Remove white spaces around the images [closed] - css

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Closed 3 years ago.
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I am working on a website
There are images in the right side of the website i.e. in the right side bar. You can see that the images have white space around them. I want to remove that white space. I want the images to be fit into the space and no white space should be there. Please tell me that how can I do this. I think some CSS will do work. But I do not know which classes should be targeted. Please help me in this regard. Thanks

Open Chrome Dev tool by pressing the combination
DevTools can help you edit pages on-the-fly and diagnose problems quickly. I've found that you have extra padding in the sidebar just remove that it will fix.
Here are the classes
.sidebar-primary .widget
I hope it will work. I have tried using Devtool it works fine.


Center menu buttons in the second line woocommerce [closed]

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Closed yesterday.
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So, I need to align buttons in the middle of menu, after they move to next line. I'm pretty new to wordpress and css, but already have tried "few solutions" from internet and my own ideas.
Site URL:
The first thing i tried was "text-align: center", but it did nothing. So I decided to change it to "align-items: center" - same result. After that i started looking and messing around the whole header css changing things to "center", editing max width - no result.
Finally I've decided to change float to "right" and it had some kind of result. Every button moved to right even on the second line. So I immediately decided to change it to "center" and the whole menu went vertical. Of course that wasn't the result I was looking for but finally something has changed.
Hope someone can help me with it!
Thanks in advance!

Unexpected margin/padding on the right side of my website [closed]

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Closed 4 years ago.
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I am using vuejs and bootstrap framework for my website; however, there is a white space on the right hand side of the entire website which I do not know how to get rid of. I try to eliminate the margin or padding, but nothing works. Please help.
Testing website link
This (as mentioned) has nothing to do with VueJs. You seem to have several elements that extend the width. One quick way you can fix that is using this css
#app {
overflow-x: hidden;

White border around image in CSS, Why is this appearing and how do I get rid of it? [closed]

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Closed 7 years ago.
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I have been playing around with some images in CSS and have been attempting to use border: none; in the styling to get rid of the white boxes surrounding my images as shown here:
Have you guys ever encountered this? Slash am I forgetting a style to manipulate.. I've used firebug to go over the CSS and there is no direct white border put around the images.
Try this
if you want inside just particular class scope
.yourClass img{border:0;}
This will also work img{border:none, outline: none;}

Create parallax slide effect on scroll [closed]

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Closed 8 years ago.
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I'm trying to create a parallax like effect. I have 10 background images and eight foreground images. Here is a fiddle to show what I came up with so far:
The red squares represent the foreground images.
Now I need to animate foreground images somehow, as if they slide in from the bottom while scrolling, and out of the screen at the top, so back and forth, like rain falling down (and up :) So the foreground images move faster than the background images.
I already tried quite a few things, but really don't know where to start. Skrollr.js is also an option, but that's really something on itself to learn and I guess for this there has to be a simpler solution.
I tried this Guide once and it worked. The more you move the divs back with the translateZ rule the slower it moves.
edit: url broken, updated url

sidebar is hanging over page wrapper tag [closed]

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Closed 7 years ago.
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In my attempt to be terribly clever and have my #secondary sidebar sit on top of the slideshow on my homepage, I have somehow made the area dangle over the #wrapper on all the secondary pages. Have added a removed a whole bunch of div tags, nudged things around and tried everything else I can think of. Anyone have a suggestion how to fix this?
This is the homepage: and the sidebar dangles on any other page (the shame!) Thanks!
You won't have a problem once you add content to those pages, though. Not sure what the issue is. An absolutely positioned element is taken out of the document flow, so the wrapper will not take any notice of the sidebar. You could alternatively float it and give it a negative top margin on the home page.
