How to sort numerical data coming out of Grakn - vaticle-typedb

I have numerical data coming out of grakn with a query that looks like this:
$b isa component, has score $sc;
get $sc;
score has been defined like this:
score sub attribute, datatype double;
Now I want to take the output from $sc and sort this ascending and descending. How to do this with Graql?

The answers of a get can be sorted using sort as follows:
$b isa component, has score $sc;
get $sc;
sort $sc asc;
Replace asc with desc for a descending sort order.


Kusto sub query selection using toscalar - returns only last matching record

I am referring sqlcheatsheet - Nested queries
Query 1:
| where customDimensions.Domain == "someDomain"
| where message contains "some-text"
| project itemId=substring(itemId,indexof(itemId,"-"),strlen(itemId))
Result :
Query 2:
| where customDimensions.Domain == "someDomain"
| where itemId has toscalar(
| where customDimensions.Domain == "someDomain"
| where message contains "some-text"
| project itemId=substring(itemId,indexof(itemId,"-"),strlen(itemId)))
Result for the second query returns records matching only last record of sub query
ie:) > -c580-11e9-9b01-c3be0f4a2bf2
Question :
How get entire result set that has matching with all the three items.
My requirement is to take entire sequence of logs for a particular request.
To get that I have below inputs, I could able to take one log, from that I can find ItemId
The itemId looks like "b5066283-c7ea-11e9-9e9b-2ff40863cba4". Rest of all logs related to this request must have "-c7ea-11e9-9e9b-2ff40863cba4" this value. Only first part will get incremented like b5066284 , b5066285, b5066286 like that.
toscalar(), as its name implies, returns a scalar value.
Given a tabular argument with N columns and M rows it'll return the value in the 1st column and the 1st row.
For example: the following will return a single value - 1
let T = datatable(a:int, b:int, c:int)
print toscalar(T)
If I understand the intention in your 2nd query correctly, you should be able to achieve your requirement by using has_any.
For example:
let T = datatable(item_id:string)
| where item_id has_any (
| parse item_id with * "-" item_id

using xquery to count employees in department (same lvl tag)

I have a xml file like this:
I want to know the number of employees per department ordered by the average salary of the department.
My main problem to do this is that "department" and "salary" are at the same level and I don't know how to use FLWOR in this situation.
for $emp in //emp_num
group by $d := $emp/department
order by avg($emp/salary)
return count($emp)

Symfony order by the content of a specific field

I want to sort data in repository based on the content of a specific field
For example i have an entity person with the fields role,fistName and lastName.
I would like to sort using ->orderBy('p.role', ???) and get a list ordered based on this order : professors then directors then teachers and at last students .
Example of my database:
Wanted result:
Ps: i can not use ASC or DESC since my sorting order is neither ASC nor DESC;
it is a custom order
Very strage scenario, you could use a CASE statement in order to assing a custom value for each fields then sort on him.
You could use the HIDDEN keyword.
As example take a look at this DQL:
WHEN p.role = "professor" THEN 1
WHEN p.role = "director" THEN 2
WHEN p.role = "teacher" THEN 3
WHEN p.role = "student" THEN 4
AS HIDDEN mySortRule
FROM Bundle\Entity\Person p
Hope this help

Query to find 'most watched' [COUNT()] from one table while returning the results from another

The question probably is quite confusing.
In affect i have the following:
WatchList table
UserId | FilmId
| 3 77
| etc etc
these are foreign keys for the following tables
FilmDB - Film_title, Film_plot, Film_Id etc.
aspnet_memberships - UserId, Username etc..
Now, i presume i will need to use a join but i am struggling with the syntax.
I would like to use 'Count' on the 'WatchList' and return the most frequent filmId's and their counterpart information, but i'd then like to return the REST of the FilmDB results, essentially giving me a list of ALL films, but with those found in the WatchedList my frequently sorted to the top.
Does that make sense? Thanks.
FROM filmdb
SELECT filmid, count(*) AS cnt
FROM watch_list
GROUP BY filmid) AS a
ON filmdb.film_id = a.filmid
ORDER BY isnull(cnt, 0) DESC;!3/46b16/10
You did not specify if the query should be grouped by film_id or user_id. The example I have provided is grouped by user if you change that to film_id then you will get the watch count for all users per film.
You need to use a subquery to get the count and then order the results by the count descending to get an ordered list.
INNER JOIN FilmDB ON FilmDB.Film_Id=WatchList.Film_Id
WatchCount DESC

In query in SQLite

"IN" query is not working. Please guide me if i am wrong.
KaizenResultsInformationTable is MasterTable having field "recordinfo", this field contains Child table Ids as string.
kaizenResultsRecordInformationTable is Childtable having field "recordId".
I have to match records of child.
select recordinfo from KaizenResultsInformationTable
Output: ;0;1;2;3;4;5;6;7;8;9;10
select substr(replace(recordinfo,';','","'),3,length(recordinfo))
from KaizenResultsInformationTable`
Output: "0","1","2","3","4","5"
This query is not working:
select * from kaizenResultsRecordInformationTable
where substr(recordid,0,2) in (
select substr(replace(recordinfo,';','","'),3,length(recordinfo))
from KaizenResultsInformationTable
This query is working:
select * from kaizenResultsRecordInformationTable
where substr(recordid,0,2) in ("0","1","2","3","4","5")
You can't use in like that. In your second query, you are passing in a single string containing a comma-separated list of values.
It is better to represent a list of IDs as one record for each value.
Also, I'm not sure why you are taking a substring of your recordid. You should usually be storing one value per column.
However, if you can't change the schema, you can use string matching with 'like' instead of 'in'. Something like this should work:
select a.* from kaizenResultsRecordInformationTable a
join KaizenResultsInformationTable b
on (';'+b.recordinfo+';') LIKE ('%;'+trim(substr(recordid,0,2))+';%')
So if your recordinfo looks like 1;2;3;4;5;6, and your substr(recordid,0,2) looks like 1, this will include that row if ";1;2;3;4;5;6;" LIKE "%;1;%", which is true.
