Brackets Git error - no clone & init commands available - adobe-brackets

I face to an issue with Brackets and Brackets Git that I didn't faced with two previous installations on my other Apple devices.
When I open a new empty folder in Brackets, automatically Brackets Git shows the following error message:
Error: fatal: neither this nor any of its parent directories is a git repository: .git
I'm not allow to Clone or Init the folder as the two commands don't appears.
I tried to open folders that I worked with previously and that are already on my GitHub account, all is work well. Brackets Git IU shows all the available commands.


Error while executing git add command

I have been using git for last couple of months in my application and it works perfectly fine.
Today I got an error while executing command:
git add *
warning: LF will be replaced by CRLF in Source Code/Bin/itextsharp.xml.
The file will have its original line endings in your working directory.
error: readlink("Source Code/aspnet_client"): Function not implemented
error: unable to index file Source Code/aspnet_client
fatal: adding files failed
Looks like you are trying to add links. Git has problems with adding symlinks on Window.
There is not much you can do with is rather then commiting in unix machine or try from git bash instead of the cmd.

Rstudio cant detect git

I trying to create a project from version control. However when I click git I get the following error:
Git was not detected on the system path.
Googling showed me that I to specify my git executable in my options:
So therefore I filled in "C:/Program Files/Git/bin/git.exe" in the field named: Git executable.
Having done this I still receive the same error however.
Any thoughts on what goes wrong here?
Configure RStudio to use git
Open RStudio
Click Tools -> Global Options -> Git/SVN
If Git executable shows (none), click Browse and select the git executable installed on your system
Restart RStudio if you make any changes.
Read this for more info:

RStudio gives "Incorrect function" when setting git as Version control

When I create a new project and select to create a new Git repository, or when I try to change the version control system in project options I receive a RStudio error stating "Incorrect function" with a big X and no extra information.
The below link has a similar issue, but their solution of changing the path for git.exe has not helped (i have tried all three paths)
Some extra notes:
RStudio allows me to clone repository to set new working directory
Also git works in bash, so i feel this is an RStudio issue.
I encountered the same error. For me it also had to do with using a network path not a local directory for the project location (as for lewis1211).
Workaround: Map the network drive. E.g. Map your //server/share to some drive, say Z: (using map network drive, if you are using windows). If you set your project up under Z: then, it works.
If you have already chosen "git.exe" in RStudio --> Tools --> Global Options --> Git/SVN, then try to open Rstudio shell and type git init. In my case it showed "Permission denied", and after running as administrator the problem has gone.
This is only a partial answer if it fixes your problem: I reproduced this when trying to use a network path for a project location. When using a local directory no error occurs. Could indeed be an RStudio issue.
Run you R studio as Project administration.
This solves my issue.
I had the same problem. The Git-RStudio-Connection fails but git is working perfectly in the CMD. When running the git init command in CMD it works and creates a .git folder. But running the git init command in the RStudio terminal fails with a message Warning: unable to access 'C:/Users/%username%/.gitconfig': Permission denied ... fatal: unknown error occured while reading the configuration files.
The Version Control Sytem (VCS) or git-Panel does not appear in RStudio and selecting it in the projects options leads to the same message Error: Unzulässige Function (eng. Error: Incorrect function).
A closer look into the .gitconfig file should give you a new solution approach hopefully without having administration rights. Comparing the installation on the integration worksation with a productive workstation shows, that on the Test-Machine an incomplete .gitconfig file is on C:/Users/%username%/.gitconfig and on the Productive-Machine a complete gitconfig file is on Z:/.gitconfig. By the way, Z is a mapped drive which is linking to the company's user-profile settings (see CMD > echo %HOMEDRIVE%).
According to this analysis there should be multiple possible solution approaches:
(1) delete the corrupt .gitconfig and hope the the system is correctly looking into your profiles directory
(2) complete the .gitconfig file that all necessary information are there. The message fatal: unknown error occured while reading the configuration files could actually be a hint, that the first message access... permission denied is false and the problem lies in the incomplete file.
(3) Be aware that there can be a confusion between ".gitconfig" as FILE and ".gitconfig" as FOLDER. Check this with changing directory with cd to folder and cat to show the file content. It will tell you that you cannot display a folder as file-content.
(4) Change the location of the config file with git config --file FullnameToGitconfig. e.g. git config --file %USERPROFILE%/.gitconfig or git config --file %USERPROFILE%/.gitconfig/gitconfig or git config --file %HOMEDRIVE%/.gitconfig etc.
name = DOE John
email =
tool = kdiff3
[mergetool "kdiff3"]
path = C:/Program Files/KDiff3/kdiff3.exe
guitool = kdiff3
[difftool "kdiff3"]
path = C:/Program Files/KDiff3/kdiff3.exe
editor = \"C:/Program Files (x86)/GitExtensions/GitExtensions.exe\" fileeditor

PHPExcel CyclicReferenceStack not found

I just upgraded PHPExcel to the latest one. In my code I call
$objPHPExcel = PHPExcel_IOFactory::load($file['tmp_name']);
for an uploaded xlsx file. I get this error: Fatal error: Class 'PHPExcel_CalcEngine_CyclicReferenceStack' not found in /home/rrd/public_html/laksmi/app/Vendor/PHPExcel/Calculation.php on line 1733
I tried to delete all formulas, and just have only one sheet, and I get the same error. How should I solve this?
had the same error! just make chmod of the whole folder 777 and its working again
because maybe you overwrote the old folders which had set the right permission but calcengine folder is new!
I was seeing the same error after updating from an older version of PHPExcel.
Renamed the old directory (as a convenient backup).
Added the latest source as a new directory, with the original folder name.
Tested locally and saw no problems.
Committed the changes to git (git commit -A for tracked and untracked files).
Pushed the git repo to my production environment.
"Class 'PHPExcel_CalcEngine_CyclicReferenceStack' not found" message in production
After some quick debugging, I found that the git commit after swapping out files in steps #1 and #2 didn't capture PHPExcel's newer CalcEngine directory. Not sure why this occurred, but I ran another git commit -A and it appeared to synchronize correctly.

Bazaar repository got broken by moving it

I've gotten the OpenERP source using the instructions.
I've moved the whole source directory somewhere else in my home.
Now, when I try to pull changes it throws errors:
shahar#shahar-desktop:~/src/openerp⟫ make pull
# update all trunk branch
for i in addons client oldweb web server; do [ -d $i ] && (cd $i && bzr pull && cd ..); done
bzr: ERROR: Not a branch: "/home/shahar/src/openerp/addons/.bzr/branches/origin/trunk/
bzr: ERROR: Not a branch: "/home/shahar/src/openerp/client/.bzr/branches/origin/trunk/
bzr: ERROR: Not a branch: "/home/shahar/src/openerp/web/.bzr/branches/origin/trunk/
bzr: ERROR: Not a branch: "/home/shahar/src/openerp/server/.bzr/branches/origin/trunk/
make: *** [pull] Error 3
2 shahar#shahar-desktop:~/src/openerp⟫
It isn't the make script that's at fault:
2 shahar#shahar-desktop:~/src/openerp⟫ cd server/
shahar#shahar-desktop:~/src/openerp/server⟫ bzr pull
bzr: ERROR: Not a branch: "/home/shahar/src/openerp/server/.bzr/branches/origin/trunk/
3 shahar#shahar-desktop:~/src/openerp/server⟫
The paths that are printed above seem to be stemming from each repository's .bzr/branch/location file.
I've discovered this file when I tried to fix this issue by using grep -rI /home/shahar. And then I've changed the path within this file from what it was to what you see now. I thought that it could perhaps fix the issue but it didn't. I still got the same errors (with the new paths).
I couldn't find any info about moving bzr repositories in the whole of the interwebs with Google or in StackOverflow.
The installation script you used seems to use the bzr-colo plugin to manage colocated branches.
The bzr-colo manual indicates that because absolute pathnames are used to store references to branches, when a colocated workspace is moved on disk, the link from the checkout to the current branch gets broken.
This can theoretically be fixed by running bzr colo-fixup in the broken branch directory, however it does not seem work very often (in my experience).
In that case the manual recommends running this command to re-force a branch switch:
bzr switch --force .bzr/branches/<current branch name>
According to the output of your commands, this should be:
bzr switch --force .bzr/branches/origin/trunk
for you.
You do not even need to edit the .bzr/branch/location first, as it will be correct after the switch. This has always fixed the situation for me.
