SVG Icons are Invisible [closed] - css

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Closed 2 years ago.
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I'm working on a BigCommerce theme and somewhere along the way, the SVG icons that are inside buttons disappeared. I can't for the life of me figure out what style is causing them not to show.
Here's a link to an example page:

I've hit this issue in the past when adding custom SVGs to the sprite that contain defs in them. Review the SVGs you've added. Move those SVGs that have defs into your image folder and utilise them individually. Re-run svgstore and your icons will return.


Different result on stretched image CSS by Firefox and Chrome [closed]

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Closed 2 days ago.
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i faced this problem showing my images and i tried to figure out how to prevent this but didn't succeed.
On firefox the images is stretched , on chrome they appear good. im confused because a lot of Css rule on different class.
there is a special CSS rule to add to get the same result on both navigator or need to modify the CSS rule applied ?

Background color shows through button [closed]

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Closed 7 days ago.
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I changed the footer background color and now it shows through the button. Can you please help me fix it?
Sorry:) I'm using a SquareSpace template that has a color theme. However, you can customize the theme by adding CSS in the header of the page. I have used: footer, footer* { background-color: #FFF;} and this happened. Does this help? –

Remove white spaces around the images [closed]

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Closed 3 years ago.
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I am working on a website
There are images in the right side of the website i.e. in the right side bar. You can see that the images have white space around them. I want to remove that white space. I want the images to be fit into the space and no white space should be there. Please tell me that how can I do this. I think some CSS will do work. But I do not know which classes should be targeted. Please help me in this regard. Thanks
Open Chrome Dev tool by pressing the combination
DevTools can help you edit pages on-the-fly and diagnose problems quickly. I've found that you have extra padding in the sidebar just remove that it will fix.
Here are the classes
.sidebar-primary .widget
I hope it will work. I have tried using Devtool it works fine.

Unexpected margin/padding on the right side of my website [closed]

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Closed 4 years ago.
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I am using vuejs and bootstrap framework for my website; however, there is a white space on the right hand side of the entire website which I do not know how to get rid of. I try to eliminate the margin or padding, but nothing works. Please help.
Testing website link
This (as mentioned) has nothing to do with VueJs. You seem to have several elements that extend the width. One quick way you can fix that is using this css
#app {
overflow-x: hidden;

How to make curved border of a div block? [closed]

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Closed 6 years ago.
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There is a plcture of some
landing page. As we can see a there is a curved border of header's div. How to curve it up like that in a browser?
This effect can be achieved using the "border-radius" property in CSS.
Edit -
Further to #Patrick's comment, without a link to the actual page where we can inspect the HTML directly, it's difficult to tell how this effect has been achieved. It could be as simple as a background image, or a more complicated solution using shapes like Patrick suggested.
