There are no Views in the 2sic App-Media Directory application sample - 2sxc

I've downloaded App-Media Directory from, and install it fine, but when I go into Apps Management I do NOT see any Views (or Queries or WebAPIs), and I believe I've seen references to List View and Press Release View. I also don't find this on GitHub to see if they might be there somehow.
Any ideas? I've not looked at older releases yet.

I posted a quick response to this on the same git-hub question. basically it's a very old ZIP format with an old XML inside it.
Importing it into a 2sxc 8 and re-exporting it fixes stuff, but since the app is very old and uses AngularJS, I don't recommend it.


.dll files successfully added but are not enabled in the active designer

When I use .dll files in the toolbox with the chosen item menu, a message displays like: "The following controls were successfully added to the toolbox but are not enabled in the active designer". I want to use this .dll (Aguage.dll file downloaded from internet & want to use in my project).
What can I do to solve this issue.
This .dll file basically contain a gauge like speed meter of car, clock etc
The following link appears to have the answer to your question (though is slightly different, it appears).
how to import a dll into a web application running on webserver
So hopefully you should find all the info you need there. However if you need more help do let me know :).
Edit: I have checked and the initial version of the file seems to have been created for .NET 2.0 rather than the version you are currently using. There may be a way to amend the DLL file but I would suggest this is problem.
Edit 2: Works fine on my system with latest version of VSEE 2015 so outdated file doesn't seem to be the issue. Suggest there is a likely a probably with user's setup. More info in comments.
I have uploaded a video to help:
(in reply to the user who previously removed reference to this question, this is not a link only answer by any stretch of the imagination; furthermore, the answer holds information which is likely useful to other users and is part of a process of ongoing inquiry into the roots of the user's issues, which we are more than happy to look into as deeply as the concerned party is willing to furnish us with additional information)
Additional note: At the current time our best information has been forthcoming regarding the problem the user is experiencing. If the user wishes additional support, and assuming Visual Studio had been installed from scratch, we would be ok to remote on to the user's system if they wish us to do so

Where can I get the source code for jQuery Tools 1.2.7?

I need to get the source code for this, but unfortunately, I can't find links to it on The forum on that site is also down. Does anyone know where I can get this source or unminify it?
Have you tried going on (I mean appending '/download/' to the url you posted)
EDIT: However you can download the source from Git, got to the link and click "clone" or "zip".
EDIT: No, it's the 1.2.7 version, as you can see in the "tag" link they tagged the 1.2.7 version about 7 months ago, this is the version you need as far as I can read in your question, if you are not convinced than I suggest you this link (that is the link near "Tagging version 1.2.7" in the github project's tag page):
clicking on the link above you will start to download jquerytools v1.2.7 in a .zip file
It has become very difficult to find the source code for jQueryTools, and since the original CDN provided by the author has now disappeared a lot of sites that were calling the toolset from the CDN in question have stopped working.
There is a useful resource at that provides CDN/download links for all version of jQueryTools back to v1.2.0, which although it is not a source repository, can at least help some people with legacy sites still running to keep them running whilst they find an alternate solution or replace the website.

Is it possible to restore the source code (Models, Controllers) of an application, from the files on the website (when Publish has been used)

I have been working on a MVC 3 application on my laptop, which now has crashed. I have uploaded the newest edition of the site through the "Publish" method in VS2010. Is it possible to retrive the source code of the application? Because i cant see the Models or Controllers on the FTP.
I have used a decompiler before to get back source code from a compiled website.
It doesnt give you the files all nicely ready to start developing again, it is a bit pain staking going through the decompiler and getting all the code you need out. But it can be done.
I cant remember which one i used, im sure a quick google will give you loads to choose from. I think there might even be one shipped with vs.

SubSonic 3 Installation Doesn't Work?

Ok I have following the tutorial here as best I can
As the files you get in the download are nothing like what is shown in the video?? So I am literally just guessing which files to use??
Then I drag the files / folders into Visual studio (As the video shows) and NOTHING happens?? It just adds the files to my solution?? Or adds the folders to my solution as normal files... Nothing gets executed as shown in the video??
I realise Rob has spent a lot of time on this off his own back, and I am trying not to be a whining old women BUT... How are we expected to use it, if the installation video is completely different to the actual files you get in the download AND when you drag the files into VS2008 nothing happens - Which is completely different to the video? My VS does not recognise TT files as being anything special...
I really want to use this new version, as I loved v2.1 but I'm loosing faith
OK a few places to start:
Are you using Visual Studio Express, if so unfortunately it doesn't support t4 and so won't work with SubSonic 3
Try right clicking on the tt files and clicking 'Run Custom Tool'
If your project is a Website rather than a Web Application Project t4 won't work and you won't see 'Run Custom Tool' in the right click menu. In this case either convert the project or you can use a separate class library project in your solution and add the templates to it, then reference this in your website.
Choose whether you want to use Simple, Linq or ActiveRecord templates. Have a look here to help you choose (you can always change your mind later)
Watch the video for whichever template you've chosen, the setup video you linked to is unfortunately a little dated and I think the template specific ones are much more helpful.

Generate a Sandcastle help file for a website without the "Xml Documentation File" option

I am trying to generate a Sandcastle help file for a website. In the properties window for project, there aren't any options for creating the XML Documentation File required for Sandcastle.
The Build tab in the property pages only contains options for: Start Action, Build Solution Action, and Accessibility validation. I don't have any options for Output, or XML documentation file, like my other projects have.
The website I'm working with does not have an actual .proj file, which could be the problem. If this is the problem, what is the best way of creating one for a project that is under source control and being worked on by many people with minimal disruption?
This is using Visual Studio 2005 professional.
The problem with websites in VS2k5 is that, when they get compiled, the resulting dlls are a mess. No namespaces, weird names, etc.
If you truly want to generate a Sandcastle Help File, look at converting your website into a web application. You can definitely generate source code docs for that.
I haven't tried it yet, but you might want to try the following
Documenting Web Sites / Projects from Eric Woodruff's site. It gives the specifics on how it can be done.
Update: I did try it and it works for regular websites. The only issue I can see is
that the websites don't have namespaces. So when I run it I get a topic by
FolderName_WebPage Class format without any logical grouping. So it is alhpabetical by
folder and page name. Once you got the content created, you can edit the help file using
a helpcompiler / builder and group the topics as needed.
