ERROR: expected package `PkgAuthentication [4722fa14]` to be registered - julia

I am using JuliaPro v1.4 on Windows 10. I was trying to install a package but the REPL got stuck so I interrupted it. Since then I'm no longer able to install any package due to this error. Any ideas?

If you are in the right directory (where the manifest/project file are), just doing up and resolve in the package manager will resolve this.

In the REPL (in the repo where you'd like to install the package):
Switch to "Pkg mode" by typing ]
Type up + enter
Type resolve + enter
Try re-installing the desired package


Couldn't install packages in R on Linux Redhat (CXX14 is not defined)

I need install 'metaSEM' package in R. It's not allowed to use internet so I tried to use install by the souce file. But it doesn't work. The warning shows as :
ERROR: dependency 'OpenMX' is not availabe for package.
Could you please give my any suggestion about this situation? Thanks a lot.

Run Pkg.instantiate() error when importing julia package

I have added a package Relief.jl to my environment. I have also checked if it's available by typing stand it's listed under available packages for the environment. However when I type using Relief I get the following error,
ERROR: ArgumentError: Package Relief [e59a39ae-ffc4-11ea-35a5-2b2996f35250] is required but does not seem to be installed:
- Run Pkg.instantiate() to install all recorded dependencies.
Any ideas what I should do to resolve this?
You need to run the command: ] build "name of package" in the terminal. This should fix the problem.
(Without the speech marks. That is just to highlight its a name)

Why do I get a syntax error in devtools::install_github?

I am new in working with linux. I am trying to analyse sequencing data using dropEst pipeline I want to run the DropReport and for that I need to install dropEstR package.
I tried by :
devtools::install_github('hms-dbmi/dropEst/dropestr' , dependencies = T)
as they suggest and I get as an error:
bash: syntax error near unexpected token
Do you have any idea what should I do differently?
I think you are using the "wrong" shell. You have to use R/RStudio, when you want to use the devtools package. From CRAN:
Title Tools to Make Developing R Packages Easier
I just tried you command in RStudio but installation fails in the end:
ERROR: dependency 'Rcpp' is not available for package 'dropestr'
* removing 'C:/R/R-3.4.2/library/dropestr'
Installation failed: Command failed (1)
You have to run such script on RStudio for R. Import your project here and run it.
You can download it from enter link description here
Happy Coding.

How to install 'XLConnect'-package in R correctly

I am very new to this community.
My aim is to use R for statistical analysis but some errors occurred.
In the first step, I want to load the "XLConnect"-package, in order to open an xlsx-data file, with this code:
Answer was "package ‘XLConnect’ successfully unpacked and MD5 sums checked", after which the following error was given:
Error in library(XLConnect) : the package ‘XLConnect’ doesn't exist.
I also tried the xlsx package, but in this case always got:
Error in -library('openxlsx') : invalid argument to unary operator
or, that the package openxlsx, doesn't exist but some line before it told me the download, installation and check sums were correct!
Additionally, when I try to change the directory in a script, using
getwd(), the following error occurs:
Error in -getwd() : invalid argument to unary operator
When I type it in the console it works.
I downloaded R here:, installed R version 3.4.3 as well as R Studio.
I already looked in the community for some hints but neither could solve my problem:
XLConnect function is not passing argument to system.file
Error when installing XLConnect in RStudio
MY OS is Windows 10, I tried the 32-bit as well as the 64-bit version of R and installed fitting Java-Versions for both verisons( that was the first error that occured but now isn't there anymore).
I tried to load the packages from several CRAN-Mirrors but always the same error occurs (e.g. Germany(Göttingen),Germany(Münster), Belgium(Ghent) or Switzerland ).
Maybe I missed some very basic setting. Is the information I provided enough or do you need more?
Thanks a lot in advance for your support!
Thanks a lot! I installed java 32-bit and 64-bit versions the way it is recommended here: and I installed the rJava package like this: install.packages("rJava")
library(rJava) and here: I found that this here should work to register R correctly: sudo R CMD javareconf but then I get the error that the console got an unexpected symbol. Or Do you know how to register Java Development Kit in R correctly. I installed jdk-8u161-windows-x64.
Make sure you have Java Development Kit installed and correctly registered in R.

Having issues installing an R package from Github

Please be patient with me as I'm a total noob, but I'm really trying to learn.
I'm trying to make a choropleth map for my country, and found an R package on Github that handles it excellently. However, I'm working on a university computer and I don't have write privileges on any drive but M://, so whenever the package tries to install on C:// it obviously throws an error. This hasn't been a problem since I can just specify a libpath as an argument on install.packages, but devtools::install_github does not seem to have such an argument.
I tried using
with_libpaths(new = "M:\R\win-library\3.2", install_github('diegovalle/mxmaps'))
But I got an error message saying
with_libpaths' is deprecated. Use 'withr::with_libpaths' instead.
I take this to mean that I need to install the "withr" package in order to use that? However, I keep getting errors when trying to install that package. First, I got
Warning in install.packages : installation of package ‘withr’ had
non-zero exit status
because of the not having access to C:// issue. I usually bypass this by installing directly from the binaries, but when I try that it tells me
"Warning in install.packages : package ‘withr’ is not available (for R
version 3.2.2)".
Other than updating my version of R (which will be a nighmare since I don't have installation privileges on this machine), how else can I either install withr or find another way to specify the directory to install the package from github?
I would suggest you to go with latest version of 3.4.All above mentioned packages are available under latest version.
Two ways to set local library paths (at least on Linux running R 3.5.3):
(1) At the beginning of your script, set the the .libPaths option to your local library path, i.e.: .libPaths("M:\R\win-library\3.2")
(2) Add to your .Renviron file a line that specifies your local library path: i.e.: R_LIBS="M:\R\win-library\3.2"
Note: For (1) You will need to manually run every time you start a new R session, whereas (2) will be set automatically when R starts.
