Can i increase the click duration on the button clicked - button

The button when it is pressed becomes blue and on release it goes back to normal.What i'm asking is if i could make the button stay clicked longer.Without using the clock modules.Can i use "duration" on my button.If anyone could put an example that would be really helpful.I don't have anywhere else to check.I have checked all links that came up on google.Expecting a help.Thank you.


Unity 5 NGUI Highlighted Sprite Button Script Issue

I'm currently using Unity 5 GUI system and having one issue with the Highlighted Sprite Button Script. Under the Button Script / Sprite Swap / Highlighted Sprite, I can keep the highlighted sprite to stay highlighted, but once I clicked outside the button, it goes back to normal or the highlighted state goes away.
I wanted to the highlighted button to stay on so that the end user know which scene they are in.
How can I keep the highlighted state on until I press another button?
You might want to use a toggle button rather than a Button.
You can just use disabled sprite instead of highlighted sprite and disable and enable each button as per you requirements.
Disable the button according to your scene, you can keep it disabled unless you press any other button. After your scene change just enable the old button and disable new pressed button.

Make WKInterfaceButton keypress clearer in watchOS 2

I find the graphical feedback when pressing buttons (WKInterfaceButton) in watchOS2 is very weak. It is hard to see and even Apple seems to thinks this is the case as they e.g. in the unlock screen change the background to white on active buttons. The default behaviour is to dim the whole button.
How can I make a button press cleared in watchOS 2? I can e.g. change the button text color on activity but how do I easily change it back when it is no longer active?
There is currently no way to detect touch-down, or other events, on WKInterfaceButtons like you can on UIButtons on iOS. The only touch event you can detect is touch-up-inside, which calls the IBAction method.
Therefore what you wish to accomplish cannot be accomplished. Something you might consider is animating the button appearance once the action has been triggered. For example in my app upon button tap I animate the button's background color, then animate it back to the original color. That provides more visual confirmation to the user so they are certain the button was tapped.
I'd encourage you to file an enhancement request at if you'd like to have more control with touch events.

Click on button (with Tablet) don"t work

I have problem with click button in tablet.Problem is when i press first time on button i get button:hover and that when i press again on this button it do the event.
(First touch making button hovered and Second make the event)
I need to do some kind double click to do the event or to disable button:hover(i don"t want this solution).
Or i need to check if this (first)click come from Tablet then i can to disable button:hover but only to Tablet users to Pc
Can any 1 know how to resolve this problem?

Potential conflict between a Dialog and Back button

I nailed down a weird behavior on JQM.
Since the page is based on JQM Boiler plate, I do not include the full page here. I published the code on jsfiddle.
Here is a summary of the behavior click actions:
Here is the extract of the relevant code:
<div id="oneapart"
data-title="Home page">
I do not understand why the last click on the List button (a jquery mobile back button) requires 2 click to actually act on the link. In fact, the weird behavior is that a first click highlight the button in blue, but it remains as is without switching to the previous page until a second click happens.
Any help will be appreciated.
This issue can be fixed by adding the data-rel="back" to the button in the popup.
The issue posted on Github has been marked as resolved because of that.
The issue happens because data-rel="back" is missing in the link of the large cancel button in #jerone his fiddle. See "Closing dialogs" here:
The back button on pageTwo is dynamically created. When you don't use data-rel="back" on the link that brings you back from dialogThree (which is also a page) to pageTwo it adds an item to the history stack. That's why the back button on pageTwo then requires two clicks to actually bring you back to pageOne.
The active state is removed from a (back) button on the pagehide event. On the first click you stay on the same page, so this event doesn't fire and the button keeps the active state.
I added data-rel="back" and then everything works as expected:
Closing as resolved.
The bug you're describing consists of 2 parts;
why does it require two clicks to revert?
why stays the button active (blue)?
The first part of the bug is not a bug; you open a popup, but instead of going back (e.g. data-rel='back' you open a page that is the same as the previous one. So if you press the back button, it reopens the previous page that is actually the same page as you were on right now (if it make sense).
Why the button stays active, I don't know...
EDIT: I cleaned up your code a bit:

Flex 4 - creating pop-up without disabling background / drag image without mouseup trigger?

Sorry to bother you, but I was hoping you could help me. We are currently building a new web site and have run into some issues with our programmer. I am trying to do some research to see if we can find a way for my issue to be solved so that I can let my programmer know.
First issue:
Go here:
At the pop-up just enter some example text.
Now, when you hover over any text boxes on the left of the card, you will see that the text boxes become highlighted with a border. If you click in a text box, a properties pop-up appears that allows you to change the font, color, alignment, etc. When you click close, it will take you back to the product and will highlight the text. I want the user to be able to click anywhere within a text box to type new text. For example, in the bottom text box, where it says "join us to celebrate", the user should be able to click anywhere in that text to change the wording. They might want it to say "join me to celebrate" instead of "join us to celebrate". However, if they click next to the word "us" so that they can change it....the pop-up appears.
Is there a way to just have a pop-up appear to the side and not have the background grayed out and disabled?
Also, is there a way to be able to click anywhere in the text box to edit just certain words or letters?
Second and final question:
If you click on "Click to add photo", you will see a pop-up appear that allows you to upload an image, edit it, etc. After uploading the image, I want the user to be able to move the image around with their mouse by dragging it and positioning it in the exact spot that they want it in. We also have the arrows where they can click the up, down, left or right arrow in the image editor pop-up....but I would like for them to be able to drag the image with their mouse as well. We know how to enable dragging of the image. However, the problem occurs when the user releases the mouse button. On the mouseup when the user is done dragging....the pop-up will appear since the pop-up is triggered by the release of the mouse button.
Does that make sense?
Sorry for the long message and THANKS SO MUCH for your help!
For the first part of your question, when showing the dialog box for the properties of the text area, you can pop it up as a non-modal window. This means the properties dialog will show but will not lock out the rest of the UI, enabling the user to change the text however they like. It also means the background does not blur/grey out. To pop up a window in a non-modal state, call PopUpManager.createPopUp (or PopUpManager.addPopUp) with the third parameter (modal) set to false.
For the second issue, set a member variable such as "isDragging" to true when you detect that the user is dragging the image around. Then on mouse up, only display the pop up if isDragging is false.
Hope that helps.
