Add error bars to points within a plotly box plot - r

I'm creating a R plotly boxplot for these data:
df <- data.frame(value = rnorm(100),
value.error. = runif(100,0.01,0.1),
treatment = rep(LETTERS[1:10], 10),
replicate = rep(1:10, 10), stringsAsFactors = F)
df$treatment <- factor(df$treatment)
Where in each box I add the replicates as points:
plotly::plot_ly(x = df$treatment, split = df$treatment, y = df$value,
type = "box", showlegend = F, color = df$treatment,
boxpoints = F, fillcolor = 'white') %>%
plotly::add_trace(x = df$treatment, y = df$value, type = 'scatter', mode = "markers",
marker = list(size = 8), showlegend = F, color = df$treatment)
Which gives:
Now I'd like to add vertical error bars to each point (according to df$value.error).
plotly::plot_ly(x = df$treatment, split = df$treatment, y = df$value,
type = "box", showlegend = F, color = df$treatment,
boxpoints = F, fillcolor = 'white') %>%
plotly::add_trace(x = df$treatment, y = df$value, type = 'scatter', mode = "markers",
marker = list(size = 8), showlegend = F, color = df$treatment) %>%
plotly::add_trace(error_y = list(array = df$sd), showlegend = F)
Gives me the same plot above.
However, if I only plot the points and add their errors using:
plotly::plot_ly(x = df$treatment, y = df$value,
type = 'scatter', mode = "markers",
marker = list(size = 8), showlegend = F, color = df$treatment) %>%
plotly::add_trace(error_y =list(array = df$sd), showlegend = F)
I do get the points with their vertical error bars:
So my question is how to have the box + points + error bars to work?
And, if the solution can also combine jittering the points with their error bars that will be even better.

You can add the box plot after plotting the points and error bars.
plot_ly(data = df,
x = ~treatment, y = ~value,
type = 'scatter', mode = "markers",
marker = list(size = 8), showlegend = F, color = df$treatment) %>%
add_trace(error_y =list(array = ~value.error.), showlegend = F) %>%
add_boxplot(x = ~treatment, split = ~treatment, y = ~value,
showlegend = F, color = ~treatment,
boxpoints = F, fillcolor = 'white')
df <- data.frame(value = rnorm(100),
value.error. = runif(100,0.01,0.1),
treatment = rep(LETTERS[1:10], 10),
replicate = rep(1:10, 10),
stringsAsFactors = F)
df$treatment <- factor(df$treatment)


Setting colours in plotly R is not working (factors) in add markers

I'm trying to set the colour in R for "points" or markers in plotly with a custom palette. It doesn't work. I'm also trying to add a title to the graph, but it won't appear. In addition, I'd like to remove some elements of the legend (like the extra "z") and add a title to the legend elements. Nothing seems to work, even if it is present in the code.
pal <- c("black", "orange", "darkgreen", "pink")
pal <- setNames(pal, levels(as.factor(c("gr1","gr2","gr3","gr4"))))
linedat = data.frame(x = rep(mean(1:50),2),
y = rep(mean(1:50),2),
z = c(0,1))
zoom = 3
pg = plotly::plot_ly(x = 1:50,
y = 1:50,
z = outer(1:50,1:50,"+")/100) %>%
add_surface(contours = list(
z = list(show = TRUE, start = 0, end = 1, size = 0.05)),
opacity = 1) %>%
add_markers(x = rnorm(50,25,5),
y = rnorm(50,25,5),
marker = list(opacity = 0.9),
mode = "markers",inherit = FALSE,
colors = pal,
color = as.factor(sample(1:4,50,replace = T)),
z = rbinom(50,1,.5)) %>%
layout(scene=list(title = "Title won't show up????",
xaxis = list(title = 'trait1'),
yaxis = list(title = 'trait1',autorange = "reversed"),
camera = list(eye = list(x = cos(0.8*pi)*zoom, y = sin(pi*1.3)*zoom, z= 2.00)),
legend = list(title=list(text='<b> Groups </b>')))) %>%
add_trace(data=linedat, x=~x, y=~y, z=~z,
type="scatter3d", mode="lines",
line = list(color = pal[1],
width = 14),name = "Avg. data1")%>%
add_trace(data=linedat, x=~x+20, y=~y+20, z=~z,
type="scatter3d", mode="lines",
line = list(color = pal[4],
width = 14),name = "Avg. data2")
See how here I'm able to set the colour of the points, but I'm not able to get the names of the colours to show in the legend (I modified the code to match what #Kat suggested):
pal <- c("black", "orange", "darkgreen", "pink")
pal <- setNames(pal, levels(as.factor(c("gr1","gr2","gr3","gr4"))))
linedat = data.frame(x = rep(mean(1:50),2),
y = rep(mean(1:50),2),
z = c(0,1))
zoom = 3
pg = plotly::plot_ly(x = 1:50,
y = 1:50,
z = outer(1:50,1:50,"+")/100) %>%
add_surface(contours = list(
z = list(show = TRUE, start = 0, end = 1, size = 0.05)),
opacity = 1, colorbar = list(title = "Only one Z")) %>%
add_markers(x = rnorm(50,25,5),
y = rnorm(50,25,5),
marker = list(color = pal[as.factor(sample(1:4,50,replace = T))],opacity = 0.9),
mode = "markers",inherit = FALSE,
colors = pal,
z = rbinom(50,1,.5)) %>%
layout(title = "Title that won't show",
margin = list(t = 40),
legend = list(title = list(
text = "<br>Legends deserve names, too")),
scene=list(xaxis = list(title = 'trait1'),
yaxis = list(title = 'trait1',autorange = "reversed"),
camera = list(eye = list(x = cos(0.8*pi)*zoom,
y = sin(pi*1.3)*zoom, z= 2.00)))) %>%
add_trace(data=linedat, x=~x, y=~y, z=~z,
type="scatter3d", mode="lines",
line = list(color = pal[1],
width = 14),name = "Avg. data1")%>%
add_trace(data=linedat, x=~x+20, y=~y+20, z=~z,
type="scatter3d", mode="lines",
line = list(color = pal[4],
width = 14),name = "Avg. data2");pg
Your original plot_ly call and add_trace calls can remain as is. I've included the changes needed for the layout call and added the call needed for colorbar.
The layout first.
layout(title = "Title that won't show", # <------ give my plot a name
margin = list(t = 40), # don't smash that title, either
legend = list(title = list(
text = "<br>Legends deserve names, too")), # <--- name my legend
scene=list(title = "Title won't show up????", # <- this can go away
xaxis = list(title = 'trait1'),
yaxis = list(title = 'trait1',autorange = "reversed"),
camera = list(eye = list(x = cos(0.8*pi)*zoom,
y = sin(pi*1.3)*zoom, z= 2.00)),
legend = list(title=list(text='<b> Groups </b>')))) %>%
colorbar(title = "Only one Z") # <--- give me one z colorbar title
(Some colors are different in the image; I didn't realize I had the pal object...sigh)
This addresses your additional questions.
First, I'm not getting an error from the method in which I title the color bar. You'll have to share what error you're getting.
I didn't realize that it was ignoring the colors you set in markers, either. The easiest way to address this is to call that trace first. Since nothing else was declared within markers, I called opacity outside of the list, but it's fine the way you have it.
First, I commented out the setNames call, because that won't work for the marker's trace and it doesn't matter to the other traces.
pal <- c("black", "orange", "darkgreen", "pink")
# pal <- setNames(pal, levels(as.factor(c("gr1","gr2","gr3","gr4"))))
linedat = data.frame(x = rep(mean(1:50),2),
y = rep(mean(1:50),2),
z = c(0,1))
zoom = 3
I made plot_ly() empty and put all the data for the surface in that trace. I also added inherit = false so that the layout could go at the end without the data errors.
pg = plotly::plot_ly() %>%
add_trace(inherit = F,
x = rnorm(50,25,5),
y = rnorm(50,25,5),
mode = "markers",
opacity = .8,
colors = pal,
color = as.factor(sample(1:4, 50, replace = T)),
z = rbinom(50,1,.5)) %>%
add_surface(x = 1:50,
y = 1:50,
z = outer(1:50,1:50,"+")/100,
colorscale = "Viridis",
contours = list(
z = list(show = TRUE, start = 0, end = 1, size = 0.05)),
opacity = 1) %>%
add_trace(data=linedat, x=~x, y=~y, z=~z,
type="scatter3d", mode="lines",
line = list(color = pal[1],
width = 14),name = "Avg. data1", inherit = F) %>%
add_trace(data=linedat, x=~x+20, y=~y+20, z=~z,
type="scatter3d", mode="lines",
line = list(color = pal[4],
width = 14),name = "Avg. data2", inherit = F) %>%
The last part is the layout, but this is not different than my original answer.
layout(title = "Title that won't show", # <------ give my plot a name!
margin = list(t = 40), # don't smash that title, either
legend = list(title = list(
text = "<br>Legends deserve names, too"),
tracegroupgap = 350), # <--- name my legend!
scene=list(title = "Title won't show up????", # <--- this can go away!
xaxis = list(title = 'trait1'),
yaxis = list(title = 'trait1',autorange = "reversed"),
camera = list(eye = list(x = cos(0.8*pi)*zoom,
y = sin(pi*1.3)*zoom, z= 2.00)),
legend = list(title=list(text='<b> Groups </b>')))) %>%
colorbar(title = "Only one Z") # <--- give me one z for the title!

R plotly with custom colorbar

I am trying to reproduce a graph generated via ggplotly with plot_ly. I am struggling however with the colorbar.
This is the ggploty plot that I would like to reproduce, and in particular the colorbar:
X <- data.frame(w = rep(c("a", "b"), each = 8),
x = 1:16,
y = 1:16,
z = c(1, 1:13, 13, 13))
X$z_scaled <- (X$z-min(X$z))/(max(X$z)-min(X$z)) # scale to 0-1
# ggplot
gg <- ggplot(X) +
geom_point(aes(x, y, color = z_scaled, alpha = w, text = paste0(x, ", ", y))) +
scale_color_gradient2(low = '#0d71db', mid = "#dbc00d", high = '#db220d',
midpoint = .5, breaks = 0:1, limits = 0:1) +
scale_alpha_manual(name = " ", values = rep(1, nrow(X))) +
labs(color = "Z", x = "", y = "")
ggplotly(gg, type = "scattergl", tooltip = "text") %>% toWebGL()
This is what I have with plot_ly:
length_unique_vals <- length(unique(X$z))
.colors <- colorRampPalette(c('#0d71db', "#dbc00d", "#db220d"))(length_unique_vals)
.colors <- .colors[factor(X$z)]
plot_ly() %>%
data = X, x = ~x, y = ~y,
split = ~w,
text = ~paste0(x, ", ", y),
hoverinfo = "text",
type = "scattergl",
mode = "markers",
marker = list(
# color = ~z_scaled,
color = .colors,
# colorscale = list(c(0, .5, 1), c("#0d71db", "#dbc00d", "#db220d")),
colorscale = .colors,
hoverlabel = list(bgcolor = .colors),
colorbar = list(
title = list(text = "Z"),
len = .5,
x = 1,
y = .7
) %>%
legend = list(x = 1, y = .4, bgcolor = 'rgba(255,255,255,0.6)')
) %>% toWebGL() %>% partial_bundle(local = FALSE)
As you can see, the colorbar is not displaying correctly. I have tried multiple possibilities (commented above) without success. What am I missing?
#Kat's answer solves the colorbar issue. However, if you want to use scattergl or toWebGl you will need to fix the hoverlabel background so it remains dynamic. Here is a solution for that below building on her answer.
length_unique_vals <- length(unique(X$z))
.colors <- colorRampPalette(c('#0d71db', "#dbc00d", "#db220d"))(length_unique_vals)
.colors <- .colors[factor(X$z)]
plot_ly() %>%
add_trace(x = ~x,
y = ~y,
split = ~w, # instead of alpha or opacity
data = X,
type = "scattergl",
mode = "markers",
color = ~z_scaled, # color = var and colors = literal colors
colors = c('#0d71db', "#dbc00d", '#db220d'),
hoverlabel = list(bgcolor = .colors)) %>% # Fix hovercolor bg
layout(xaxis = list(title = "",
dtick = 4,
zeroline = F,
gridcolor = "white"), # white on gray
yaxis = list(title = "",
dtick = 4,
zeroline = F,
gridcolor = "white"), # white on gray
plot_bgcolor = "#eeeeee") %>% # gray background
colorbar(title = "Z", # colorbar title
dtick = c(0, 1), # colorbar ticks
thickness = 25) %>% # width
toWebGL() %>% partial_bundle(local = FALSE)
Edit 2
The hoverlabel bgcolor breaks down then the split factor is not ordered. This is why it needs to be ordered first.
X <- data.table(w = rep(c("a", "b"), 8), #not ordered
x = 1:16,
y = 1:16,
z = c(1, 1:13, 13, 13))
X[, z_scaled := (X$z-min(X$z))/(max(X$z)-min(X$z))] # scale to 0-1
# Get colors for hoverlabel bgcolor
X <- X[order(w)]
length_unique_vals <- length(unique(X$z))
.colors <- colorRampPalette(c('#0d71db', "#dbc00d", "#db220d"))(length_unique_vals)
.colors <- .colors[factor(X$z)]
plot_ly() %>%
add_trace(x = ~x,
y = ~y,
split = ~w, # instead of alpha or opacity
data = X,
type = "scattergl",
mode = "markers",
color = ~z_scaled, # color = var and colors = literal colors
colors = c('#0d71db', "#dbc00d", '#db220d'),
hoverlabel = list(bgcolor = .colors),
marker = list(size = 10)) %>% # Fix hovercolor bg
layout(xaxis = list(title = "",
dtick = 4,
zeroline = F,
gridcolor = "white"), # white on gray
yaxis = list(title = "",
dtick = 4,
zeroline = F,
gridcolor = "white"), # white on gray
plot_bgcolor = "#eeeeee") %>% # gray background
colorbar(title = "Z", # colorbar title
dtick = c(0, 1), # colorbar ticks
thickness = 25) %>% # width
toWebGL() %>% partial_bundle(local = FALSE)
Assuming you even wanted the gray background, this should work. If something isn't clear or not what you were looking for, let me know.
You don't even need the text, because you specified the default hover content.
plot_ly() %>%
add_trace(x = ~x,
y = ~y,
split = ~w, # instead of alpha or opacity
data = X,
type = "scatter",
mode = "markers",
color = ~z_scaled, # color = var and colors = literal colors
colors = c('#0d71db', "#dbc00d", '#db220d')) %>%
layout(xaxis = list(title = "",
dtick = 4,
zeroline = F,
gridcolor = "white"), # white on gray
yaxis = list(title = "",
dtick = 4,
zeroline = F,
gridcolor = "white"), # white on gray
plot_bgcolor = "#eeeeee") %>% # gray background
colorbar(title = "Z", # colorbar title
dtick = c(0, 1), # colorbar ticks
thickness = 25) # width

R plotly(): Adding regression line to a correlation scatter plot

I would like to add the regression line to my correlation scatter plot. Unfortunately this doesn't really work with plot_ly(). I've already tried some solutions from other posts in this forum, but it doesn't work.
My data frame looks like the following (only a smart part of it):
My code for the plot and the actual plot-output look like the following:
CorrelationPlot <- plot_ly(data = df.dataCorrelation, x = ~df.dataCorrelation$prod1,
y = ~df.dataCorrelation$prod2, type = 'scatter', mode = 'markers',
marker = list(size = 7, color = "#FF9999", line = list(color = "#CC0000", width = 2))) %>%
layout(title = "<b> Correlation Scatter Plot", xaxis = list(title = product1),
yaxis = list(title = product2), showlegend = FALSE)
What I want to have is something like this:
which I have produced with the ggscatter() function:
ggscatter(df.dataCorrelation, x = "prod1", y = "prod2", color = "#CC0000", shape = 21, size = 2,
add = "reg.line", add.params = list(color = "#CC0000", size = 2), = TRUE,
cor.coef = TRUE, cor.method = "pearson", xlab = product1, ylab = product2)
HOW do I get the regression line with plot_ly()??
CorrelationPlot <- plot_ly(data = df.dataCorrelation, x = ~df.dataCorrelation$prod1,
y = ~df.dataCorrelation$prod2, type = 'scatter', mode = 'markers',
marker = list(size = 7, color = "#FF9999",
line = list(color = "#CC0000", width = 2))) %>%
add_trace(x = ~df.dataCorrelation$fitted_values, mode = "lines", type = 'scatter',
line = list(color = "black")) %>%
layout(title = "<b> Correlation Scatter Plot", xaxis = list(title = product1),
yaxis = list(title = product2), showlegend = FALSE)
How do I get here a line for the regression line??
I don't think there's a ready function like ggscatter, most likely you have to do it manually, like first fitting the linear model and adding the values to the data.frame.
I made a data.frame that's like your data:
df.dataCorrelation = data.frame(prod1=runif(50,20,60))
df.dataCorrelation$prod2 = df.dataCorrelation$prod1 + rnorm(50,10,5)
fit = lm(prod2 ~ prod1,data=df.dataCorrelation)
fitdata = data.frame(prod1=20:60)
prediction = predict(fit,fitdata,
fitdata$fitted = prediction$fit
The upper and lower bounds of the line are simply 1.96* standard error of prediction:
fitdata$ymin = fitdata$fitted - 1.96*prediction$
fitdata$ymax = fitdata$fitted + 1.96*prediction$
We calculate correlation:
COR = cor.test(df.dataCorrelation$prod1,df.dataCorrelation$prod2)[c("estimate","p.value")]
COR_text = paste(c("R=","p="),signif(as.numeric(COR,3),3),collapse=" ")
And put it into plotly:
df.dataCorrelation %>%
plot_ly(x = ~prod1) %>%
add_markers(x=~prod1, y = ~prod2) %>%
add_trace(data=fitdata,x= ~prod1, y = ~fitted,
mode = "lines",type="scatter",line=list(color="#8d93ab")) %>%
add_ribbons(data=fitdata, ymin = ~ ymin, ymax = ~ ymax,
line=list(color="#F1F3F8E6"),fillcolor ="#F1F3F880" ) %>%
showlegend = F,
annotations = list(x = 50, y = 50,
text = COR_text,showarrow =FALSE)
Another option is using ggplotly as
ggplot(iris, aes(x = Sepal.Length, y = Petal.Length))+
geom_point(color = "#CC0000", shape = 21, size = 2) +
geom_smooth(method = 'lm') +
annotate("text", label=paste0("R = ", round(with(iris, cor.test(Sepal.Length, Petal.Length))$estimate, 2),
", p = ", with(iris, cor.test(Sepal.Length, Petal.Length))$p.value),
x = min(iris$Sepal.Length) + 1, y = max(iris$Petal.Length) + 1, color="steelblue", size=5)+

Add jitter to box plot using markers in plotly

I made a boxplot:
dat %>%
plot_ly(y = ~xval, color = ~get(col), type = "box",
boxpoints = "all", jitter = 0.7,
pointpos = 0, marker = list(size = 3),
source = shiny_source, key = shiny_key,
hoverinfo = 'text', text = txt)
but problem is that jittered points are not interactive and cannot be marked separately, so I came with an idea to add those points using add_markers:
dat %>%
plot_ly(y = ~xval, color = ~get(col), type = "box",
boxpoints = FALSE, jitter = 0.7,
pointpos = 0, marker = list(size = 3),
source = shiny_source, key = shiny_key,
hoverinfo = 'col', text = txt
) %>%
add_markers(x = ~get(col), y = ~varval, size = I(6))
but now points are in straight line and I'd like to add some jitter (for example by using beeswarm package). But I don't know how to get coordinates of qualitative variable IC0 on X axis. Any ideas?
I find myself in the same potential case often with plotly and ggplot2-- 3 lines of code to get 90% of what I want, and 30 lines of code to get the aesthetics just right.
One potential solution/workaround: Take advantage of R's "factors are coded with integers" paradigm, plot everything on a numeric scale, and then cover your tracks by hiding x labels and x hover values.
dat <- data.frame(xval = sample(100,1000,replace = TRUE),
group = as.factor(sample(c("a","b","c"),1000,replace = TRUE)))
dat %>%
plot_ly() %>%
add_trace(x = ~as.numeric(group),y = ~xval, color = ~group, type = "box",
hoverinfo = 'name+y') %>%
add_markers(x = ~jitter(as.numeric(group)), y = ~xval, color = ~group,
marker = list(size = 6),
hoverinfo = "text",
text = ~paste0("Group: ",group,
"<br>xval: ",xval),
showlegend = FALSE) %>%
layout(legend = list(orientation = "h",
x =0.5, xanchor = "center",
y = 1, yanchor = "bottom"
xaxis = list(title = "Group",
showticklabels = FALSE))
Yields the following

Colorbar in legend when using plotly

Here is my data:
mydata = data.frame(A = rnorm(20), B = rnorm(20), Index = sample(190:400,20))
I am trying to divide the data into 20 different intervals based on the Index value and then color the scatter points according to their interval value. Below is my code. It is not working perfectly.
cols = colorRampPalette(c("red", "black"), space = "rgb")(20)
mydata$interval = cut(mydata$Index,breaks = 20)
mydata$cols = cols[mydata$interval]
x = list(title = "A")
y = list(title = "B")
plot_ly(mydata, x = ~A, y = ~B, color = ~cols, type = "scatter",
mode = 'markers', hoverinfo = 'text',
text = ~paste(interval)) %>%
layout(xaxis = x, yaxis = y)
How do I get a colorbar in the legend where the colors are based on Index value.
Are you looking for this:
plot_ly(mydata, x = ~A, y = ~B, type = "scatter",
mode = 'markers', hoverinfo = 'text', colors = colorRampPalette(c("red", "black"), space = "rgb")(20), color = ~Index, text = ~paste(interval), marker = list(size=14)) %>%
layout(xaxis = x, yaxis = y) %>%
colorbar(title = "My Legend")
