xargs(1) says that the delimiter is :. The -i makes it replace {} with the current path.
The rest is self-explanatory, I guess.


Passing zsh command line arguments into xargs quotations

I have a zsh function, fvi (find vi), which recursively greps a directory searching for files with a pattern, collects them and opens them in vim (on the Mac):
function fvi { grep -rl $1 . | xargs sh -c '/Applications/MacVim.app/Contents/MacOS/Vim -g -- "$#" <$0' /dev/tty }
This looks bad but works fine (on the Mac). But I'd like to set the search pattern for vi to $1 with:
function fvi { grep -rl $1 . | xargs zsh -c '/Applications/MacVim.app/Contents/MacOS/Vim -c +/"$1" -g -- "$#" <$0' /dev/tty }
This of course does not work since xargs/zsh sees the $1 and translates it into a file name. I can manually say -c +/xyz and it will set the pattern to xyz. So I know the vim command syntax is working. I just can't get the shell command argument $1 to be substituted into the xargs string.
Any ideas?
I might just use find:
fvi () {
find . -exec grep -e $1 -- {} \; -exec $v -g +/$1 -- {} \;
The fact that you are opening each file in vim for interactive editing suggests there are not so many possible matches (or candidates) that running grep multiple times is really an issue. (At worst, you are just replacing each extra shell process started by xargs with an instance of grep.)
This also precludes any possible issue regarding file names that contain a newline.

Unable to rename files recursively using xargs command

I have to rename all the files recursively which match the pattern. I am using the below command.
find . -type f -iname 'dev*' | xargs -I{} mv $1 echo '/dev-profile/prod-profile'
When i run the above command, I am getting the below error
missing destination file operand after /dev-profile/prod-profile
I need to replace all the files recursively. Where I am going wrong.
Dealing with arguments in xargs often goes into a mess with bash -c ... _.
If you have GNU Parallel you avoid this mess and can probably do something like this:
find . -type f -iname 'dev*' | parallel mv {} /dev-profile/prod-profile

bzgrep not printing the file name

find . -name '{fileNamePattern}*.bz2' | xargs -n 1 -P 3 bzgrep -H "{patternToSearch}"
I am using the command above to find out a .bz2 file from set of files that have a pattern that I am looking for. It does go through the files because I can see the pattern that I am trying to find being printed on the console but I don't see the file name.
If you look at the bzgrep script (for example this version for OS X) you will see that it pipes the output from bzip2 through grep. That process loses the original filenames. grep never sees them so it cannot print them out (despite your -H flag).
Something like this should do, not exactly what you want but something similar. (You could get the prefix you were expecting by piping the output from bzgrep into sed/awk but that's a bit less simple of a command to write out.)
find . -name '{fileNamePattern}*.bz2' -printf '### %p\n' -exec bzgrep "{patternToSearch}" {} \;
I printed the file name through echo command and xargs.
find . -name "*bz2" | parallel -j 128 echo -n {}\" \" | xargs bzgrep {pattern}
Etan is very close with his answer: grep indeed does not show the filename when only dealing with one file, so you can make grep believe he's looking into multiple files, just by adding the NULL file, so the command becomes:
find . -name '{fileNamePattern}*.bz2' -printf '### %p\n'
-exec bzgrep "{patternToSearch}" {} /dev/null \;
(It's a dirty trick but it's helping me already for more than 15 years :-) )

find command moves files but then files become inaccessible

I ran the following command in a parametrized version of a script:
Script1 as
Nooffiles=`find $1 -mmin $2 -type f -name "$3"|wc -l`
if test $Nooffiles -eq 0
exit 1
echo "Successful"
find $1 -mmin $2 -type f -name "$3" -exec mv '{}' $4 \;
The script1 works fine. It moves the files from $1 directory to $4. But after it moves the files to the new directory, I have to run another script like this:
Script2 as
for name in `find $1 -type f -name "$2"`
filename=`ls $name|xargs -n1 basename`
line=`tail -1 $filename | sed "s/Z/Z|$filename/"`
echo $line >> $3;
echo $filename | xargs -n1 basename;
Here, script2 is reading from the directory where the files were moved to by the previous script, script1. They exists there in that directory since the previous moving script worked fine. 'ls' command displays them. But the above script2 says:
File.txt: No such file or directory
Despite ls shows them in the directory, I am getting an error message like this.
Please Help.
Your script really is a mess and please be aware that you should NEVER parse filenames (like the output from ls, or find without -print0 option). See Bash Pitfalls #1.
Apart from that, I think the problem is that in your loop, you truncate the filenames output from find with basename, but then call tail with the base filename as argument, where the file really isn't located in the current folder.
I don't understand what you are doing there, but this is some more correct code that perhaps does next to what you want:
find "$1" -type f -name "$2" -print0 | while read -d '' name
filename=`basename "$name"`
tail -1 "$name" | sed "s/Z/Z|$filename/" >> "$3"
echo "$filename"
But still, there are pitfalls in this script. It is likely to fail with queer filenames input from find. For example, if your filename contains characters that are special to sed. Or if at some point $filename is --help etc.etc.etc.

Recursively remove filename suffix from files in shell

When we develop locally, we append ".dev" or ".prod" to files that should be made available only to the development/production server respectively.
What I would like to do is; after deploying the site to the server, recursively find all files with the ".dev" suffix (for example) and remove it (renaming the file). How would I go about doing this, preferably entirely in the shell (without scripts) so I can add it to our deployment script?
Our servers run Ubuntu 10.04.
Try this (not entirely shell-only, requires the find and mv utilities):
find . '(' -name '*.dev' -o -name '*.prod' ')' -type f -execdir sh -c 'mv -- "$0" "${0%.*}"' '{}' ';'
If you have the rename and xargs utilities, you can speed this up a lot:
find . '(' -name '*.dev' -o -name '*.prod' ')' -type f -print0 | xargs -0 rename 's/\.(dev|prod)$//'
Both versions should work with any file name, including file names containing newlines.
It's totally untested, but this should work in the POSIX-like shell of your choice:
remove-suffix () {
local filename
while read filename; do
mv "$filename" "$(printf %s "$filename" | sed "s/\\.$1\$//")"
find -name '*.dev' | remove-suffix .dev
Note: In the very unusual case that one or more of your filenames contains a newline character, this won't work.
for file in `ls *.dev`; do echo "Old Name $file"; new_name=`echo $file | sed -e 's/dev//'` ; echo "New Name $new_name"; mv $file $new_name; done
In an example of something I used recently this code looks for any file that ends with new.xml changes a date in the filename (filenames were of the form xmlEventLog_2010-03-23T11:16:16_PFM_1_1.xml), removes the _new from the name and renames the filename to the new name :
for file in `ls *new.xml`; do echo "Old Name $file"; new_name=`echo $file | sed -e 's/[0-9]\{4\}-[0-9]\{2\}-[0-9]\{2\}/2010-03-23/g' | sed 's/_new//g'` ; echo "New Name $new_name"; mv $file $new_name; done
Is this the type of thing you wanted?
find /fullpath -type f -name "*.dev"|sed 's|\(.*\)\(\.pdf\)|mv & \1.sometag|' | sh
