Best way to import files into a project -

I have some .asp files, folders and other documents that make up project for a website. Is there a way in visual studio 2019 to compile these files into project automatically?

I'm assuming you have a website project which you need to convert into a web-application project.
First, create a new web-application project.
Second, remove the default-namespace (empty string).
Third, drag-and-drop all files into your project.
Drag them from windows-explorer into your visual-studio project-tree.


How to open a .publishproj file in Visual Studio 2017?

I just simple know that is a published project, but how to open that file as a project? Here is the story, I got a file from a contractor with all the project and the pages and I would like to check the code and run the project from Visual Studio 2017.
Sorry about my ignorance and thanks in advance.
You can't.
What you can do though is create an ASP.Net Project (e.g. .csproj) and then right-click on a folder or the root of that Project and select "Add Existing Web Site...". This adds your site to that solution.
Note that .publishproj projects ("Web Site" Projects, aka "Web Applications") are not really compiled/built. (Though they can be pre-compiled, but that's not the same thing).
Web Sites are "published" not "built". Note that publish profiles (.pubxml) files are stored in /App_Data/PublishProfiles folder and work very much the same as .csProj files. In fact MSBuild will recognize some of the same elements, such as <task> and <using>. You just have to manually add them. multiple copies of jQuery - Visual Studio

Every time I spin up a new project in Visual Studio I have a collection of JavaScript files in the Scripts directory - some of which I will use. Now my projects directory is filled with identical JavaScript files, Entity Framework DLLs, etc.
Is there a way that I can keep a centralized folder and have all of the projects reference that location? I have considered using a CDN for files like jQuery but it also helps to have the files locally in case (gasp) I am not "on the line".

What files do you check-in to source countrol management system when working in an ASP.NET web application?

We have a main web application that references several other projects. Do you check-in .csproj/.sln files into source control? If so, do you use these files for msbuild or do you just include *.cs to build your dll? Does ILMerge help in any way with performance?
You should aim to check in everything that is needed so that someone can take a fresh install of Visual Studio, do a checkout, double-click the .sln file, build and be on their way.
.sln and .csproj are a no-brainer, in my opinion: what happens if you add a new file to the project: everybody would have to manually add the file to their project files if you didn't commit the .csproj file.
ILMerge - no. Not for web applications. Not for the rest either.
Checkin? What about letting visual studio handle it. Now, in general - source control without all relevant files is garbage ;) So, it should include stuff like the project and solution.

What are the pitfalls of combining a web site project with a web application project in Visual Studio?

I have a web site project with a lot of files, it has become really slow to build. What I want to do is to create a web application project, and in Explorer add all the files to it, including the Bin folder. In Visual Studio I will not add these files (Show All Files will show them), only new files in one new folder that I am going to work on.
There are several assemblies in the original Bin folder that I need to reference in the web application project. Also, I will include the original web.config file.
So what way am I going to regret this in a few days?
You wont have support for all the old stuff when using the Visual Studio Publish feature (I assume you wouldn't anyways).
I also would assume you wont have access to what is in your App_Code from your new web application project.
I will add an answer myself.
A rebuild in Visual Studio will clean out the bin folder...

How to get the Silverlight XAP copied to the clientbin on build

I am just getting started with Silverlight and have recently added a Silverlight project to an established solution. In this particular scenario my solution included an existing ASP.NET web site (not application) which Visual Studio kindly offered to integrated my Silverlight application into, which I accepted.
So everything is fine and all, and the Silverlight XAP is being copied to the web site's ClientBin directory. Now I have decided to start a new ASP.NET MVC web application that will eventually replace the older (non-MVC) web site. But I cannot for the life of me figure out what Visual Studio modified to get the XAP to automatically appear in the web site's ClientBin on build, so that I can reproduce that on my MVC site.
So my question is essentially, what are the manually steps for getting Visual Studio to autocopy a Silverlight application's XAP to a newly added ASP.NET MVC web application?
You can do this through the properties of your web project. The Silverlight tools for visual studio add a new tab to the properties of web projects named "Silverlight Links".
Add a reference to your Silverlight project here, with the folder where you want it, and visual studio will make the copy for you.
The copying of the XAP to the ClientBin is a MSBuild task. If you're using a standard ASP.NET project template it can be found under the Silverlight Link section.
For everything else you might be able to figure out the name of the MSBuild task and add it to your ASP.NET MVC project. The easier solution would probably be to use a custom post-build event on the APS.NET project to copy the file.
There is no "magic" happening, oter than copying the XAP file from the BIN directory of your Silverlight project to the ClientBin of your web application. It doesn't even have to live inside the ClientBin directory - you can copy it to any directory, or the root of your site.
Update: The recently released Beta 1 of ASP.NET MVC includes support for Silverlight projects, so you can link it to your ASP.NET MVC application the same way you do for regular ASP.NET applications.
Go to the property pages of your Silverlight application, Choose Build Events Tab, Enter following line in Post-Build events command line:
copy $(TargetDir)*.xap $(SolutionDir)<youar web solution folder name such as app.web>\ClientBin
Now onwards, on each successful build, the xap file will be copied automatically.
This is a somewhat older post so it probably has changed... in my Visual Studio under the web project there is a tab called "Silverlight Applications". There is an add button there for existing projects that you import into the solution and you can add them and choose to place the xap in the ClientBin or anywhere else. Not sure if you have to have the SDK installed to have this tab. I have it installed so you may have to. I don't do MVC, so it may be different for MVC projects, I don't know.
