After installing Django CMS, system asks for admin credentials - django-cms

I'm trying to use Django CMS for a website project. I've installed it from my virtual environment by entering the following command: pip install djangocms-installer
Things seemingly went well.
After that I created a new project on my desktop by typing: djangocms -p communimmo communimmo
It was created successfully.
The last lines in my command prompt showed:
Creating admin user
All done!
Get into "MyProjectPath" directory and type "python runserver" to start your project
But after running python runserver, the webpage on my local server asks me for Django Administration credentials. At no point during the installation I was asked to set up an admin user, so basically I'm stuck.
Did I miss a step somewhere?

Found it.
The installer creates an admin user for you, with username/password admin/admin.


How to became superuser on AWS EC2 WordPress Site

I want to install SSL on AWS EC2 WordPress Site,
I have tried this:
bitnami#ip-172-24-0-191:/opt/bitnami/apache2/htdocs$ sudo /opt/bitnami/bncert-tool
An updated version is available. Would you like to download it? You would need to run it manually later. [Y/n]: Y
The tool will exit now. To run the updated version run the following command:
bitnami#ip-172-24-0-191:/opt/bitnami/apache2/htdocs$ /opt/bitnami/bncert-tool
but I have this error:
Error: There has been an error.
This installer requires root privileges. Please become superuser before
executing the installer
Press [Enter] to continue:
All you have to log in with AWS root user first.
Installing SSL depends on your web panel like cpanel, cyberpanel, directadmin etc.
If you have bought a SSL then install it via panel first.
If you want to install SSL via SSH access, Be sure your SSH port is open and the credentials are correct.
Your error is showing because of not root user access.

Installing WordPress on an AWS instance (not through AWS Marketplace)

I need help installing WordPress on my new Amazon EC2 instance.
I created it and I have SSH and SFTP working through FileZilla (using PuTTY because I'm on Windows 10). I also have my Google domain name pointing to the IPv4 address as well.
How do I install WordPress on my site now? I don't want to install it initially when setting up the instance through the AWS marketplace with bitnami or whatever.
Please follow these steps to install the WordPress in AWS:
Log in to AWS using SSH.
Go to Root Folder (/var/www/html/).
Check whether wp cli is installed or not. If not, please install. The installation guide is here.
Create a folder in the name of the project.
Get into the folder (cd folder name).
Use command wp core download (it will install the latest version).
Use command wp core config --dbname=<dbname> --dbuser=<dbuser> --dbpass=<dbpassword> --dbhost=localhost (it will create wp-config.php file)
Use command wp db create (create database in named as previous command)
Use command wp core install --url=http://<yoursiteurl> --title=<Project Name>--admin_user=<adminuser> --admin_password=<adminpassword> --admin_email="<youremailid>"
It will install WordPress in AWS. We followed the same with successful installation many times. Please find the automated script at GitHub ( Please use the automated one after you complete at least one manual installation.

heroku cli commands not responding on windows 10

I installed heroku cli on windows 10 via exe installer.
When i try to run heroku --version command or heroku login
command, the command window does not respond. It does not give any error.
Then i uninstalled it and installed it using npm install -g heroku-cli
but getting same result.
Node version - 8.7.0
In Windows cmd prompt, do:
Go to your C:\Users\YOURNAME
Look for a file named:
This file stores login credentials. Delete it.
Then check for an update:
heroku update
Then try to log in:
heroku login
I saw some people create an environment variable called HOME and add the path to YOURNAME so the environment knows to look for the _netrc file there.
Other trouble-shooting ideas if the above doesn't work for you can be found at Heroku CLI troubleshooting
In windows , run %LOCALAPPDATA%\heroku, completely delete this folder. and check again on cmd by typing heroku --version. Hope this helps.
I ended up uninstalling heroku from the Windows Installer and instead used the standalone tarball.
You can get the tarballs from here.
After you downloaded and extracted it, you can go to your terminal and cd into the directory where you extracted the file and do the following command:
./bin/heroku --version
Whenever you need the heroku CLI, you can cd into the directory where heroku is, then ./bin/heroku is the executable for heroku.

Using WP-CLI on Windows to Manage Remote WordPress Installation?

I'm trying to manage my remote shared hosting WordPress installation via WP-CLI installed on my local Windows machine. So far I have managed to install WP-CLI (The "WP" command is available to run).
But when I try and connect to a remote URL with "wp --http", I get the following messsage:
RESTful WP-CLI needs to be installed. Try 'wp package install wp-cli/restful'
So I run the suggested command and I get:
Composer directory for packages couldn't be created.
I hadn't installed via composer. Instead, I manually instaled PHP and then downloaded the "wp-cli.phar" file. So I tried to install composer on Windows, but couldn't make head or tail of what downloads where. I "think" I managed to install wp-cli, but couldn't see where it had installed the files...and it just didn't work out.
Do you guys know of a more straightforward way to do this?
Concerning the error: Composer directory for packages couldn't be created.
If you did not set the environment variable WP_CLI_PACKAGES_DIR the default is ~/.wp-cli/packages/ which works for Linux but not for Windows.
I set this variable and the command 'wp package install wp-cli/restful' now successfully creates the directory for packages and the composer.json file but still doesn't install wp-cli/restful.
So I used composer directly and it successfully installs wp-cli/restful.
If I use the parameter (which matches example in the documentation) I get the error "Couldn't auto-discover WP REST API endpoint from' However, if I change this to it works. The actual command I used is:
wp rest post list

Plone Command not Found when starting plone

I have just installed plone on debian squeeze without problems. I am trying to start with "plone /usr/local/Plone/zeocluster/bin/plonectl start" and I receive Command not found.
Are there any paths I need to export? "which plone" gives me nothing.
Did I miss something?
You don't need the "plone" at the beginning of your command, but you probably do need "sudo".
Try sudo /usr/local/Plone/zeocluster/bin/plonectl start
Because Plone is a server built with Python, there is no special plone command.
Presumably you used the Plone Unified installer, creating a ZEO installation. Because it was installed in /user/local/Plone I am also assuming you installed it as root.
Information on how to run Plone after installation is found on the Installation Quick Guide (under "Last steps"); you simply run the command ./bin/plonectl start, or, with your full path: /usr/local/Plone/zeocluster/bin/plonectl start.
If you are not logged in as root still, you'll need to run that command with sudo; the server will automatically switch to the dedicated plone user installed by the Unified Installer.
