Hello i am trying to interface a board with J-ling EDU Segger debugger shown in the attached photo.
The board has 8pin connection but the jlink device has 20 pin connection.
I have tried to look in the manual bellow to find out what each output pin one that device represents
i have attached a photo of the schematics of the board connection.
how do i connect between the board and the JLINK EDU device?
I am building a device and need to use a USB Nordic ID rfid reader. I have a Spark-fun USB host card (V9947), and now need the firmware to allow be bi directional chat in a 'rs232' style serial... just as if it were a hardware or software serial port on the Arduino.
Nordic support have reassured me that their library and examples for the Arduino are normally used with readers with RS232 ports, however the same code will work with their smaller USB device if I can overcome the USB/serial barrier.
I have the library and examples for the USB host board, but cannot determine which example code resembles my requirement requirement, I have looked through the library and found no answer there either.
This could be down to personal stupidity/ignorance... however never been this stumped before. the internet does not seem to have an answer, documentation and support for this board are at best meager.
I hope someone here has managed to solve what should be a simple mission, and I can get on with this project.
Thanks Ian
As not knowing what you already have done, I'll make a walk through the complete setup. Please check(do) each point evenif you think its done already:
Soldering and hardware have no shorts
pin headers of the shield are soldered with no shorts
USB Jack of Arduino is isolated on the top to prevent shorts
With the SparkFun board, it seems like you MUST supply external power on Vin or the barrel jack. 5V from the USB cable will not work reliable.
You must also run a jumper from pin D7 to RESET.
For the board (SparkFun DEV-09947) set up – these are mandatory pre-requirements.Now the software
The code/drivers you need to use for this board are on this GitHub page.
There is a diagnostic test which is extremely useful for checking wether your board is working correctly. Do as follows:
Upload this sketch to your Arduino, then open the Serial Monitor to see the diagnostic info.
To see the output set your Serial Monitor terminal speed to 115200
Plug in your hardware into the USB of the shield
Reset the Arduino to start the diagnostic
Step 1 – you’ll see it recognize the board and start a transfer test
Step 2 – you’ll see it attempt to test the GPIO pins – you’ll get “GPIO test failed” message. Type something in the box at the top of the Serial Monitor, then hit “Send” button and the diagnostic test will continue.
Step 3 – you should see it cycle through a bunch of resets, then it will attempt to detect an USB device – as we have a device plugged into the USB port on the shield you should then see some summary info with a final message of “All tests passed”
So NOW we know the hardware is working and basic software is running.
Next step driver installation/test program for the Nordic
Get the library from here
Import NurMicroApi_arduino.zip to IDE. From menu: Sketch->Include library->Add .ZIP library...
Open example. From menu: File->Examples->NurMicroApi->NurExample
Change baudrates and sw serial pins to match your arduino HW In this example NUR module is connected to arduino via software serial pin 10 (RX) and pin 11 (TX) with baudrate 38400. HW serial is used as print output.
You may have to change this to the USB card connections (see diag-SW)
As an easier option you can use the HID parser to check if your NUR is recognized If that works take a working exmple like:
Working HID example and try to read a tag then start coding with the NUR example from above if values are not correct interpreted
If you want to use the "pure" at-Terminal (RS-232) style you have to get rid of the usb shields functions (lib) and write your own Arduino firmware based (=overcome the USB/serial barrier) on the nordic-api (well documented) Hope this gets you started
I'm trying to write a simple code that sends a string to an xbee and one that sends the string back, I was able to do this with XCTU via console, but I want my arduino to send the string.
I was able to use a simple code that read my output from the serial monitor and sends it to an xbee connected via usb adapter, the problem is that I now wrote the code so it sends a predefined string like in the screenshot, but when I write into the monitor it still sends whatever I wrote instead of the static string. I'm also unable to read what I type into the xbee console from XCTU.
I'd love any assistance in this, I've tried uploading and resetting everything to no avail.
Screenshot of problem with the current code of the arduino on the left
You said you were using an Arduino to try to communicate with your XBee Zigbee module.
One thing you have to check is the connection between the TX and RX signals on the Arduino side and on the XBee Zigbee side.
I've helped someone on another forum who used this Seed Studio XBee shield :
If you look at the schematics of this shield, the XBee 'DOut' signal (Tx) is wired to the XB_TX line which can be connected to any of the AJ2 pin with a jumper.
Now on the Arduino side :
On this extract of the Arduino schematics, we can see that the ATMEGA UART has it's RX signal connected to pin 2 of the CPU which is wired to the IOL (AJ2) pin 0.
So, that means that on this shield, the jumper have to be placed between XB_TX and pin 0 of AJ2 to connect the XBee transmission signal (output) to the ATMEGA reception signal (input) [and also XB_RX have to be connected pin 1 of AJ2].
As you didn't mention what kind of shield you were using, you have to double check this point which is a common issue when using serial communication.
In a general way, ALWAYS connect 1 output to N input (except open-drain or open-collector outputs which can be connected together to make a wired OR but which finally have to be connected to N inputs)
Hope this helps
Best regards
From what I can tell on the documentation Xbee "hijacks" the serial system. Instead try blinking an LED to confirm data is being received and sent.
I have a bar code reader/scanner with RS232 output. I have tried connecting to my PC using RS232 to USB cable (shown in bottom right of the bar code scanner image)
Then used Putty at COM11 and baud rate set to 9600bps.
I was able to scan bar codes with no errors.
The problem is when trying from RS232 to UART. i have used MAX232 and MAX3232 to be able to convert from RS232 to UART and read it using an arduino.
Using MAX3232 just gave no output at all (tried swapping TX and RX). Common ground is connected and tried connection and disconnecting VCC of the board and still no output
Using MAX232 did show some results in the arduino serial output when +5V is not connected and common ground is connected. (results)
Any help would be appreciated
I have two bluetooth HC-6 module and two Arduino UNO board. I want to connect these two arduino module using these bluetooth module. Can i connect?
HC-06 is a Slave only device, which means that you can connect your smartphone to it to send and get data, but itself can not act as a Master. You need at least one module that can act as Master, such as HC-05.
Note that HC-06 looks physically just like the HC-05, and not necessairly cheaper, I believe.
One connected to a HC-05 zs-040 and one connected to a HC-06 zs-040.
The HC-05 has a connection from pin 34 to +3.3v. This activates “full” AT mode.
enter image description here
I want to know a method in Win32 to get the device manufacturer name attached with the serial port.
I have already tried the SetupDiGetDeviceRegistryProperty API with the SPDRP_MFG
option but getting manufacturer name which is mentioned by the driver. What I want manufacturer name associated with the device not with the driver.
My Device is a USB device and appearing as a USB Serial Port(COM4) in the device manager.
A serial device does not send this type of meta data to the computer. There is no hand-shaking done like in a USB connection where the device identifies itself. With a serial device, the computer just starts sending or receiving data.
Run the USBView sample which comes with the WDK to get the manufacturer name and other information about the USB devices.