Error building 'Clp' cannot generate deps.jl in Julia? - julia

I am trying to install and build Clp on my system in julia but am receiving an error:
Error: Error building `Clp`:
│ ERROR: LoadError: LibraryProduct(nothing, ["libClp"], :libClp, "Prefix(/global/home/users/gorman_will/.julia/packages/Clp/cX6R7/deps/usr)") is not satisfied, cannot generate deps.jl!
│ Stacktrace:
│ [1] error(::String) at ./error.jl:33
│ [2] #write_deps_file#165(::Bool, ::Bool, ::Function, ::String, ::Array{LibraryProduct,1}) at /global/home/users/gorman_will/.julia/packages/BinaryProvider/GeAtj/src/Products.jl:419
│ [3] (::getfield(BinaryProvider, Symbol("#kw##write_deps_file")))(::NamedTuple{(:verbose,),Tuple{Bool}}, ::typeof(write_deps_file), ::String, ::Array{LibraryProduct,1}) at ./none:0
│ [4] top-level scope at none:0
│ [5] include at ./boot.jl:317 [inlined]
│ [6] include_relative(::Module, ::String) at ./loading.jl:1044
│ [7] include(::Module, ::String) at ./sysimg.jl:29
│ [8] include(::String) at ./client.jl:392
│ [9] top-level scope at none:0
│ in expression starting at /global/home/users/gorman_will/.julia/packages/Clp/cX6R7/deps/build.jl:144
└ # Pkg.Operations /global/software/sl-7.x86_64/sources/julia-1.0.3/usr/share/julia/stdlib/v1.0/Pkg/src/Operations.jl:1097
I am thinking this might have something to do with potentially needing a custom installation, but am not sure..
Julia session info:
julia> versioninfo()
Julia Version 1.0.3
Platform Info:
OS: Linux (x86_64-redhat-linux)
CPU: Intel(R) Xeon(R) CPU E5-2670 0 # 2.60GHz
LIBM: libopenlibm
LLVM: libLLVM-6.0.0 (ORCJIT, sandybridge)
JULIA_DIR = /global/software/sl-7.x86_64/modules/langs/julia/1.0.3
Package version in my project:
julia> Pkg.status()
Status `~/.julia/environments/v1.0/Project.toml`
[e2554f3b] Clp v0.8.0
[e2685f51] ECOS v0.11.0
[4076af6c] JuMP v0.21.2
[eadc2687] Pandas v1.4.0
Issue is posted on github here:

For the above system, you need to make sure that a GNU compiler collection (gcc) is loaded onto the system before installing and building the Clp package in Julia.


Problem installing MXNet.jl using Julia1.2 in UBUNTU 16.04

I am having some trouble installing "MXNet.jl" package in julia.
1) I first tryed typing:
(v1.2) pkg> add MXNet
and I get this:
(v1.2) pkg> add MXNet
Updating registry at `~/.julia/registries/General`
Updating git-repo ``
Resolving package versions...
Updating `~/.julia/environments/v1.2/Project.toml`
[no changes]
Updating `~/.julia/environments/v1.2/Manifest.toml`
[no changes]
At this point, nothing wrong was going on. There were no error messages thrown. Nice. Now, I went back to the Julia REPL and tried to use the module, for which I wrote:
julia> using MXNet
[ Info: Precompiling MXNet [a7949054-b901-59c6-b8e3-7238c29bf7f0]
ERROR: LoadError: LoadError: IOError: open: permission denied (EACCES)
[1] uv_error at ./libuv.jl:90 [inlined]
[2] open(::String, ::UInt16, ::UInt16) at ./filesystem.jl:81
[3] touch(::String) at ./file.jl:404
[4] top-level scope at /home/gbrunini/.julia/packages/MXNet/XoVCW/src/base.jl:60
[5] include at ./boot.jl:328 [inlined]
[6] include_relative(::Module, ::String) at ./loading.jl:1094
[7] include at ./Base.jl:31 [inlined]
[8] include(::String) at /home/gbrunini/.julia/packages/MXNet/XoVCW/src/MXNet.jl:25
[9] top-level scope at /home/gbrunini/.julia/packages/MXNet/XoVCW/src/MXNet.jl:138
[10] include at ./boot.jl:328 [inlined]
[11] include_relative(::Module, ::String) at ./loading.jl:1094
[12] include(::Module, ::String) at ./Base.jl:31
[13] top-level scope at none:2
[14] eval at ./boot.jl:330 [inlined]
[15] eval(::Expr) at ./client.jl:432
[16] top-level scope at ./none:3
in expression starting at /home/gbrunini/.julia/packages/MXNet/XoVCW/src/base.jl:57
in expression starting at /home/gbrunini/.julia/packages/MXNet/XoVCW/src/MXNet.jl:138
ERROR: Failed to precompile MXNet [a7949054-b901-59c6-b8e3-7238c29bf7f0] to /home/gbrunini/.julia/compiled/v1.2/MXNet/Sc0jU.ji.
[1] error(::String) at ./error.jl:33
[2] compilecache(::Base.PkgId, ::String) at ./loading.jl:1253
[3] _require(::Base.PkgId) at ./loading.jl:1013
[4] require(::Base.PkgId) at ./loading.jl:911
[5] require(::Module, ::Symbol) at ./loading.jl:906
and all this error messages where thrown. Knowing my limitations with regards to all this errors I went to my second attempt, which consisted in what follows...
2) My second approach consisted in using brute force, so I copied and paste all the github scr folder for the julia MXNet.jl package to a given folder in my personal Desktop. This was done subroutine by subroutine, folder by folder, until I copied every file and folder. So it is fair to say that the scr folder in this link:
looks excatly like mine now.
Now, I went to my folder and proceeded as if "MXNet.jl" were any other ordinary function I used in the past, so I type (On julia REPL):
julia> include("MXNet.jl")
ERROR: LoadError: LoadError: Cannot find or load Please see the document on how to build it.
[1] error(::String) at ./error.jl:33
[2] top-level scope at /home/gbrunini/Desktop/TRABAJOS/MTI/MTI_Neural_network/MTI_ejemplo_simple_3/base.jl:55
[3] include at ./boot.jl:328 [inlined]
[4] include_relative(::Module, ::String) at ./loading.jl:1094
[5] include at ./Base.jl:31 [inlined]
[6] include(::String) at /home/gbrunini/Desktop/TRABAJOS/MTI/MTI_Neural_network/MTI_ejemplo_simple_3/MXNet.jl:25
[7] top-level scope at /home/gbrunini/Desktop/TRABAJOS/MTI/MTI_Neural_network/MTI_ejemplo_simple_3/MXNet.jl:150
[8] include at ./boot.jl:328 [inlined]
[9] include_relative(::Module, ::String) at ./loading.jl:1094
[10] include(::Module, ::String) at ./Base.jl:31
[11] include(::String) at ./client.jl:431
[12] top-level scope at REPL[1]:1
in expression starting at /home/gbrunini/Desktop/TRABAJOS/MTI/MTI_Neural_network/MTI_ejemplo_simple_3/base.jl:51
in expression starting at /home/gbrunini/Desktop/TRABAJOS/MTI/MTI_Neural_network/MTI_ejemplo_simple_3/MXNet.jl:150
Which returned all this error message.
My assumption is that there is something wrong with this (I don't know what that is...) and I am tempted to follow steps 1-3 on this documentation(MXNet istallation guide), but I dont want to screw things up as I really dont know what any of the following commands do:
sudo apt-get update
sudo apt-get install -y build-essential git ninja-build ccache libopenblas-dev libopencv-dev cmake
git clone --recursive mxnet
cd mxnet
cp config/linux.cmake config.cmake # or config/linux_gpu.cmake for build with CUDA
rm -rf build
mkdir -p build && cd build
cmake -GNinja ..
cmake --build .
nor what any of the followings do for the Julia:
mkdir julia-depot
export JULIA_DEPOT_PATH=$HOME/julia/julia-depot
a) whats a depot?
b) whats a environment variable (I looked online, and It confusses me...)
export MXNET_HOME=$HOME/incubator-mxnet
export LD_LIBRARY_PATH=$HOME/incubator-mxnet/lib:$LD_LIBRARY_PATH
export LD_PRELOAD=/usr/lib/x86_64-linux-gnu/$LD_PRELOAD
export PATH=$HOME/bin:$HOME/.local/bin:$HOME/julia/julia-1.0.3/bin:$PATH
export JULIA_DEPOT_PATH=$HOME/julia/julia-depot
export MXNET_HOME=$HOME/incubator-mxnet
export LD_LIBRARY_PATH=$HOME/incubator-mxnet/lib:$LD_LIBRARY_PATH
export LD_PRELOAD=/usr/lib/x86_64-linux-gnu/$LD_PRELOAD
julia --color=yes --project=./ -e \
'using Pkg; \
Pkg.develop(PackageSpec(name="MXNet", path = joinpath(ENV["MXNET_HOME"], "julia")))'
I really just want to install MXNet.jl and use it. If I understand all the rest as a side-efftect the better, but I settle with having all correctly installed, so for short:
What is the problem I am having?,
Do I fix it by just "copying and pasteing" the instructions in the documentation steps?
If not, how do I install MXNet.jl?,
Am I conffusing GPU with CPU(my option) installation? what changes
between the both?. I don't think that has anything to do with what happens here, but....
Thanks a lot in advance I hope you are all doing Ok.
julia> versioninfo()
Julia Version 1.2.0
Commit c6da87ff4b (2019-08-20 00:03 UTC)
Platform Info:
OS: Linux (x86_64-pc-linux-gnu)
CPU: Intel(R) Core(TM) i5-2310 CPU # 2.90GHz
LIBM: libopenlibm
LLVM: libLLVM-6.0.1 (ORCJIT, sandybridge)
Following #Przemyslaw I went and installed the lastest julia version, julia1.4. I was hopping that by doing this, the permissions for writing into .julia would be fixed. However, the problem remains. I still get the following messages:
(#v1.4) pkg> add MXNet
Updating registry at `~/.julia/registries/General`
Updating git-repo ``
Resolving package versions...
Updating `~/.julia/environments/v1.4/Project.toml`
[a7949054] + MXNet v1.5.0
Updating `~/.julia/environments/v1.4/Manifest.toml`
[9e28174c] + BinDeps v1.0.1
[682c06a0] + JSON v0.21.0
[a7949054] + MXNet v1.5.0
[69de0a69] + Parsers v1.0.2
[30578b45] + URIParser v0.4.1
[8ba89e20] + Distributed
[a63ad114] + Mmap
[8dfed614] + Test
julia> using MXNet
[ Info: Precompiling MXNet [a7949054-b901-59c6-b8e3-7238c29bf7f0]
ERROR: LoadError: LoadError: IOError: open: permission denied (EACCES)
[1] uv_error at ./libuv.jl:97 [inlined]
[2] open(::String, ::UInt16, ::UInt16) at ./filesystem.jl:87
[3] touch(::String) at ./file.jl:422
[4] top-level scope at /home/gbrunini/.julia/packages/MXNet/XoVCW/src/base.jl:60
[5] include(::Module, ::String) at ./Base.jl:377
[6] include(::String) at /home/gbrunini/.julia/packages/MXNet/XoVCW/src/MXNet.jl:25
[7] top-level scope at /home/gbrunini/.julia/packages/MXNet/XoVCW/src/MXNet.jl:138
[8] include(::Module, ::String) at ./Base.jl:377
[9] top-level scope at none:2
[10] eval at ./boot.jl:331 [inlined]
[11] eval(::Expr) at ./client.jl:449
[12] top-level scope at ./none:3
in expression starting at /home/gbrunini/.julia/packages/MXNet/XoVCW/src/base.jl:57
in expression starting at /home/gbrunini/.julia/packages/MXNet/XoVCW/src/MXNet.jl:138
ERROR: Failed to precompile MXNet [a7949054-b901-59c6-b8e3-7238c29bf7f0] to /home/gbrunini/.julia/compiled/v1.4/MXNet/Sc0jU_ATtl5.ji.
[1] error(::String) at ./error.jl:33
[2] compilecache(::Base.PkgId, ::String) at ./loading.jl:1272
[3] _require(::Base.PkgId) at ./loading.jl:1029
[4] require(::Base.PkgId) at ./loading.jl:927
[5] require(::Module, ::Symbol) at ./loading.jl:922
julia> versioninfo()
Julia Version 1.4.1
Commit 381693d3df* (2020-04-14 17:20 UTC)
Platform Info:
OS: Linux (x86_64-pc-linux-gnu)
CPU: Intel(R) Core(TM) i5-2310 CPU # 2.90GHz
LIBM: libopenlibm
LLVM: libLLVM-8.0.1 (ORCJIT, sandybridge)
Why is installing a new julia not fixing the issue over .julia?
All other pakages I have install works fine, is MXNet.jl the only package that needs to write over .julia?
Problem seems related to the lines:
if isempty(MXNET_LIB)
# touch this file, so that after the user properly build libmxnet, the precompiled
# MXNet.ji will be re-compiled to get MXNET_LIB properly.
error("Cannot find or load libmxnet.$(Libdl.dlext). " *
"Please see the document on how to build it.")
in the base.jl subroutine of MXNet.jl. Any idea what this means?
The output of your add MXNet command shows that it is already installed.
However, it fails to precompile because your Julia process does not have sufficient permissions.
Your Julia needs to be able to write to /home/gbrunini/.julia/, otherwise the modules will not able to precompile and load. Try to set up permissions and rebuild the package with build MXNet
The above folder is your default JULIA_DEPOT_PATH. You can configure that variable to point store all Julia packages in a different location but this does not seem to be your problem (unless you are unable to configure permission for /home/gbrunini/.julia/ due some other reason).
The brute-force aproach is never a good way to go since Julia packages have many external dependencies. At Julia 1.2 they were managed by downloading the files when running package build (that is why you should rebuild). In the current Julia there is a more elegant solution with Julia artifacts.

Julia in Jupyter: kernel error ("Failed to precompile in IJulia")

Having added Julia to Jupyter, I encounter the following problem:
I wonder if there is a fix for this? For example, by changing the path to \.julia to a local drive (C:\ in my case is in fact not).
Julia Version 1.2.0
Commit c6da87ff4b (2019-08-20 00:03 UTC)
Platform Info:
OS: Windows (x86_64-w64-mingw32)
CPU: Intel(R) Xeon(R) CPU E3-1284L v4 # 2.90GHz
LIBM: libopenlibm
LLVM: libLLVM-6.0.1 (ORCJIT, broadwell)
julia> Pkg.status()
Status `C:\Users\xxxxxx\.julia\environments\v1.2\Project.toml`
[7073ff75] IJulia v1.21.1
EDIT: actually typing using IJulia in the command line returns:
julia> using IJulia
[ Info: Precompiling IJulia [7073ff75-c697-5162-941a-fcdaad2a7d2a]
ERROR: LoadError: Blosc not installed properly, run"ZMQ"), restart Ju
lia and try again
[1] error(::String) at .\error.jl:33
[2] top-level scope at C:\Users\xxxxxxx\.julia\packages\ZMQ\ItfqT\src\ZMQ.jl:14
[3] include at .\boot.jl:328 [inlined]
[4] include_relative(::Module, ::String) at .\loading.jl:1094
[5] include(::Module, ::String) at .\Base.jl:31
[6] top-level scope at none:2
[7] eval at .\boot.jl:330 [inlined]
[8] eval(::Expr) at .\client.jl:432
[9] top-level scope at .\none:3
in expression starting at C:\Users\xxxxxxx\.julia\packages\ZMQ\ItfqT\src\ZMQ.jl:
ERROR: LoadError: Failed to precompile ZMQ [c2297ded-f4af-51ae-bb23-16f91089e4e1
] to C:\Users\xxxxxxx\.julia\compiled\v1.2\ZMQ\CaaO6.ji.
[1] error(::String) at .\error.jl:33
[2] compilecache(::Base.PkgId, ::String) at .\loading.jl:1253
[3] _require(::Base.PkgId) at .\loading.jl:1013
[4] require(::Base.PkgId) at .\loading.jl:911
[5] require(::Module, ::Symbol) at .\loading.jl:906
[6] include at .\boot.jl:328 [inlined]
[7] include_relative(::Module, ::String) at .\loading.jl:1094
[8] include(::Module, ::String) at .\Base.jl:31
[9] top-level scope at none:2
[10] eval at .\boot.jl:330 [inlined]
[11] eval(::Expr) at .\client.jl:432
[12] top-level scope at .\none:3
in expression starting at C:\Users\xxxxxxx\.julia\packages\IJulia\yLI42\src\IJul
ERROR: Failed to precompile IJulia [7073ff75-c697-5162-941a-fcdaad2a7d2a] to C:\
[1] error(::String) at .\error.jl:33
[2] compilecache(::Base.PkgId, ::String) at .\loading.jl:1253
[3] _require(::Base.PkgId) at .\loading.jl:1013
[4] require(::Base.PkgId) at .\loading.jl:911
[5] require(::Module, ::Symbol) at .\loading.jl:906
My working solution:
rm -rfd ~/.julia/compiled
In the julia REPL:
using Pkg
Assuming we previously installed / updated IJulia, then from Julia REPL:
using IJulia
At this point launch the notebook from the command line
jupyter notebook --browser="brave"
I ran into the same problem when I tried to add IJulia:
julia > using Pkg
julia > Pkg.add("IJulia")
This produced similar errors to what you posted. My solution was to remove the .julia directory in my home directory:
$ rm -rf ~/.julia
Then I restarted julia and proceeded to install IJulia using the commands above, and it worked.

How use julia package "Mathematica"?

I added the Mathematica package ( to julia 1.3.1.
Now if I use command...
using Mathematica
I get this error:
[ Info: Precompiling Mathematica [32681abc-2ee8-5d23-a06a-fe3af83833d6]
┌ Warning: Package Mathematica does not have MathLink in its dependencies:
│ - If you have Mathematica checked out for development and have
│ added MathLink as a dependency but haven't updated your primary
│ environment's manifest file, try `Pkg.resolve()`.
│ - Otherwise you may need to report an issue with Mathematica
└ Loading MathLink into Mathematica from project dependency, future warnings for Mathematica are suppressed.
ERROR: LoadError: LoadError: UndefVarError: #mmimport not defined
[1] top-level scope
[2] eval at ./boot.jl:330 [inlined]
[3] top-level scope at /Users/murray/.julia/packages/Mathematica/W4UIg/src/Mathematica.jl:36
[4] include at ./boot.jl:328 [inlined]
[5] include_relative(::Module, ::String) at ./loading.jl:1105
[6] include(::Module, ::String) at ./Base.jl:31
[7] top-level scope at none:2
[8] eval at ./boot.jl:330 [inlined]
[9] eval(::Expr) at ./client.jl:425
[10] top-level scope at ./none:3
in expression starting at /Users/murray/.julia/packages/Mathematica/W4UIg/src/Mathematica.jl:36
in expression starting at /Users/murray/.julia/packages/Mathematica/W4UIg/src/Mathematica.jl:34
ERROR: Failed to precompile Mathematica [32681abc-2ee8-5d23-a06a-fe3af83833d6] to /Users/murray/.julia/compiled/v1.3/Mathematica/cqgUM_XJ2Lx.ji.
[1] error(::String) at ./error.jl:33
[2] compilecache(::Base.PkgId, ::String) at ./loading.jl:1283
[3] _require(::Base.PkgId) at ./loading.jl:1024
[4] require(::Base.PkgId) at ./loading.jl:922
[5] require(::Module, ::Symbol) at ./loading.jl:917
How do I correct this?
Per Chris’s comment, the suggestion is to use MathLink.jl. I talked to the package maintainer for Mathematica and added to deprecation warning to the readme as to avoid future issues.

Julia Pkg.clone()ERROR: Unsatisfiable requirements detected for package Stats [072d6d2a]:

I have Julia, Juno, and Atom installed in my computer. It works well. I was trying to use Pkg.clone() based on this link:
I got the error message like the following:
julia> Pkg.clone("")
Updating git-repo ``
[ Info: Assigning UUID 24979329-2a3d-50cf-82e3-05af2f1830ac to JEMSS
[ Info: Path `/Users/jack/.julia/dev/JEMSS` exists and looks like the correct package, using existing path instead of cloning
Resolving package versions...
ERROR: Unsatisfiable requirements detected for package Stats [072d6d2a]:
Stats [072d6d2a] log:
├─possible versions are: [0.0.1, 0.1.0] or uninstalled
├─restricted to versions 0.0.0-* by JEMSS [24979329], leaving only versions [0.0.1, 0.1.0]
│ └─JEMSS [24979329] log:
│ ├─possible versions are: 0.0.0 or uninstalled
│ └─JEMSS [24979329] is fixed to version 0.0.0
└─restricted by julia compatibility requirements to versions: uninstalled — no versions left
[1] #propagate_constraints!#61(::Bool, ::Function, ::Pkg.GraphType.Graph, ::Set{Int64}) at /Users/osx/buildbot/slave/package_osx64/build/usr/share/julia/stdlib/v1.0/Pkg/src/GraphType.jl:1005
[2] propagate_constraints! at /Users/osx/buildbot/slave/package_osx64/build/usr/share/julia/stdlib/v1.0/Pkg/src/GraphType.jl:946 [inlined]
[3] #simplify_graph!#121(::Bool, ::Function, ::Pkg.GraphType.Graph, ::Set{Int64}) at /Users/osx/buildbot/slave/package_osx64/build/usr/share/julia/stdlib/v1.0/Pkg/src/GraphType.jl:1460
[4] simplify_graph! at /Users/osx/buildbot/slave/package_osx64/build/usr/share/julia/stdlib/v1.0/Pkg/src/GraphType.jl:1460 [inlined]
[5] macro expansion at ./logging.jl:317 [inlined]
[6] resolve_versions!(::Pkg.Types.Context, ::Array{Pkg.Types.PackageSpec,1}, ::Nothing) at /Users/osx/buildbot/slave/package_osx64/build/usr/share/julia/stdlib/v1.0/Pkg/src/Operations.jl:353
[7] resolve_versions! at /Users/osx/buildbot/slave/package_osx64/build/usr/share/julia/stdlib/v1.0/Pkg/src/Operations.jl:316 [inlined]
[8] #add_or_develop#62(::Array{Base.UUID,1}, ::Symbol, ::Function, ::Pkg.Types.Context, ::Array{Pkg.Types.PackageSpec,1}) at /Users/osx/buildbot/slave/package_osx64/build/usr/share/julia/stdlib/v1.0/Pkg/src/Operations.jl:1201
[9] #add_or_develop at ./none:0 [inlined]
[10] #add_or_develop#13(::Symbol, ::Bool, ::Base.Iterators.Pairs{Union{},Union{},Tuple{},NamedTuple{(),Tuple{}}}, ::Function, ::Pkg.Types.Context, ::Array{Pkg.Types.PackageSpec,1}) at /Users/osx/buildbot/slave/package_osx64/build/usr/share/julia/stdlib/v1.0/Pkg/src/API.jl:64
[11] #add_or_develop at ./none:0 [inlined]
[12] #develop#19 at /Users/osx/buildbot/slave/package_osx64/build/usr/share/julia/stdlib/v1.0/Pkg/src/API.jl:70 [inlined]
[13] develop at /Users/osx/buildbot/slave/package_osx64/build/usr/share/julia/stdlib/v1.0/Pkg/src/API.jl:70 [inlined]
[14] macro expansion at ./logging.jl:308 [inlined]
[15] clone(::String, ::String) at /Users/osx/buildbot/slave/package_osx64/build/usr/share/julia/stdlib/v1.0/Pkg/src/API.jl:468 (repeats 2 times)
[16] top-level scope at none:0
So, it looks like I need to clear/delete the file located at. ./Users/jack/.julia/dev/JEMSS and try this again, right? Maybe because I cloned this file more than once I guess? Is there a command I can use?
This is because the Stats package is not compatible with your julia versions, which looks like it is 0.7 or 1.0 based on the messages. Just rm the package. For now you'll have to load the JuliaStats packages manually.

Can't build Ijulia in Julia 1.0

After installing the latest Julia (v.1.0) package using conda, on Ubuntu v.16.04, via
conda install -c conda-forge julia
I can't seem to install IJulia.
(v1.0) pkg> add IJulia
Updating registry at `~/.julia/registries/General`
Updating git-repo ``
Resolving package versions...
Installed VersionParsing ── v1.1.3
Installed Conda ─────────── v1.0.2
Installed JSON ──────────── v0.19.0
Installed Compat ────────── v1.2.0
Installed ZMQ ───────────── v1.0.0
Installed IJulia ────────── v1.12.0
Installed BinaryProvider ── v0.5.1
Installed MbedTLS ───────── v0.6.3
Installed SoftGlobalScope ─ v1.0.7
Updating `~/.julia/environments/v1.0/Project.toml`
[7073ff75] + IJulia v1.12.0
Updating `~/.julia/environments/v1.0/Manifest.toml`
[b99e7846] + BinaryProvider v0.5.1
[34da2185] + Compat v1.2.0
[8f4d0f93] + Conda v1.0.2
[7073ff75] + IJulia v1.12.0
[682c06a0] + JSON v0.19.0
[739be429] + MbedTLS v0.6.3
[b85f4697] + SoftGlobalScope v1.0.7
[81def892] + VersionParsing v1.1.3
[c2297ded] + ZMQ v1.0.0
[2a0f44e3] + Base64
[ade2ca70] + Dates
[8bb1440f] + DelimitedFiles
[8ba89e20] + Distributed
[7b1f6079] + FileWatching
[b77e0a4c] + InteractiveUtils
[76f85450] + LibGit2
[8f399da3] + Libdl
[37e2e46d] + LinearAlgebra
[56ddb016] + Logging
[d6f4376e] + Markdown
[a63ad114] + Mmap
[44cfe95a] + Pkg
[de0858da] + Printf
[3fa0cd96] + REPL
[9a3f8284] + Random
[ea8e919c] + SHA
[9e88b42a] + Serialization
[1a1011a3] + SharedArrays
[6462fe0b] + Sockets
[2f01184e] + SparseArrays
[10745b16] + Statistics
[8dfed614] + Test
[cf7118a7] + UUIDs
[4ec0a83e] + Unicode
and when building, I get the following error:
Building Conda ──→ `~/.julia/packages/Conda/hsaaN/deps/build.log`
Building ZMQ ────→ `~/.julia/packages/ZMQ/ABGOx/deps/build.log`
┌ Error: Error building `ZMQ`:
│ ERROR: LoadError: LoadError: Unable to open libLLVM!
│ Stacktrace:
│ [1] error(::String) at ./error.jl:33
│ [2] (::getfield(BinaryProvider, Symbol("#open_libllvm#114")))() at /home/daniel/.julia/packages/BinaryProvider/cVlaj/src/PlatformNames.jl:649
│ [3] detect_cxx11_string_abi() at /home/daniel/.julia/packages/BinaryProvider/cVlaj/src/PlatformNames.jl:652
│ [4] detect_compiler_abi() at /home/daniel/.julia/packages/BinaryProvider/cVlaj/src/PlatformNames.jl:665
│ [5] top-level scope at none:0
│ [6] include at ./boot.jl:317 [inlined]
│ [7] include_relative(::Module, ::String) at ./loading.jl:1038
│ [8] include at ./sysimg.jl:29 [inlined]
│ [9] include(::String) at /home/daniel/.julia/packages/BinaryProvider/cVlaj/src/BinaryProvider.jl:1
│ [10] top-level scope at none:0
│ [11] include at ./boot.jl:317 [inlined]
│ [12] include_relative(::Module, ::String) at ./loading.jl:1038
│ [13] include(::Module, ::String) at ./sysimg.jl:29
│ [14] top-level scope at none:2
│ [15] eval at ./boot.jl:319 [inlined]
│ [16] eval(::Expr) at ./client.jl:389
│ [17] top-level scope at ./none:3
│ in expression starting at /home/daniel/.julia/packages/BinaryProvider/cVlaj/src/PlatformNames.jl:682
│ in expression starting at /home/daniel/.julia/packages/BinaryProvider/cVlaj/src/BinaryProvider.jl:12
│ ERROR: LoadError: Failed to precompile BinaryProvider [b99e7846-7c00-51b0-8f62-c81ae34c0232] to /home/daniel/.julia/compiled/v1.0/BinaryProvider/ek6VZ.ji.
which is followed by
Building MbedTLS → `~/.julia/packages/MbedTLS/mkHpa/deps/build.log`
┌ Error: Error building `MbedTLS`:
│ ERROR: LoadError: LoadError: Unable to open libLLVM!
│ Stacktrace:
│ [1] error(::String) at ./error.jl:33
│ [2] (::getfield(BinaryProvider, Symbol("#open_libllvm#114")))() at /home/daniel/.julia/packages/BinaryProvider/cVlaj/src/PlatformNames.jl:649
│ [3] detect_cxx11_string_abi() at /home/daniel/.julia/packages/BinaryProvider/cVlaj/src/PlatformNames.jl:652
│ [4] detect_compiler_abi() at /home/daniel/.julia/packages/BinaryProvider/cVlaj/src/PlatformNames.jl:665
│ [5] top-level scope at none:0
│ [6] include at ./boot.jl:317 [inlined]
│ [7] include_relative(::Module, ::String) at ./loading.jl:1038
│ [8] include at ./sysimg.jl:29 [inlined]
│ [9] include(::String) at /home/daniel/.julia/packages/BinaryProvider/cVlaj/src/BinaryProvider.jl:1
│ [10] top-level scope at none:0
│ [11] include at ./boot.jl:317 [inlined]
│ [12] include_relative(::Module, ::String) at ./loading.jl:1038
│ [13] include(::Module, ::String) at ./sysimg.jl:29
│ [14] top-level scope at none:2
│ [15] eval at ./boot.jl:319 [inlined]
│ [16] eval(::Expr) at ./client.jl:389
│ [17] top-level scope at ./none:3
│ in expression starting at /home/daniel/.julia/packages/BinaryProvider/cVlaj/src/PlatformNames.jl:682
│ in expression starting at /home/daniel/.julia/packages/BinaryProvider/cVlaj/src/BinaryProvider.jl:12
│ ERROR: LoadError: Failed to precompile BinaryProvider [b99e7846-7c00-51b0-8f62-c81ae34c0232] to /home/daniel/.julia/compiled/v1.0/BinaryProvider/ek6VZ.ji.
│ Stacktrace:
│ [1] error(::String) at ./error.jl:33
│ [2] macro expansion at ./logging.jl:313 [inlined]
│ [3] compilecache(::Base.PkgId, ::String) at ./loading.jl:1184
│ [4] _require(::Base.PkgId) at ./logging.jl:311
│ [5] require(::Base.PkgId) at ./loading.jl:852
│ [6] macro expansion at ./logging.jl:311 [inlined]
│ [7] require(::Module, ::Symbol) at ./loading.jl:834
│ [8] include at ./boot.jl:317 [inlined]
│ [9] include_relative(::Module, ::String) at ./loading.jl:1038
│ [10] include(::Module, ::String) at ./sysimg.jl:29
│ [11] include(::String) at ./client.jl:388
│ [12] top-level scope at none:0
│ in expression starting at /home/daniel/.julia/packages/MbedTLS/mkHpa/deps/build.jl:1
└ # Pkg.Operations /home/conda/feedstock_root/build_artifacts/julia_1534540929950/work/usr/share/julia/stdlib/v1.0/Pkg/src/Operations.jl:1068
Building IJulia ─→ `~/.julia/packages/IJulia/4VL8h/deps/build.log`
Trying to build ZMQ or BinaryProvider separately gives the same error: that it's unable to open libLLVM.
I haven't encountered the problem when using older versions of Julia, neither an answer to the problem in any of the previous threads. Any ideas?
In regards to libLLVM, check out this link libLLVM
What I would recommend: try removing those packages, adding them back, doing an update, and then resolve.
I am currently converting my code from Julia v0.6 to v0.7 and this is something I have had to do way too much over the last few days.
It may also be worth it to take a look at the specific location in those files where the error is occurring. I have a similar issue with a package and I went into the file and saw that it was testing my OS version, and I was on a non-supported version of MacOs(while unlikely to be your issue, it could be something similar).
Please let me know what happens after the steps I recommended. Good Luck!
