geom_line with x-axis in order of appearance - r

this is the first question I post here, so please excuse if I don't provide all information right away.
I'm trying to build a line graph with two lines:
y1 <- c(1000,1500,1000,1500,2000,3000,4000)
y2 <- c(1100,1400,900,1500,2000,2500,3500)
x <- c(49,50,51,1,2,49,50)
df <- data.frame(y1,y2,x)
Imagine x being calendar weeks, I skipped the weeks between 3 and 48 of the second year.
Now I want to build a line graph, which display the x-axis values (time series) in this order.
First I tried a really simple approach:
p <- ggplot()
p <- p + geom_line(data=df,aes(x=x,y=y1))
p <- p + geom_line(data=df,aes(x=x,y=y2), color = "red")
Problem: R sorts the x values and also sums up same week numbers.
I then tried to change the x values to make them unique, e.g. 49/19,50/19, but R still changes the order. Same happens if I use geom_path instead of geom_line.
I then tried to change x to a factor and use x_scale_discrete, but I couldn't figure out, how to do it, either the lines or the x labels were always missing.
I hope you can give me some kind of advice.
Many thanks,

You can add a prefix of the year to your x value, and we pad it using str_pad() from stringr with a zero, so that they will be sorted from 01 all the way to 52:
df$week = paste(rep(c("2019","2020"),c(3,4)),
pivot this long, so that we get a legend:
# A tibble: 14 x 3
week name value
<chr> <chr> <dbl>
1 2019_49 y1 1000
2 2019_49 y2 1100
3 2019_50 y1 1500
4 2019_50 y2 1400
5 2019_51 y1 1000
6 2019_51 y2 900
7 2020_01 y1 1500
8 2020_01 y2 1500
9 2020_02 y1 2000
Then use this directly in ggplot
aes(x=week,y=value,group=name,col=name)) +
geom_line() + scale_color_manual(values=c("black","red"))

One approach is to replace x with a sequence of integers and then apply the x-axis labels afterwards.
ggplot(data = df, aes(x = seq(1,nrow(df)))) +
geom_line(aes(y=y1)) +
geom_line(aes(y=y2), color = "red") +
scale_x_continuous(breaks = seq(1,nrow(df)),
labels = as.character(df$x)) +
labs(x = "Week")


ggplot2 - How to plot length of time using geom_bar?

I am trying to show different growing season lengths by displaying crop planting and harvest dates at multiple regions.
My final goal is a graph that looks like this:
which was taken from an answer to this question. Note that the dates are in julian days (day of year).
My first attempt to reproduce a similar plot is:
mydat <- "Region\tCrop\tPlanting.Begin\tPlanting.End\tHarvest.Begin\tHarvest.End\nCenter-West\tSoybean\t245\t275\t1\t92\nCenter-West\tCorn\t245\t336\t32\t153\nSouth\tSoybean\t245\t1\t1\t122\nSouth\tCorn\t183\t336\t1\t153\nSoutheast\tSoybean\t275\t336\t1\t122\nSoutheast\tCorn\t214\t336\t32\t122"
# read data as data table
mydat <- setDT(read.table(textConnection(mydat), sep = "\t", header=T))
# melt data table
m <- melt(mydat, id.vars=c("Region","Crop"),"Period","value")
# plot stacked bars
ggplot(m, aes(x=Crop, y=value, fill=Period, colour=Period)) +
geom_bar(stat="identity") +
facet_wrap(~Region, nrow=3) +
coord_flip() +
theme_bw(base_size=18) +
scale_colour_manual(values = c("Planting.Begin" = "black", "Planting.End" = "black",
"Harvest.Begin" = "black", "Harvest.End" = "black"), guide = "none")
However, there's a few issues with this plot:
Because the bars are stacked, the values on the x-axis are aggregated and end up too high - out of the 1-365 scale that represents day of year.
I need to combine Planting.Begin and Planting.End in the same color, and do the same to Harvest.Begin and Harvest.End.
Also, a "void" (or a completely uncolored bar) needs to be created between Planting.Begin and Harvest.End.
Perhaps the graph could be achieved with geom_rect or geom_segment, but I really want to stick to geom_bar since it's more customizable (for example, it accepts scale_colour_manual in order to add black borders to the bars).
Any hints on how to create such graph?
I don't think this is something you can do with a geom_bar or geom_col. A more general approach would be to use geom_rect to draw rectangles. To do this, we need to reshape the data a bit
plotdata <- mydat %>%
dplyr::mutate(Crop = factor(Crop)) %>%
tidyr::pivot_longer(Planting.Begin:Harvest.End, names_to="period") %>%
tidyr::separate(period, c("Type","Event")) %>%
tidyr::pivot_wider(names_from=Event, values_from=value)
# Region Crop Type Begin End
# <chr> <fct> <chr> <int> <int>
# 1 Center-West Soybean Planting 245 275
# 2 Center-West Soybean Harvest 1 92
# 3 Center-West Corn Planting 245 336
# 4 Center-West Corn Harvest 32 153
# 5 South Soybean Planting 245 1
# ...
We've used tidyr to reshape the data so we have one row per rectangle that we want to draw and we've also make Crop a factor. We can then plot it like this
ggplot(plotdata) +
aes(ymin=as.numeric(Crop)-.45, ymax=as.numeric(Crop)+.45, xmin=Begin, xmax=End, fill=Type) +
geom_rect(color="black") +
facet_wrap(~Region, nrow=3) +
theme_bw(base_size=18) +
scale_y_continuous(breaks=seq_along(levels(plotdata$Crop)), labels=levels(plotdata$Crop))
The part that's a bit messy here that we are using a discrete scale for y but geom_rect prefers numeric values, so since the values are factors now, we use the numeric values for the factors to create ymin and ymax positions. Then we need to replace the y axis with the names of the levels of the factor.
If you also wanted to get the month names on the x axis you could do something like
dateticks <- seq.Date(as.Date("2020-01-01"), as.Date("2020-12-01"),by="month")
# then add this to you plot
... +
labels=lubridate::month(dateticks, label=TRUE, abbr=TRUE))

How to create surface plot in R

I'm currently trying to develop a surface plot that examines the results of the below data frame. I want to plot the increasing values of noise on the x-axis and the increasing values of mu on the y-axis, with the point estimate values on the z-axis. After looking at ggplot2 and ggplotly, it's not clear how I would plot each of these columns in surface or 3D plot.
df <- "mu noise0 noise1 noise2 noise3 noise4 noise5
1 1 0.000000 0.9549526 0.8908646 0.919630 1.034607
2 2 1.952901 1.9622004 2.0317115 1.919011 1.645479
3 3 2.997467 0.5292921 2.8592976 3.034377 3.014647
4 4 3.998339 4.0042379 3.9938346 4.013196 3.977212
5 5 5.001337 4.9939060 4.9917115 4.997186 5.009082
6 6 6.001987 5.9929932 5.9882173 6.015318 6.007156
7 7 6.997924 6.9962483 7.0118066 6.182577 7.009172
8 8 8.000022 7.9981131 8.0010066 8.005220 8.024569
9 9 9.004437 9.0066182 8.9667536 8.978415 8.988935
10 10 10.006595 9.9987245 9.9949733 9.993018 10.000646"
Thanks in advance.
Here's one way using geom_tile(). First, you will want to get your data frame into more of a Tidy format, where the goal is to have columns:
mu: nothing changes here
noise: need to combine your "noise0", "noise1", ... columns together, and
z: serves as the value of the noise and we will apply the fill= aesthetic using this column.
To do that, I'm using dplyr and gather(), but there are other ways (melt(), or pivot_longer() gets you that too). I'm also adding some code to pull out just the number portion of the "noise" columns and then reformatting that as an integer to ensure that you have x and y axes as numeric/integers:
# assumes that df is your data as data.frame
df <- df %>% gather(key="noise", value="z", -mu)
df <- df %>% separate(col = "noise", into=c('x', "noise"), sep=5) %>% select(-x)
df$noise <- as.integer(df$noise)
Here's an example of how you could plot it, but aesthetics are up to you. I decided to also include geom_text() to show the actual values of df$z so that we can see better what's going on. Also, I'm using rainbow because "it's pretty" - you may want to choose a more appropriate quantitative comparison scale from the RColorBrewer package.
ggplot(df, aes(x=noise, y=mu, fill=z)) + theme_bw() +
geom_tile() +
geom_text(aes(label=round(z, 2))) +
scale_fill_gradientn(colors = rainbow(5))
EDIT: To answer OP's follow up, yes, you can also showcase this via plotly. Here's a direct transition:
p <- plot_ly(
df, x= ~noise, y= ~mu, z= ~z,
type='mesh3d', intensity = ~z,
colors= colorRamp(rainbow(5))
Static image here:
A much more informative way to show this particular set of information is to see the variation of df$z as it relates to df$mu by creating df$delta_z and then using that to plot. (you can also plot via ggplot() + geom_tile() as above):
df$delta_z <- df$z - df$mu
p1 <- plot_ly(
df, x= ~noise, y= ~mu, z= ~delta_z,
type='mesh3d', intensity = ~delta_z,
colors= colorRamp(rainbow(5))
Giving you this (static image here):
ggplot accepts data in the long format, which means that you need to melt your dataset using, for example, a function from the reshape2 package:
dfLong = melt(df,
id.vars = "mu", = "noise", = "meas")
The resulting column noise contains entries such as noise0, noise1, etc. You can extract the numbers and convert to a numeric column:
dfLong$noise = with(dfLong, as.numeric(gsub("noise", "", noise)))
This converts your data to:
mu noise meas
1 1 0 1.0000000
2 2 0 2.0000000
3 3 0 3.0000000
As per ggplot documentation:
ggplot2 can not draw true 3D surfaces, but you can use geom_contour(), geom_contour_filled(), and geom_tile() to visualise 3D surfaces in 2D.
So, for example:
aes(x = noise
y = mu,
fill = meas)) +
geom_tile() +
scale_fill_gradientn(colours = terrain.colors(10))

How can I have different color for each bar of stack barplots? in R

My question maybe very simple but I couldn't find the answer!
I have a matrix with 12 entries and I made a stack barplot with barplot function in R.
With this code:
mydata <- matrix(nrow=2,ncol=6, rbind(sample(1:12, replace=T)))
barplot(mydata, xlim=c(0,25),horiz=T,
legend.text = c("A","B","C","D","E","F"),
col=c("blue","green"),axisnames = T, main="Stack barplot")
Here is the image from the code:
What I want to do is to give each of the group (A:F , only the blue part) a different color but I couldn't add more than two color.
and I also would like to know how can I start the plot from x=2 instead of 0.
I know it's possible to choose the range of x by using xlim=c(2,25) but when I choose that part of my bars are out of range and I get picture like this:
What I want is to ignore the part of bars that are smaller than 2 and start the x-axis from two and show the rest of bars instead of put them out of range.
Thank you in advance,
As already mentioned in the other post is entirely clear your desired output. Here another option using ggplot2. I think the difficulty here is to reshape2 the data, then the plot step is straightforwardly.
## Set a seed to make your data reproducible
mydata <- matrix(nrow=2,ncol=6, rbind(sample(1:12, replace=T)))
## tranfsorm you matrix to names data.frame
myData <- setNames(,LETTERS[1:6])
## put the data in the long format
dd <- melt(t(myData))
## transform the fill variable to the desired behavior.
## I used cumsum to bes sure to have a unique value for all VAR2==2.
## maybe you should chyange this step if you want an alternate behvior
## ( see other solution)
dd <- transform(dd,Var2 =ifelse(Var2==1,cumsum(Var2)+2,Var2))
## a simple bar plot
ggplot(dd) +
## use stat identity since you want to set the y aes
geom_bar(aes(x=Var1,fill=factor(Var2),y=value),stat='identity') +
## horizontal rotation and zooming
coord_flip(ylim = c(2, max(dd$value)*2)) +
Another option using lattice package
I like the formula notation in lattice and its flexibility for flipping coordinates for example:
auto.key = list(space = "right"),
prepanel = function(x,y, ...) {
list(xlim = c(2, 2*max(x, na.rm = TRUE)))
You do this by using the "add" and "offset" arguments to barplot(), along with setting axes and axisnames FALSE to avoid double-plotting: (I'm throwing in my color-blind color palette, as I'm red-green color-blind)
# Conservative 8-color palette adapted for color blindness, with first color = "black".
# Wong, Bang. "Points of view: Color blindness." nature methods 8.6 (2011): 441-441.
colorBlind.8 <- c(black="#000000", orange="#E69F00", skyblue="#56B4E9", bluegreen="#009E73",
yellow="#F0E442", blue="#0072B2", reddish="#D55E00", purplish="#CC79A7")
mydata <- matrix(nrow=2,ncol=6, rbind(sample(1:12, replace=T)))
cols <- colorBlind.8[1:ncol(mydata)]
bar2col <- colorBlind.8[8]
barplot(mydata[1,], xlim=c(0,25), horiz=T, col=cols, axisnames=T,
legend.text=c("A","B","C","D","E","F"), main="Stack barplot")
barplot(mydata[2,], offset=mydata[1,], add=T, axes=F, axisnames=F, horiz=T, col=bar2col)
For the second part of your question, the "offset" argument is used for the first set of bars also, and you change xlim and use xaxp to adjust the x-axis numbering, and of course you must also adjust the height of the first row of bars to remove the excess offset:
offset <- 2
h <- mydata[1,] - offset
h[h < 0] <- 0
barplot(h, offset=offset, xlim=c(offset,25), xaxp=c(offset,24,11), horiz=T,
col=cols, axisnames=T, main="Stack barplot")
barplot(mydata[2,], offset=offset+h, add=T, axes=F, axisnames=F, horiz=T, col=bar2col)
I'm not entirely sure if this is what you're looking for: 'A' has two values (x1 and x2), but your legend seems to hint otherwise.
Here is a way to approach what you want with ggplot. First we set up the data.frame (required for ggplot):
df <- data.frame(
name = letters[1:6],
x1=sample(1:6, replace=T),
x2=sample(1:6, replace=T))
name x1 x2
1 a 5 3
2 b 3 5
3 c 5 6
4 d 3 2
5 e 5 4
6 f 6 1
Next, ggplot requires it to be in a long format:
# Make it into ggplot format
require(dplyr); require(reshape2)
df <- df %>%
name variable value
1 a x1 5
2 b x1 3
3 c x1 5
4 d x1 3
5 e x1 5
6 f x1 6
Now, as you want some bars to be a different colour, we need to give them an alternate name so that we can assign their colour manually.
df <- df %>%
name %in% c("b", "d", "f") & variable == "x1",
name variable value
1 a x1 2
2 b highlight_x1 3
3 c x1 4
4 d highlight_x1 6
5 e x1 2
6 f highlight_x1 6
7 a x2 6
8 b x2 4
Next, we build the plot. This uses the standard colours:
p <- ggplot(data=df, aes(y=value, x=name, fill=factor(variable))) +
geom_bar(stat="identity", colour="black") +
theme_bw() +
coord_flip(ylim=c(1,10)) # Zooms in on y = c(2,12)
Note that I use coord_flip (which in turn calls coord_cartesian) with the ylim=c(1,10) parameter to 'zoom in' on the data. It doesn't remove the data, it just ignores it (unlike setting the limits in the scale). Now, if you manually specify the colours:
p + scale_fill_manual(values = c(
I would like to simplify the proposed solution by #tedtoal, which was the finest one for me.
I wanted to create a barplot with different colors for each bar, without the need to use ggplot or lettuce.
color_range<- c(black="#000000", orange="#E69F00", skyblue="#56B4E9", bluegreen="#009E73",yellow="#F0E442", blue="#0072B2", reddish="#D55E00", purplish="#CC79A7")
barplot(c(1,6,2,6,1), col= color_range[1:length(c(1,6,2,6,1))])

R plot function - axes for a line chart

assume the following frequency table in R, which comes out of a survey:
1 2 3 4 5 8
m 5 16 3 16 5 0
f 12 25 3 10 3 1
NA 1 0 0 0 0 0
The rows stand for the gender of the survey respondent (male/female/no answer). The colums represent the answers to a question on a 5 point scale (let's say: 1= agree fully, 2 = agree somewhat, 3 = neither agree nor disagree, 4= disagree somewhat, 5 = disagree fully, 8 = no answer).
The data is stored in a dataframe called "slm", the gender variable is called "sex", the other variable is called "tv_serien".
My problem is, that I don't find a (in my opinion) proper way to create a line chart, where the x-axis represents the 5-point scale (plus the don't know answers) and the y-axis represents the frequencies for every point on the scale. Furthemore I want to create two lines (one for males, one for females).
My solution so far is the following:
I create a plot without plotting the "content" and the x-axis:
plot(slm$tv_serien, xlim = c(1,6), ylim = c(0,100), type = "n", xaxt = "n")
The problem here is that it feels like cheating to specify the xlim=c(1,6), because the raw scores of slm$tv_serienare 100 values. I tried also to to plot the variable via plot(factor(slm$tv_serien)...), but then it would still create a metric scale from 1 to 8 (because the dont know answer is 8).
So my first question is how to tell R that it should take the six distinct values (1 to 5 and 8) and take that as the x-axis?
I create the new x axis with proper labels:
axis(1, 1:6, labels = c("1", "2", "3", "4", "5", "DK"))
At least that works pretty well. ;-)
Next I create the line for the males:
lines(1:5, table(slm$tv_serien[slm$sex == 1]), col = "blue")
The problem here is that there is no DK (=8) answer, so I manually have to specify x = 1:5 instead of 1:6 in the "normal" case. My question here is, how to tell R to also draw the line for nonexisting values? For example, what would have happened, if no male had answered with 3, but I want a continuous line?
At last I create the line for females, which works well:
lines(1:6, table(slm$tv_serien[slm$sex == 2], col = "red")
To summarize:
How can I tell R to take the 6 distinct values of slm$tv_serien as the x axis?
How can i draw continuous lines even if the line contains "0"?
Thanks for your help!
PS: Attached you find the current plot for the abovementiond functions.
PPS: I tried to make a list from "1." to "4." but it seems that every new list element started again with "1.". Sorry.
Edit: Response to OP's comment.
This directly creates a line chart of OP's data. Below this is the original answer using ggplot, which produces a far superior output.
Given the frequency table you provided,
df <- data.frame(t(freqTable)) # transpose (more suitable for plotting)
df <- cbind(Response=rownames(df),df) # add row names as first column
xaxt="n", ylab="Count",xlab="Response")
Produces this, which seems like what you were looking for.
Original Answer:
Not quite what you asked for, but converting your frequency table to a data frame, df
df <- data.frame(freqTable)
df <- cbind(Gender=rownames(df),df) # append rownames (Gender)
df <- df[-3,] # drop unknown gender
# Gender X1 X2 X3 X4 X5 X8
# m m 5 16 3 16 5 0
# f f 12 25 3 10 3 1
df <- df[-3,] # remove unknown gender column
labels <- c("Agree\nFully","Somewhat\nAgree","Neither Agree\nnor Disagree","Somewhat\nDisagree","Disagree\nFully", "No Answer")
ggp <- ggplot(gg,aes(x=variable,y=value))
ggp <- ggp + geom_bar(aes(fill=Gender), position="dodge", stat="identity")
ggp <- ggp + scale_x_discrete(labels=labels)
ggp <- ggp + theme(axis.text.x = element_text(angle=90, vjust=0.5))
ggp <- ggp + labs(x="", y="Frequency")
Produces this:
Or, this, which is much better:
ggp + facet_grid(Gender~.)

plot lines using qplot

I want to plot multiple lines on the sample plot using qplot in the ggplot2 package.
But I'm having some problem with it.
Using the old plot, and lines function I would do something like
> m
time y1 y2
1 1 5 -5
2 2 6 -6
3 3 7 -7
4 4 8 -8
Using the reshape package to melt m:
m2 <- melt(m, id = "time")
p <- ggplot(m2, aes(x = time, y = value, color = variable))
p + geom_line() + ylab("y")
You could rename the columns in the new data.frame to your liking. The trick here is to have a factor that denotes each of the lines you want to plot.
