Expose RDBMS (SQLite) data as SPARQL endpoint - sqlite

I am working on a demo for which I need to expose some data stored in the SQLite DB file as a SPARQL endpoint that can be queried. This doesn't have to be fancy at the moment just a way to expose static data as the RDF is fine for me.
I am wondering if anyone knows how to achieve this using any Open source or free tools available.
I understand that I might have to write r2rml mapping file and other configurations, however I am unable to find a way to do the same. I hear Apache Jena can do the trick, however can't find a good example on how to achieve this.
Does someone knows a good tutorial that shows how this can be achieved.

After looking at various options, i found http://d2rq.org/ as the most easiest way to expose my RDBMS data as SPARQL endpoit.
Please follow the documentation on the portal, which is very generous on explaining how this can be achieved.


How to migrate content from Documentum WebTop to Alfresco?

I want to migrate content with metadata from Documentum WebTop to Alfresco.
Can anyone please help me with the possible ways and some basic steps if possible.
For the moment I can think about using apache chemistry open CMIS API to connect to both repository and migrate content.
But is there any other simplest way available? or is there any tool available that we can use as is with slight modifications?
Your inputs will be really helpfull.
Thanks in Advance...
The simplest way possible is to use CMIS to read from Documentum and write to Alfresco, especially if you don't already know anything about Documentum. That way you only have to learn one API.
This assumes your version of Documentum supports CMIS.
If you have a high volume of data to move you will probably end up implementing some sort of queue or streaming approach, as Miki suggests. But that still doesn't require you to write DFC code unless CMIS falls short in some area.
There are various ways.
Easiest way could be using middle layer migration app/toolkit/platform and implement DFC client for reading to middle layer from Documentum.
On the write side of your middle layer you could easily use client that could consume REST api at the Alfresco target environment.
We've done this using Kafka as a middle layer using source & sink connectors (Confluent).

Examples of Gremlin queries with Neo4jClient

I am building an ASP.NET application with Neo4j database so I am using Neo4jClient. I want to execute Gremlin queries, but I haven't been able to find good examples of writing Gremlin queries with Neo4jClient and C#. Everything I find are Groovy examples with Gremlin console, so I would appreciate if someone could write an example of a basic query in C#, just so that I can figure out how this works.
Neo4jClient no longer supports gremlin queries, if you try to do anything with the .Gremlin bits you'll see they are all marked as Obsolete and are likely to be removed in the near future.
If you really need to see examples, there are a couple of questions on here which have valid Gremlin queries (for example: neo4j - Issue converting gremlin query to cypher) or you could clone the old bitbucket neo4jclient repo and look through the wiki (Gremlin Wiki History).
Having said that all the examples I see use client.RootNode as the base point - this is meaningless (as far as I know) for a Neo4j 2+ as RootNode doesn't exist - and I have no idea what will happen if you try to use it.
If you can I would look at Cypher it's much much nicer and works brilliantly via the client.

How to display a query results from Open CMIS, Alfresco?

Newcomer to Alfresco and Web Development here, so bear with me. I've so far installed Alfresco and was able to use the Maven AMP archetype to create my own custom content model for the data I need to store in it. Now I need to access this data from an external site by querying the Alfresco repository.
I've followed what I can find on CMIS and was able to execute a query using curl and get the results I expect in a large XML stream. My colleague was having an uphill battle trying to interpret these results using Coldfusion. Now I searched around, and understand that to interpret these results and make the process a bit easier, it is better to use some kind of client like Open CMIS (or Chemistry, I'm still a bit confused on the terminology here).
We've so far tried the the PHP client, but received some errors from the xmlLoad function not reading 'nbsp' characters. PHP seemed like the easiest version to implement, though we're considering moving to Java if that works better. However, we've seen very scarce documentation on either end. Are there some better examples that we may have missed or maybe some other way to do this? Seems like this should be simple to implement, yet it's given us quite the stall due to the brick wall that Alfresco and CMIS seem to be.
If you don't want to use a library, the CMIS Browser Binding might work better for you. It returns JSON instead of XML.
http://<host>/alfresco/api/-default-/public/cmis/versions/1.1/browser?cmisselector=query&succinct=true&q=SELECT * FROM cmis:document
Shouldn't be a brick wall at all. Here are some resources:
The custom content types tutorial has a section on CMIS,
including CMIS queries which may be helpful to you even if you do not need custom types
The CMIS & Apache Chemistry book from
Manning is a good resource (disclosure: Florian and I co-authored it
along with another colleague, Jay Brown)
There are some Java examples on Google Code
There are additional resources and helpful links on the Alfresco CMIS page

Whether sencha touch2 supports SQLite database?

I am a newbie to Sencha Touch2, and I have started developing some sample applications.I was just wandering that database like SQLite is supported in this? I googled a lot on it but I ended up in searching with Sencha touch2 proxy which is quite like local database.
Any help on this would be appreciated a lot.
Thank you
Well, that depends how you've implemented the DB. For example, CouchDB provides a REST interface, so you can use the REST proxy. Or you can use the WebSQL interface if you want to give that a try. If you only need client-side storage there is also just using the localstorage proxy (which is pretty dead simple).
I haven't seen an SQLlite implementation, but it's certainly possible. If you have specific questions on implementing a proxy for one of these, maybe update your post with some specific questions or issues you are having.

WebFocus - is there a free/open source alternative?

What is a good free/open source alternative to WebFOCUS?
Is there an ASP.NET way of getting info from an OLAP cube?
Update: I chose Magnus Smith's answer as the correct one, but Alexmac's answer was also very good!
I am not aware of free analytical suite. But what is it you are trying to accomplish?
You can query an OLAP cube by using MDX queries with ADO.net.
You can then bind the results to a datagrid for example. MDX is a little like SQL but be careful as it has several syntax differences. I think Excel has a query tool you can use to graphically construct your queries which can be helpful.
On a related note look into SQL reporting services. With SQL express you can use a cut down version of sql reporting services that may accomplish what you are looking to do.
Watch out, MDX is horrible - nothing like SQL even though it looks like it is.
You can get a .NET control to show OLAP data on a web page. Our company tested one from Dundas that was OK. I never got involved though so I don't know if it was brilliant or merely serviceable.
We gave up on SQL Reporting Services as it was not suitable for Internet usage (fine on Intranet though).
