Can't plot step response in Octave - plot

Iam trying to plot step response in Octave (v 4.0.3) using this code:
pkg load control
s = tf('s');
g = 1/(2*s^2+3*s+4);
But I get always the same error:
error: matrix cannot be indexed with .
error: called from
plot at line 198 column 7
__time_response__ at line 207 column 13
step at line 74 column 10
If I used the same code in another computer with Octave 5.0.2 the code works perfectly, so I guess this is some kind of problem with this version.
I just want to know if there is some kind of workaround to plot my step response, cause this I need this particular version of Octave, so upgrade it is not a solution for my right now.

plot has likely changed quite a bit since that old version of Octave came out, and you didn't mention the package version, but I'm guessing you are probably trying to use a current version of control? The newest version would have been coded to accommodate any changes in Octave since then. Best bet might be to try to uninstall the control package (pkg uninstall control) and find an old version from around the same time as Octave 4.0.3.
According to the Octave Major Release History page, 4.0.3 came out on 2016-07-01. Looking at the Control Package News page, you probably want to try control-3.0.0, Release Date: 2015-10-30. (the next version was in 2018 right around Octave 4.2.2, and might also work. I didn't see a note about the plot or step function behavior changing, so you might have to try a couple versions to find one that works with plot from 4.0.3.)
The Octave Control Package page has a link to Older Versions which just takes you to the SourceForge file host. Navigating from there to Octave Forge Packages, individual package releases, will give you a chronological package download list where you can find different control packages to try. Scroll down or do a Find for 'control' and you should see 3.0.0 there.


Cannot not find "calc.RL.0" function within "mixstock" package

I am trying to run through a mixed stock analysis in RStudio based on the walkthrough provided by Bolker (, using the 'mixstock' package and the example 'lahanas98raw' dataset within. However, I am receiving a warning that the 'calc.RL.0' function cannot be found whilst trying to carry out Raftery and Lewis convergence diagnostics (p.14 of Bolker's walkthrough). I am wondering whether one of the packages has not installed properly (i.e., either 'mixstock' or 'coda'), or whether there is another package I can use to run this diagnostic instead.
When I initially tried to install the 'mixstock' package, the following warning came up:
'Warning in install.packages : package ‘mixstock’ is not available for this version of R.'
I tried installing the version of R (2.14.1) described as the 'current version of R' on page 2 of Bolker's walkthrough, but when I then tried to switch to this version of R in RStudio via the options menu, it says that this version of R is not compatible with RStudio. To work around this, I downloaded the 'mixstock' package (version from the CRAN archive ( and uploaded it to RStudio this way instead.
This seemed to have worked, as I successfully ran through a significant amount of the code, but a new error arose when I tried to run Raftery and Lewis convergence diagnostics (p.14). When I try to run calc.RL.0(mydata), I receive the following error:
'Error in calc.RL.0(mydata) : could not find function "calc.RL.0"'
However, when I click on 'mixstock' in the package window, everything seems fine and the 'calc.RL.0' function appears, alongside several other 'calc' functions (e.g. 'calc.GR', 'calc.mult.GR', 'calc.mult.RL') that can all be found and run fine. The 'calc.RL.0' function relies on the 'raftery.diag' function within the 'coda' package, so I have also made sure that is installed and called. I have tried a bunch of other methods but nothing seems to be working.
Here is some of my code leading up to the warning message:
## Calculate confidence intervals - i.e., bootstrapping - and plot them
mydata.umlboot = genboot(mydata,"uml")
plot(mydata.umlboot, ylim=c(0,1))
## Carry out Markov Chain Monte Carlo (MCMC) estimations and plot them
mydata.mcmc = tmcmc(mydata)
plot(mydata.mcmc, ylim=c(0,1))
## Check that the Markov chains have converged = run Raftery and Lewis diagnostics
'Error in calc.RL.0(mydata) : could not find function "calc.RL.0"'
Could this be something to do with the way the 'mixstock' package was initially installed, or is it likely to be another issue? Is there another way to run Raftery and Lewis diagnostics and still get the outputs I need (diagnostics for the last chain evaluated; the history of how long each suggested chain was)? Any help would be much appreciated - thanks in advance!
The most reliable way to install mixstock, if you have development tools installed on your computer (compilers etc.), is remotes::install_github("bbolker/mixstock") (I don't think I've changed anything/fixed any bugs since the archived version, but if I did the changes would be reflected on GitHub.)
It looks like I forgot to export that function, so
should work (this is something I can/should fix). Note that the Gelman-Rubin diagnostic (calc.GR(), which is properly exported) is more reliable than Raftery-Lewis anyway ...

R tcltk: error when trying to display a png file depending on the OS

This is an issue I am encountering for different pieces of codes I am writing in R.
Basically, I would like to generate a window that displays a picture (a .png file). Following for instance guidances from this or this, I come up with this kind of code:
tmpFile <- tempfile(fileext = ".png")
download.file("", tmpFile)
tcl("image","create","photo", "imageLogo", file=tmpFile)
win1 <- tktoplevel()
tkpack(ttklabel(win1, image="imageLogo", compound="image"))
This works fine under Mac OS, but not on Linux nor on Windows, where I am displayed such an error message:
[tcl] couldn't recognize data in image file
I can find some workarounds when I want to display graphs, using for instance packages tkrplot or igraph. Nonetheless, I would be really eager to understand why I got such errors when running my scripts on Linux or Windows, whereas it works just fine on Mac OS.
Apologies in case this issue is obvious, but I haven't found anything about potential differences with the tcltk package depending on the OS.
Tk's native support for PNG was added in 8.6. Prior to that, you need to have the tkimg extension loaded into Tk to add the image format handler required. If your installation of Tcl/Tk that R is using is set up right, you can probably make it work with:
once you've initialised things sufficiently. Yes, the name used internally is “Img” for historical reasons, but that's just impossible to search for! (This is the key thing in this mailing list message from way back.)
However, upgrading the versions of Tcl and Tk to 8.6 is likely to be a better move.
Finally and a bit lately, I would like to close this issue and sum up the different suggestions that were kindly made in response of my question:
R comes along with Tcl 8.5, even with the latest version 3.3.2, which means that there is no way for embedding a PNG file with the usual command into a window created thanks to Tcl/Tk. For some reasons it is working on Mac OS, but do not expect this to work easily on other OSs.
In order to display pictures, graphs, etc. in a window generated by Tcl/Tk in R, better look for either using the GIF support (when possible) or trying alternative solutions (see the question for possible alternative options).
In case one really wants to display PNG files, the solution consists of installing Tcl 8.5 (for instance ActiveTcl) along with the extension Img. In order to use the Tcl/Tk package that you've just installed on your computer, you can refer to the R FAQ for Windows for instance (as stated in the FAQ, you need to install Tcl 8.5 - I tried with Tcl 8.6, thereby hoping to solve my issue, but it didn't work). Basically, you need to set up an environment variable (MY_TCLTK) and put the path where the package Tcl/Tk is installed. Needless to be said, Tcl/Tk is commonly used in R in order to implement GUIs; if you have to go through very complex procedures to set up the system, the package definitely loses its advantages.
Finally, since Tcl 8.6 should be available soon or later with R (already implemented in the devel version), this issue will be de facto outdated.

Unable to get plots displayed in Rstudio graphical viewer.

When I run my code all my graphs (both ggplot2 and plot) are displayed in an external "Quartz 2 [*]" graphical viewer.
I would like them to be displayed in the R studio GUI plot area to I can better save and view my files, along with the previous versions.
Is there anyway to stop this?
I recently updated my version of R, along with the X11 and xQuartz on my mac (also up to date), and I am guessing these updates are behind it.
I have seen many forums explaining how to get rstudio to export to an external viewer (e.g. "quartz()"), but not the other way.
I have looked, but these threads have not helped:
ggplot plots in scripts do not display in Rstudio
plot panel does not produce plots Rstudio even when hidden hide <- is not working either.
Any help would be great,
If you upgrade R without upgrading RStudio, the graphics engine may not be compatible. To fix the "Quartz 2" popout, upgrade RStudio to a newer version that supports the graphics engine in the version of R you have installed.
I had the same problem, and noticed the following output to the console:
Warning message:
R graphics engine version 15 is not supported by this version of RStudio. The Plots tab will be disabled until a newer version of RStudio is installed.
Looks like I forgot to reinstall Rstudio as well.. That sorted my problem.

R studio graph not appearing in plots window

I am having trouble getting my graphs to appear in the 'plots' window of R studio - once I run the script they appear in a separate R graphics window, separate to R Studio, with the 'plots' tab blank.
Is there a setting or code I should use to change this?
Thank you in advance,
This has been a consistent problem for many users ever since the last couple updates, myself included. It was apparently fixed with 3.5 version of R, which I haven't updated to, but you didn't mention which version you are running.
Either way, if you're running the most updated version or not, try getOption("device") and check the output of that. Per an R support community post, if the output does not say RStudioGD, you can use options(device = "RStudioGD").
The NEXT, and more annoying, solution was to uninstall and reinstall RStudio. Many people found that this solved their problem.
If neither of those work work, the only other solution that people were finding is to downgrade your R version to a compatible version unfortunately! It's really annoying, I know!
Hope I could help!

Always not responding/freeze when use plot with QtOctave

I'm new here.
I've the same matter as this one but only using QtOctave; beside oct2mat pkg hasn't never been loaded on my pc.
pkg unload oct2mat
octave returns:
error: package oct2mat is not installed
error: \share\octave\3.6.2\m\pkg\pkg.m at line 2170, column 9
Using plot function directly in Octave it works properly, very stange!
Can enybody help me?
Thanks in advance.
Addendum to #vinukn's answer, as it might be too cryptic.
Try this:
>>> graphics_toolkit
ans = fltk
>>> agts = available_graphics_toolkits
agts =
[1,1] = fltk
[1,2] = gnuplot
>>> graphics_toolkit(agts{2}) % This sets the graphics toolkit.
>>> plot([1 2 3 4])
That is, the default was FLTK, and I've set Gnuplot. Try each, they look slightly different to each other.
This is on my default installation of Octave 3.6.2 on Windows Vista, with QtOctave. (I've tried the most recent build of Octave, with built-in GUI, but after starting it never drew in its windows, so it was unusable at this stage, which is a shame as there are probably a handful of lines of code that need to be changed to make it work... Will wait until that is fixed. In the meantime, Gnuplot doesn't freeze.)
Also, here is a list of keys to use in the Gnuplot window. Especially note:
Right-click to draw a zoom box.
a to autoscale (back to default zoom).
p to go back to the most recent previous zoom.
Don't use QtOctave. It has been deprecated for a reason. See the GUI section in Octave FAQ to understand why the GUI doesn't work. It is specially true for things such as plots and dialog windows.
Take special note on the fact that QtOctave and others are specially sensitive to new versions of Octave. You are using Octave 3.6.2 while QtOctave was abandoned back in 3.2.X. Your options are (by order of what I recommend):
use Octave on its own, no QtOctave;
build from development sources to use the experimental GUI;
fix QtOctave (I actually don't recommend this one at all. Its website has been closed, and it would be too much work which would be better spent helping the Octave developers with the native GUI);
Actually,the reason behind this problem is default graphics toolkit fltk or qt. Qtoctave works with pipe, fltk does nt support pipe, ie fltk works inside octave. Pipe does nt support both text and image(gui) same time. The solution is change default toolkit to gnuplot.
