How to handle a Poisson distribution in R - r

Consider the Poisson distribution x1, x2, ... ~ pois(1) with lambda=1.
I want to write a function that receives a number as input (consider it a) and gives us as output the smallest n (minimum n) which is true for sum(xi)>=a, i=1:n.
I think using a while loop could be fine for this situation (but I am not sure that it's the best way). Perhaps it can be done using other loops like for loop. I do not know how to handle this situation containing a Poisson distribution in R?

A while loop is simple enough to code. It accumulates the values of rpois in s for sum while s < a, counting the iterations in n.
minpois <- function(a){
n <- 0L
s <- 0L
while(s < a) {
n <- n + 1L
s <- s + rpois(1L, lambda = 1)
#[1] 12


How can I make my for loop in R run faster? Can I vectorize this?

#Start: Initialize values
#For each block lengths (BlockLengths) I will run 10 estimates (ThetaL). For each estimate, I simulate 50000 observarions (Obs). Each estimate is calculated on the basis of the blocklength.
Index=0 #Initializing Index.
ThetaL=10 #Number of estimations of Theta.
Obs=50000 #Sample size.
Grp=vector(length=7) #Initializing a vector of number of blocks. It is dependent on block lengths (see L:15)
Theta=matrix(data=0,nrow=ThetaL,ncol=7) #Initializing a matrix of the estimates of Thetas. There are 10 for each block length.
BlockLengths<-c(10,25,50,100,125,200,250) #Setting the block lengths
for (r in BlockLengths){
for (k in 1:ThetaL){
#Start: Constructing the sample
Y1[1,1]<--log(-(Y1[1,1])^2 +1)
Y1[1,2]<--log(-(Y1[1,2])^2 +1)
for (i in 2:Obs)
Y1[i,2]<--log(-(Y1[i,2])^2 +1)
X1 <- vector(length=Obs)
for (i in 1:Obs){
#End: Constructing the sample
K=0 #K will counts number of blocks with at least one exceedance
for (t in 1:Grp[Index]){ #For loop from 1 to number of groups
for (j in (1+r*(t-1)):(t*r)){ #Loop for the sample within each group
if (X1[j]>quantile(X1,0.99)){ #If a value exceeds high threshold, we add 1 to some variable a
if(a>=1){ #For the group, if a is larger than 1, we have had a exceedance.
K=K+1 #Counts number of blocks with at least one exceedance.
N<-sum(X1>=quantile(X1,0.99)) #Summing number of exceedances
Theta[k,Index]<- (1/r) * ((log(1-K/Grp[Index])) / (log(1-N/Obs))) #Estimate
I have been running the above code without errors and it took me about 20 minutes, but I want to run the code for larger sample and more repetitions, which makes the run time absurdly large. I tried to only have the necessary part inside the loops to optimize it a little. Is it possible to optimize it even further or should I use another programming language as I've read R is bad for "for loop". Will vectorization help? In case, how can I vectorize the code?
First, you can define BlockLengths before Grp and Theta as both of them depend on it's length:
Index = 0
ThetaL = 2
Obs = 10000
BlockLengths = c(10,25)
Grp = vector(length = length(BlockLengths))
Theta = matrix(data = 0, nrow = ThetaL, ncol = length(BlockLengths))
Obs: I decreased the size of the operation so that I could run it faster. With this specification, your original loop took 24.5 seconds.
Now, for the operation, there where three points where I could improve:
Creation of Y1: the second column can be generated at once, just by creating Obs random numbers with runif(). Then, the first column can be created as a lag of the second column. With only this alteration, the loop ran in 21.5 seconds (12% improvement).
Creation of X1: you can vectorise the max function with apply. This alteration saved further 1.5 seconds (6% improvement).
Calculation of K: you can, for each t, get all the values of X1[(1+r*(t-1)):(t*r)], and run the condition on all of them at once (instead of using the second loop). The any(...) does the same as your a>=1. Furthermore, you can remove the first loop using lapply vectorization function, then sum this boolean vector, yielding the same result as your combination of if(a>=1) and K=K+1. The usage of pipes (|>) is just for better visualization of the order of operations. This by far is the more important alteration, saving more 18.4 seconds (75% improvement).
for (r in BlockLengths){
Index = Index + 1
Grp[Index] = Obs/r
for (k in 1:ThetaL){
Y1 <- matrix(data = 0, nrow = Obs, ncol = 2)
Y1[,2] <- -log(-(runif(Obs))^2 + 1)
Y1[,1] <- c(-log(-(runif(1))^2 + 1), Y1[-Obs,2])
X1 <- apply(Y1, 1, max)
K <- lapply(1:Grp[Index], function(t){any(X1[(1+r*(t-1)):(t*r)] > quantile(X1,0.99))}) |> unlist() |> sum()
N <- sum(X1 >= quantile(X1, 0.99))
Theta[k,Index] <- (1/r) * ((log(1-K/Grp[Index])) / (log(1-N/Obs)))
Using set.seed() I got the same results as your original loop.
A possible way to improve more is substituting the r and k loops with purrr::map function.

Exponential distribution in R

I want to simulate some data from an exp(1) distribution but they have to be > 0.5 .so i used a while loop ,but it does not seem to work as i would like to .Thanks in advance for your responses !
while (length(x1) < 100) {
if (w > 0.5) {
x1<- w }
else {
1) The code in the question has these problems:
we need a new random variable on each iteration but it only generates new random variables if the if condition is FALSE
x1 is repeatedly overwritten rather than extended
although while could be used repeat seems better since having the test at the end is a better fit than the test at the beginning
We can fix this up like this:
x1 <- c()
repeat {
w <- rexp(1)
if (w > 0.5) {
x1 <- c(x1, w)
if (length(x1) == 100) break
1a) A variation would be the following. Note that an if whose condition is FALSE evaluates to NULL if there is no else leg so if the condition is FALSE on the line marked ## then nothing is concatenated to x1.
x1 <- c()
repeat {
w <- rexp(1)
x1 <- c(x1, if (w > 0.5) w) ##
if (length(x1) == 100) break
2) Alternately, this generates 200 exponential random variables keeping only those greater than 0.5. If fewer than 100 are generated then repeat. At the end it takes the first 100 from the last batch generated. We have chosen 200 to be sufficiently large that on most runs only one iteration of the loop will be needed.
repeat {
r <- rexp(200)
r <- r[r > 0.5]
if (length(r) >= 100) break
r <- head(r, 100)
Alternative (2) is actually faster than (1) or (1a) because it is more highly vectorized. This is despite it throwing away more exponential random variables than the other solutions.
I would advise against a while (or any other accept/reject) loop; instead use the methods from truncdist:
# Sample 1000 observations from a truncated exponential
x <- rtrunc(1000, spec = "exp", a = 0.5);
# Plot
ggplot(data.frame(x = x), aes(x)) + geom_histogram(bins = 50) + xlim(0, 10);
It's also fairly straightforward to implement a sampler using inverse transform sampling to draw samples from a truncated exponential distribution that avoids rejecting samples in a loop. This will be a more efficient method than any accept/reject-based sampling method, and works particularly well in your case, since there exists a closed form of the truncated exponential cdf.
See for example this post for more details.

Faster way to generate large list of vectors from permuted datasets [R]

Setup For the purposes of my simulation, I'm generating a list of B=2000 elements, with each element being the output of a permutation procedure in which I first permute the rows of a 200x8000 matrix and for each column, I calculate the Kolmogorov-Smirnov test statistic between the first and second 100 rows (you can think of the first 100 rows as data from one group and the second 100 rows as data from another group).
Question This process takes a very long time (about 30-40 minutes) to generate the list. Is there a much faster way? In the future, I'd like to increase B to a larger value.
n.row=200; n.col=8000
#Generate sample data
samp.dat = matrix(rnorm(n.row*n.col),nrow=n.row)
perm.KS.list = NULL
for (b in 1:B){
#permute the rows
perm.dat.tmp = samp.dat[sample(nrow(samp.dat)),]
#Compute the permutation-based test statistics
perm.KS.list[[b]]= apply(perm.dat.tmp,2,function(y) ks.test.stat(y[1:100],y[101:200]))
#Modified KS-test function (from base package)
ks.test.stat <- function(x,y){
x <- x[!]
n <- length(x)
y <- y[!]
n.x <- as.double(n)
n.y <- length(y)
w <- c(x, y)
z <- cumsum(ifelse(order(w) <= n.x, 1/n.x, -1/n.y))
z <- z[c(which(diff(sort(w)) != 0), n.x + n.y)] #exclude ties
STATISTIC <- max(abs(z))
The 1:B loop has several places to optimize, but I agree that the real consumer is that inner function. Because you're simulating your well-behaved bootstrap samples, you can make two simplifying assumptions that the general base function can't:
There aren't missing values. This obviates the adjustments
The two sides (ie, x & y) have the same number of elements, so you don't need to count them separately. instead of splitting y in the loop, and them joining them back in the function (into w), just keep it together. The balanced sides also permit simplifications like remove the ifelse() clause. It produces a bunch of 0/1s, which are rescaled to -1/1s with integer arithmetic.
The function is reduced, which saves about 25% of the time. I added integers, instead of doubles inside cumsum().
ks.test.stat.balanced <- function(w){
n <- as.integer(length(w) * .5)
# z <- cumsum(ifelse(order(w) <= n, 1L, -1L)) / n
z <- cumsum((order(w) <= n)*2L - 1L) / n
# z <- z[c(which(diff(sort(w)) != 0), n + n)] #exclude ties
return( max(abs(z)) )
Ties shouldn't occur often with your gaussian rng, and the diff(sort(.)) is very expensive. If you're willing to remove that protection, the time is reduced by about 65%.
If you move the equation for z into abs(), it saves a little time over all those reps. I kept it separate above, so it's easier to read.
edit in case of an unbalanced simulation I'd recommend you:
still keep out the,
still pass w,
still keep as much as possible in integer, not numeric, but
now include arguments n1 & n2 for the two group sizes.
Also, experiment w/ precalculating 1/n before cumsum() to avoid a lot of expensive divisions. Try to think of other math-y ways to extract calculations from an inner loop so it occurs less frequently.

Matrix computation with for loop

I am newcomer to R, migrated from GAUSS because of the license verification issues.
I want to speed-up the following code which creates n×k matrix A. Given the n×1 vector x and vectors of parameters mu, sig (both of them k dimensional), A is created as A[i,j]=dnorm(x[i], mu[j], sigma[j]). Following code works ok for small numbers n=40, k=4, but slows down significantly when n is around 10^6 and k is about the same size as n^{1/3}.
I am doing simulation experiment to verify the bootstrap validity, so I need to repeatedly compute matrix A for #ofsimulation × #bootstrap times, and it becomes little time comsuming as I want to experiment with many different values of n,k. I vectorized the code as much as I could (thanks to vector argument of dnorm), but can I ask more speed up?
Preemptive thanks for any help.
x = rnorm(40)
mu = c(-1,0,4,5)
sig = c(2^2,0.5^2,2^2,3^2)
n = length(x)
k = length(mu)
A = matrix(NA,n,k)
for(j in 1:k){
Your method can be put into a function like this
A.fill <- function(x,mu,sig) {
k <- length(mu)
n <- length(x)
A <- matrix(NA,n,k)
for(j in 1:k) A[,j] <- dnorm(x,mu[j],sig[j])
and it's clear that you are filling the matrix A column by column.
R stores the entries of a matrix columnwise (just like Fortran).
This means that the matrix can be filled with a single call of dnorm using suitable repetitions of x, mu, and sig. The vector z will have the columns of the desired matrix stacked. and then the matrix to be returned can be formed from that vector just by specifying the number of rows an columns. See the following function
B.fill <- function(x,mu,sig) {
k <- length(mu)
n <- length(x)
z <- dnorm(rep(x,times=k),rep(mu,each=n),rep(sig,each=n))
B <- matrix(z,nrow=n,ncol=k)
Let's make an example with your data and test this as follows:
N <- 40
x <- rnorm(N)
mu <- c(-1,0,4,5)
sig <- c(2^2,0.5^2,2^2,3^2)
A <- A.fill(x,mu,sig)
B <- B.fill(x,mu,sig)
# [1] TRUE
I'm assuming that n is an integer multiple of k.
As noted in the comments B.fill is quite slow for large values of n.
The reason lies in the construct rep(...,each=...).
So is there a way to speed A.fill.
I tested this function:
C.fill <- function(x,mu,sig) {
k <- length(mu)
n <- length(x)
sapply(1:k,function(j) dnorm(x,mu[j],sig[j]), simplify=TRUE)
This function is about 20% faster than A.fill.

compute samples variance without loops

Here is what I want to do:
I have a time series data frame with let us say 100 time-series of
length 600 - each in one column of the data frame.
I want to pick up 10 of the time-series randomly and then assign them
random weights that sum up to one. Using those I want to compute the
variance of the sum of the 10 weighted time series variables (e.g.
convex combination).
The df is in the form
i can compute it inside a loop but r is vector oriented and it is not efficient.
ntrials = 10000 = NULL
for (x in 1:ntrials))
temp = t(weights[,x]) %*% cov(df[, samples[, x]]) %*% weights[, x] = cbind(, temp)
Not sure what type of "random" you want for your weights... so I'll use a normal distribution scaled s.t. it sums to one:, 100*600, replace=TRUE), ncol=100))
myfun <- function(inc, DF=x) {
w = runif(10)
w = w / sum(w)
t(w) %*% cov(DF[, sample(seq_along(DF), 10)]) %*% w
lapply(1:ntrials, myfun)
However, this isn't really avoiding loops per say since lapply is just an efficient looping construct. That said, for loops in R aren't explicitly bad or inefficient. Growing a data structure, like you're doing with cbind, however, is.
But in this case since you're only growing it by appending a single element it really wont change things much. The "correct" version would be to pre-allocate your vector using ntrials. = vector(mode='numeric', length=ntrials)
The in your loop assign into it using i:
for (x in 1:ntrials))
temp = t(weights[,x]) %*% cov(df[, samples[, x]]) %*% weights[, x][i] = temp
