ARM Template - complex calculation - azure-resource-manager

numOfVolumes = round(-1.1966 + (27.0/400.0)*(((400*400) - ((400 - (vsnapSizeInGB/1024))**2))**0.5))
"copy": [
"name": "dataDisks",
"count":<formula to calculate amount of disks>,
"input": {
"diskSizeGB":<formula to calculate each disk size - besides maybe a leftover disk>,
"lun": "[copyIndex('dataDisks')]",
"createOption": "Empty"
2. I have the following password requirement to be validated in arm template, using regex looks difficult, is there a way I can a powershell command to validate the value of the parameter and then return true / false based on that the arm template throws an error.
The minimum acceptable password length is 15 characters.
There must be eight characters in the new password that are not present in the previous password(provided).
The new password must contain at least one character from each of the classes (numbers, uppercase letters, lowercase letters, and other).
The maximum number of identical consecutive characters that are allowed in the new password is three characters.
The maximum number of identical consecutive class of characters that are allowed in the new password is four characters.

I recommend to use PowerShell to perform the calculation for numOfVolumes and then pass in the value as a parameter. If you must perform the calculation in an ARM template then I suggest you have a look at
You're probably not going to enjoy writing the formula with: add, copyIndex, div, float, int, max, min, mod, mul, and sub.
As for the question about a password generator, Google provides some good links, such as Again, PowerShell will be the best bet on generating the type of password that meets your requirements.


Need Regular Expression for this(C#)

Password strength:
Contain characters from three of the following four categories:
English uppercase characters (A through Z)
English lowercase characters (a through z)
Base 10 digits (0 through 9)
Non-alphabetic characters (for example, !, $, #, %
IS it possible to compare two fields value(entered) with regex...if yes then please add onr another condition to above list.
compare password with username entered they must be different
EDIT: This answer was written before the question was edited. It originally included the requirement to not include the user's account name, and be at least 8 characters long.
Given that you need to use the user's account name as part of it anyway, is there any reason you particularly want to do this as a regular expression? You may want to use regular expressions to express the patterns for the four categories (although there are other ways of doing it too) but I would write the rules out separately. For example:
// Categories is a list of regexes in this case. You could easily change
// it to anything else.
int categories = Categories.Count(regex => regex.IsMatch(password));
bool valid = password.IndexOf(name, StringComparison.OrdinalIgnoreCase) == -1
&& password.Length >= 8
&& categories >= 3;
If you need to do it in one expression it should be something like this:
See it here on Regexr
Positive lookaheads (the (?=.*[a-z])) are used to check if the string contains the character group you want.
The problem here is, you want 3 out of 4, that means you have to make an alternation with all the allowed combinations.
The last part .{8,} is then matching the string and checking for at least 8 characters.
^ and $ are anchors, that anchor the pattern to the start and the end of the string.
[!%,.;:] is a character class, here you can add all the characters you want to include. Maybe its simpler to use a Unicode script like \p{P} for all punctuation characters. For more details see here on
compare password with username entered they must be different
normally you should be able to build up your regular expression using string concatenation. I have no idea how it is in your case where you put the regex ...
Something like this (pseudo)
String Username = "FooBar";
regex = "^(?:(?=.*[a-z])(?=.*[A-Z])(?=.*[0-9])|(?=.*[a-z])(?=.*[A-Z])(?=.*[!%,.;:])|(?=.*[a-z])(?=.*[0-9])(?=.*[!%,.;:])|(?=.*[A-Z])(?=.*[0-9])(?=.*[!%,.;:]))(?i)(?!.*" + Username + ").+$";
I used here also an inline modifier (?i) to match it case independent. The (?!.* is the start of negative lookahead, meaning the string should not contain ...

Is there a simple way to generate a un-duplicate string?

I know I can use GUID to generate a unique string, but it's too long.
Now I only need generate un-duplicate string within an website, how can I do? Thanks!
For example: In the website, you can generate a permanent URL, such as and 75ujy7b is very short and un-duplicate.
First of all you can start with a counter that you make sure using Mutex/lock that return unique incremental numbers, and you save the last number somewhere on your site, maybe in web.config, maybe in database, or in a file.
Then you convert this unique number to a different base number, eg to a base-64. Here is some code, and mode details on how you can do that
And you can get results like
value: 0 encoded: A
value: 1 encoded: B
value: 9999999999 encoded: SrYsNt
value: 4294965286 encoded: ZNGEvT
value: 2292964213 encoded: rHd24J
value: 1000000000 encoded: TrNVzD
Now, if you scramble the map on the characters you can also make a not so easy to find number.
you can use a random number of sufficient length.. between lets say 10,000 and 99,999..
if that aint good enough for you, you could look into some hashing algorithms.. i think..

RegularExpression Validator For Textbox

In my requirement a Textbox should allow Alphabets,Numeric s, Special Characters,Special Symbols With at least one Alphabet.
I will try like this but i am not getting.
^\d*[a-zA-Z][a-zA-Z0-9#*,$._&% -!><^#]*$
You may want to have 2 regular expression validators; one for validating the allowed characters, and one for validating that at least on alphabet has been provided. You may be able to get at least one, but this way, you can have two separate validation messages to show the user explaining why the input is wrong.
Just match for special characters until you encounter a letter, then match for everything until the end of the string:
^[0-9#*,$._&% -!><^#]*[a-zA-Z0-9#*,$._&% -!><^#]*$
Use lookaheads :
Edit :
I assume the - is meant as the actual - character and not a range of space to !.
I removed the space character. You can of course add it if you want.
[ -!]
Effectively means :
[ -!] # Match a single character in the range between “ ” and “!”
And I have no idea what that range entails!

ASP.NET Routing Regex to match specific pattern

I am trying to write a regular expression for ASP.NET MapPageRoute that matches a specific type of path.
I do not want to match anything with a file extension so I used this regex ^[^.]*$ which worked fine except it also picked up if the default document was requested. I do not want it to pick up the default document so I have been trying to change it to require at least one character. I tried adding .{1,} or .+ to the beginning of the working regex but it stopped working alltogether.
routes.MapPageRoute("content", "{*contentpath}", "~/Content.aspx", true, new RouteValueDictionary { }, new RouteValueDictionary { { "contentpath", #"^[^.]*$" } });
How can I change my regex to accomplish this?
Unfortunately my brain does not seem capable of learning regular expressions properly.
You want to change your * quantifier to +. * matches zero or more times, whereas + matches one or more. So, what you are asking for is this:
The regex is accomplishing this: "At the beginning of the string, match all characters that are not ., at least one time, up to the end of the string."
zero is to * as one is to +

rewrite rules that converts tokens to integer parameters

After much wrestling with the idea of ranking records, I finally settled on numeric based scores for my documents, which I emit to have them sorted based on these scores.
Now these numbers have meaning, where the 1st 2 digits represent a specific type of document.
Therefore, to get documents of type 22 sorted based on their scores, I simply query the view with start key being 220000 and end key being 229999
This is all great and works, my problems occur when I try to use url rewrites.
I'm basically trying to reroute:
where xx is the {doctype}
my issue is with specifying rewrite rule:
{ "from":"rankings/:doctype",
"query": ??? //what will this be?
How can I construct the start and end keys by appending 0000 and 9999 respectively?
how can I specify a numeric value? since using place holder ":doctype" will result in a string type rather than a numberic type, resulting in a failed query even if I were to modify my pretty url to input both start and end keys.
I worked around the issue by filtering the results in my list view (ignoring docs im not interested in from getRow()), my concern here, should I worry about efficiency of list function now?
feel free to comment also on my sorting strategy .. would be interested to know how others solved their sorting and slicing problems with couchdb
First, you should emit the type and the score separately in an array instead of concatenating them:
emit([doc.type, doc.score], doc);
Then you can rewrite like this
"from" : "rankings/:doctype",
"to" : "_list/rankings/rankings",
"query" : {
"startkey" : [":doctype", 0],
"endkey" : [":doctype", 9999]
"formats": {
"doctype" : "int"
I tested it on CouchDB 1.1.1 and it works.
The relevant documentation is buried in this issue on JIRA: COUCHDB-1074
As you can see, the issue was resolved on April 2011, so it should work in CouchDB 1.0.3 and above.
