How to automate injecting custom javascript code to Adobe Pro DC?
I checked in the, but I don't see anything related to automating.
recently, I've been looking into how to create an Adobe extension. In CC versions, you can build HTML5 extensions which includes knowledge of HTML/CSS/JS only. This sounds really interesting but, the only thing I am not sure how they work and there are not much resources out there. I read Extensibility Overview. It didn't help much. Basically, what I am trying to do is look at how an extension can communicate with an Adobe product and what are the limitations? A nice example would be Flexi Layouts 3. How does it do what it does? Is it really a Dreamweaver extension?
This link about Adobe Extension Builder might answer your question:
There you will find an introduction to HTML5 extensions including a short guide, and repo to sample extensions.
HTML5 extensions run on a technology called CEP (Common Extensibility Platform).
To get an overview and learn how to get started, we have a new CEP Getting Started repo on GitHub that should be helpful.
Your question
Basically, what I am trying to do is look at how an extension can communicate with an Adobe product and what are the limitations?
CEP extensions communicate with the host app's (Photoshop, InDesign, Premiere Pro, etc) scripting engine via a CEP library (CSInterface) method called evalScript().
Here's the basic example from the Getting Started guide in the repo above:
/* 1) Create an instance of CSInterface. */
var csInterface = new CSInterface();
/* 2) Make a reference to your HTML button and add a click handler. */
var openButton = document.querySelector("#open-button");
openButton.addEventListener("click", openDoc);
/* 3) Write a helper function to pass instructions to the ExtendScript side. */
function openDoc() {
As for limitations, it will depend on what you want to do. If the host app's ExtendScript scripting engine supports your use case, you will be able to make calls to that engine from your CEP extension.
I would to know if is posssible create a APP in Java for web without to need to install the plugin. For example I to use Google Earth Libraries for Java and show the Google Earth in a web page without the user to need install the plugin. It's possible? If yes, What I need to do?
I am questioning, because the plugin have a lot of BUGs. For example Suddenly the plugin stopped work in my Mac's Chrome. I am with this problem about 5 months.
No, It is not possible. You must use the Javascript API. There was an COM API but now is obsolete (
I'm using Google Earth API with Chrome in Mac and yes it has some bugs, but I think it's usable.
I plan to build a database management system using Grails as the main framework. On the client side, I'm thinking whether to use dojo or flex to make a nice front end.
Could some experts here enlighten me on the pros and cons of choosing either, or both?
or any other options?
I tried using Dojo in a project and even brought a few books. And while Dojo Looks good I found that JQuery and JQuery-UI was a lot lighter and worked faster.
This is just my opinion and it may help you.
From the description of the flex plugin at
"This plugin was created as an experiment to prove that it's possible to communicate from Flex to Grails services without any configuration in Flex. There
is no plan to add functionality or whatsoever. It's not sure if the plugin works in production mode as it is only tested in development mode. This plugin
can be seen as an example on how to integrate Flex and Grails with Convention over Configuration in mind."
There is no scaffolding generation for flex, see this bug
Another disadvantage of Flex is its lack of accessibility for screen reader users with the default configuration. There is some work being done to address this but it isn't publically available yet.
I don't have experience with DOJO but according to this link if you use the standard Grails Ajax tags you should be able to switch libraries with out to much trouble and won't be tied to Dojo. For fancy UI stuff such as tabbed interfaces and data tables I've found GrailsUI works well for me. A demo project showing its features can be found at although you'll have to check the code out to run it.
I am developing an information-management application with Dojo 1.9.2 and Grails 2.3.9 (lots of simle/complex forms, listing screens...etc). The application has a single-page interface as well (a workspace) which was the primary reason for a heavy JavaScript library.
Overall, Dojo is fairly suitable for this kind of workload and I haven't bumped into any show-stoppers yet.
I needed to do a lot of work on integrating the Dojox DataGrid into the application (extending QueryReadStore to fit with Grails better...etc) and a set of custom widget extensions (e.g. a real, working AutoComplete).
After this larger, initial integration work is done, you can expect a fairly smooth ride.
Can you please tell how can we place ADS (whether Google Adsense or others) on a website completely designed in FLEX?
The easiest way is to not have your site COMPLETELY in flex. Otherwise you can have your flex ap use the AdSense API and make SOAP calls to it.
Other ad servers, like OpenX can also be handled this way (via their API) in flex. I don't know that any of them support cool stuff like AMF but OpenX is open source and in PHP so you could use the Zend Frameworks support of AMF to add that kind of functionality.
I'm contemplating adding a voice recording to some posts on my site. I'm wondering if there is an ASP.NET library out there that will allow me to:
Press a button to start recording
Record what I'm saying through my comp's built in microphone
Save the file as a .wav or some other popular sound file
As of now, I will be the sole user of this function, but it would still be nice to have in my bag of tricks in case I want to pull it out later for a client.
It is not doable without the help of a plugin. Browsers simply don't support voice recording.
You could choose from:
Make a SilverLight applet.
The flashPlayer can record too.
find a java Applet that can do this.
Make an activeX Plugin (since you have affinity to asp)
use your os provided voice recorder, save the file and upload it. Playback via browser is easy
You solution will involve a flash componet (outside of rendering the markup that invokes the flash component). The ASP.NET stack won't be able to do it. Silverlight doesn't seem able to do it.
Here is how.
Here's the problem: the browser does not allow this level of hardware access by an application. You could however achieve this either through Java, Flash or ActiveX (Yuk! don't do it) should the end user allow the access to occur however there are a number of cavaets. Here's a great thread where like-minded people like yourself are approaching the same challenge:
If I were cornered to do this I would create a signed Java Applet.
not directly from since is server side and you need access to the client side microphone - however the new adobe flash player has the ability to access the mircophone so in theory you could use flash to record then upload to your site.
See ListenUp sdk. I found a bulletin board called that is using the sdk to post voices.
You'll need some client-side code to achieve this as regular HTML doesn't support audio input and upload.
The ActiveX control Active Audio Record 2.0 claims to support recording audio and uploading it to an ASP.NET web server. I've never tried it though.