I've noticed that OpenCL has a select() function/builtin/operator, which seems to be similar to the ternary operator in C and C++, but not quite. What are the differences between select() and ?:, and why is the former even required if we have the latter?
The reason the select operator is necessary/useful is for working with OpenCL vector types, like int2, float4 etc. Unlike in C++, where you could overload various operators to give them custom semantics - in C (and OpenCL C) there's only the default behavior. For the ternary operator, that means that for
x ? expression_for_true : expression_for_false
a single check will be performed, and the single appropriate value will be used - even if all three operands are of an OpenCL vector type.
Instead, with select():
All elements must have the same dimensions as vector types, e.g. int4, float4 and float4.
a different check is performed for every position within the vector type.
a different choice between elements of the true and false expressions is made for every position within the vector type
Also, to confuse us a bit, the order of parameters to select() is different than with the ternary operator: x ? y : z corresponds to select(z, y, x).
Thus if
x = (int4) ( 1, 0 );
y = (float4) ( 1.2, 3.4 );
z = (float4) ( 5.6, 7.8 );
select(z, y, x) == (float4) ( 1.2, 7.8 );
See also the Khronos OpenCL documentation, here and here.
Take as example following (irrational) array
a = fill(pi, 10)
When trying to assign a different value to one element, for example
a[1] .= 0.0
Following error occurs:
ERROR: MethodError: no method matching copyto!(::Irrational{:π}, ::Base.Broadcast.Broadcasted{Base.Broadcast.DefaultArrayStyle{0},Tuple{},typeof(identity),Tuple{Int64}})
The reason for this is that the element type of a when you construct it like that is the special number typ Irrational{:π} as seen from the output:
julia> a = fill(pi, 2)
2-element Array{Irrational{:π},1}:
When you try to put another numeric type in this container (e.g. a Float64 with value 0.0 in your example) it is like trying to fit squares in circular holes -- they don't fit.
The solution is to construct the array with the desired element type to start with. For "regular" computations you probably want Float64, so you can convert pi to a float first:
julia> a = fill(float(pi), 2)
2-element Array{Float64,1}:
The two other answers suggest you to convert your pi to Float64. In Julia you do not have to do that.
v = fill!(Vector{Union{Float64,Irrational}}(undef,10), pi)
Now your vector v can store both Float64 and Irrational numbers. Note that the performance of such code will be worse than having just a Vector{Float64} but on the other hand you are not forced to loose precision (which might be desirable or not).
First of all, we use broadcast to vectorialize operation : if you want to change all the values of the array a, you write
a .= 0.0
And if you want to change only the first value, you write
a[1] = 0.0
wich gives now a different error
ERROR: MethodError: no method matching Irrational{:π}(::Float64)
The problem comes frome the type. As you can see here, https://julialang.org/blog/2017/03/piday/ irrational is some kind of weird type. Shortly, it's only used to stock some classical values ( pi, e, ...) wich can be converted to any floating type without any intermediate routine.
It's a bit strange to set an array of irrational, I think you would prefer to use Float64. If I take your original declation, write
a = fill( Float64(pi), 10 )
an then you can use
a[1] = 0.0
a .= 0.0
using ShiftedArrays
struct CircularMatrix{T} <: AbstractArray{T,2}
function CircularMatrix{T}(dims...) where T
data = zeros(T, dims...)
CircularMatrix(data, ShiftedArrays.circshift(data, (0, -1)), 1)
Base.size(M::CircularMatrix) = size(M.data)
Base.eltype(::Type{CircularMatrix{T}}) where {T} = T
function shift_forward!(M::CircularMatrix)
function shift_forward!(M::CircularMatrix, n)
# replace the view with a view shifted forwards.
M.currentIndex += n
M.view = ShiftedArrays.circshift(M.data, (n, M.currentIndex))
#inline Base.#propagate_inbounds function Base.getindex(M::CircularMatrix, i) = M.view[i]
#inline Base.#propagate_inbounds function Base.setindex!(M::CircularMatrix, data, i) = M.view[i] = data
How can I make CircularMatrix act just like a regular matrix.
So that I can access it like
m = CircularMatrix{Int}(4,4)
m[1, 1] = 5
x = view(m, 1, :)
Your matrix type is defined to be a subtype of AbstractArray{T, 2}. You need to implement a few methods in the informal array interface of Julia for your type to make functions and features that work on AbstractArray{T, 2} to also work on your custom type, that is, to make your CircularMatrix an iterable, indexable, completely functioning matrix.
The methods to implement are
getindex(M::CircularMatrix, i::Int)
getindex(M::CircularMatrix, I::Vararg{Int, N})
setindex!(M::CircularMatrix, v, i::Int)
setindex!(M::CircularMatrix, v, I::Vararg{Int, N})
You already implement 1, 2 and 4 but have not yet set your indexing style. You might not need 3 and 5 if you choose linear indexing style. You only need to set IndexStyle to be IndexLinear() and maybe a few modifications, then everything should just work for your matrix.
1. size(M::CircularMatrix)
The first one is size. size(A::CircularMatrix) returns a Tuple of dimensions of A. I believe for your matrix probably something like the following
Base.size(M::CircularMatrix) = size(M.data)
2. getindex(M::CircularMatrix, i::Int)
This method is needed if you choose linear indexing style. getindex(M, i::Int) should give you the value at linear index i. You already implement it in your code. If you choose linear indexing, you need to set IndexStyle for your type and then you simply skip 3 and 5. Julia will automatically convert multiple index accesses, e.g. a[3, 5], to a linear index access.
Base.IndexStyle(::Type{<:CircularMatrix}) = IndexLinear()
Base.#propogate_inbounds function Base.getindex(M::CircularMatrix, i::Int)
#boundscheck checkbounds(M, i)
#inbounds M.view[i]
It might be better to use #inbounds here on the second line. If the caller doesn't use #inbounds, we check the bounds first and this hopefully makes the subsequent bounds check unnecessary. You might want to omit this during development, though.
3. getindex(M::CircularMatrix, I::Vararg{Int, N})
The third one is for Cartesian indexing style. If you choose this style you need to implement this method. Vararg{Int, N} in the signature stands for "exactly N Int arguments". Here N should be equal to the dimensionality of CircularMatrix. Since this is a matrix, N should be two. If you choose this style, you need to define something like the following
Base.#propogate_inbounds function Base.getindex(A::CircularMatrix, I::Vararg{Int, 2})
#boundscheck checkbounds(A, I...)
#inbounds A.view[# convert I[1]` and `I[2]` to a linear index in `view`]
or since your dimensionality is not parametric and a matrix is 2D, simply
Base.#propogate_inbounds function Base.getindex(A::CircularMatrix, i::Int, j::Int)
#boundscheck checkbounds(A, i, j)
#inbounds A.view[# convert i` and `j` to a linear index in `view`]
4. setindex!(M::CircularMatrix, v, i::Int)
The fourth one is similar to the second. This method should set the value at linear index i, if you choose linear indexing style.
5. setindex!(M::CircularMatrix, v, I::Vararg{Int, N})
The fifth one should be similar to the third, if you choose Cartesian indexing style.
After the implementations for 1, 2, and 4 and setting IndexStyle, you should have a custom matrix type that just works.
m[1, 1] = 5
x = view(m, 1, :)
for e in
for i in eachindex(m)
map(f, A)
These should all work.
A few notes
There is a documentation for Abstract Arrays interface here with a few examples. You can also see Optional Methods to implement.
There is a JuliaArray organization on GitHub that provides lots of useful custom array implementations including StaticArrays, OffsetArrays, etc. and also a JuliaMatrices organization that provides custom matrix types. You might want to take a look at their implementations.
#inline is redundant if you use Base.#propogate_inbounds.
Tells the compiler to inline a function while retaining the caller's
inbounds context.
You do not need to define eltype for your matrix, since there is already a definition for AbstractArray{T, N} which returns T.
I am aware of at least two distinct uses of the equals sign in the R-programming language:
(1) as a deprecated assignment operator, i.e. x = 3 instead of x <- 3.
(2) for passing values of arguments to functions, e.g. ggplot(df, aes(x = length, y = width))
Do either of these operators correspond to symmetric relations (in the sense of mathematics)?
The 'equals' operator == does (I think), which is why it corresponds most closely to the use of the equals sign in mathematics (which is always a symmetric relation).
But for example if one tried to run ggplot(df, aes(length = x, width = y) one would get an error, and one would also get an error trying to run 3 = x.
Thus, is it true that, unlike in mathematics, the equals sign in R is not a symmetric relation? Is that why <- is preferred by some for assignment, because it better conveys the lack of symmetry?
Bonus question: are there other programming languages where the equals sign does not correspond to a symmetric relation? PowerShell (I have never heard of it before) might be one.
The = operator is not symmetric in R. When it comes to assignment, = is basically a function that takes a symbol and a value and assigns that value to that symbol. When it comes to named parameters, it's really just part of the syntax of naming a parameter.
<- is preferred for assignment simply because it has an unambiguous meaning.
I'm wondering whether it's possible to define a macro that can modify the values of an expression only if the values are of a specific type?
Here's a minimal example:
type Special
f1(s, n::Special) = println("f1", s, n)
f2(s, n::Special) = println("f2", s, n)
x1 = Special(3)
x2 = Special(5)
expr = :(
f1("this is f1", x1),
f2("this is f2", x2)
Now a macro might be able to examine the values of the arguments to the functions, determine that x1 and x2 are of type Special, run some function to modify their values, say by changing 3 to 4 and 5 to 2 (it might involve comparing two values), then pass the expression back to the caller. The final result would be equivalent to calling:
f1("this is f1", 4)
f2("this is f2", 2)
I found that it's possible to access the values in a macro via:
eval(eval(filter(x -> typeof(eval(x)) == Special, expr.args[1].args))[1]).x
=> 3
but although this works it looks wrong, and I'm might either be doing it wrong or trying to do something too way out...
No, you should never try to check types or values inside macros. Using eval to figure out the type or value of something in a macro may work in very limited situations, but it'll break in almost every real use. Instead, just have the macro insert a call to a generic function — that's where Julia excels at picking apart types (as method dispatch) and values (within the method):
munge_special(x::Special) = Special(x.x + 42)
munge_special(x) = x
macro do_something_special(x)
return :(munge_special($(esc(x))))
julia> #do_something_special Special(2)
julia> #do_something_special 3
From the Julia docs on array comprehensions:
The following example computes a weighted average of the current
element and its left and right neighbor along a 1-d grid. :
julia> const x = rand(8)
8-element Array{Float64,1}:
julia> [ 0.25*x[i-1] + 0.5*x[i] + 0.25*x[i+1] for i=2:length(x)-1 ]
6-element Array{Float64,1}:
In the above example, x is declared as constant because type inference
in Julia does not work as well on non-constant global variables.
The resulting array type is inferred from the expression; in order to
control the type explicitly, the type can be prepended to the
comprehension. For example, in the above example we could have avoided
declaring x as constant, and ensured that the result is of type
Float64 by writing:
Float64[ 0.25*x[i-1] + 0.5*x[i] + 0.25*x[i+1] for i=2:length(x)-1 ]
What does the note near the end mean? That is, how does type inference differ between constant and non-constant global variables?
I believe the problem is that if x is not declared as a const, then Julia has no idea if the type of that variable will ever change (because it never falls out of scope as a global). For this reason, Julia would need to assume x is of type Any.
If x is declared as a const, however, Julia can safely assume that its type will not change, and Julia can make optimizations based on that information.
Note that if you do not declare x as a const, then the returned type from the list comprehension will be Array{Any,1}