Point DNS to other DNS and mantain MX record - networking

I have a webiste hosted in a web hosting which is down.
My domain was pointing to this website hosting so I changed DNS records to a new hosting because we didn't recieve any emails.
In this new hosting, I changed MX records to GSuite and email is working OK.
I need to get a backup from my webiste so when the web hosting which is down comes up, I want to point my DNS for http to that webhosting so I can access the site. After backup is done, I will revert my DNS changes back so all is resolved in my new hosting.
Is there any way I can do this at DNS level without affecting the current MX records which are working OK?

I solved by changing "A" DNS record to point to the older server DNS IP.


Unable to direct Route53 records to new server

I am trying to point a domain from a website (radicalxchange.org) currently hosted by Firebase to a new version hosted in a Digital Ocean droplet. The name servers are managed by AWS Route53. When I change the A record in Route53 to my D.O. droplet IP address (, the site immediately stops loading. I've tried to wait a few hours but it never connects.
I should note that Route53 contains a lot of other stuff related to our site (CNAME, MX & TXT records) however I've been under the impression that the only thing necessary to route website traffic to the new IP is the A record. What am I doing wrong?
Well, your Digital Ocean droplet is kind of misconfigured:
1) from current hosting, you have permanent redirect to https (and if your browser have that already cached, it will immediately go to https://radicalxchange.org), and you don't have https configured in your new hosting
2) Even if you use clean browser, your new http://radicalxchange.org will redirect you to, which is quite strange.
I suggest you hardcode radicalxchange.org entry in your hosts file, and test thoroughly, and only then make DNS changes.

Hosting a website but public ip keeps changing

I am currently hosting the site theviewbeyond.co.uk on a server at home, the issue is my public IP will change every month or so.
I purchased the domain from godaddy, is there anything i can do to make godaddy update my IP automatically or somehow configure DDNS to prevent this ?
Have a look at wikipedia: You need a DNS service, but it has to be dynamic.
No-ip (and others) offers free dynamic DNS, but only for subdomains of their domains.
Others offer free DNS hosting, but are not dynamic. he.net seems to offer free DNS hosting and can be marked as dynamic. At the end of the wikipedia article are some other links to free DNS hosting, but do check if you accept dynamic updates.
Finally, you need install the appropriate tool in your server to detect IP changes, and to send the update to the DNS host.

Registered at GoDaddy with NameSilo DNS

If domain.tld is registered at GoDaddy and its default GoDaddy nameservers are changed to use NameSilo's nameservers, is it possible to manage domain.tld's dns at NameSilo?
Yes, if you changed the DNS servers, you may update DNS records on the side of Namesilo.
Just keep in mind this tip: your DNS records are managed on the side of DNS servers. If your domain name is pointed to GD's default nameservers, then you may update the records in the account with GoDaddy. If the domain name is delegated to the DNS servers of Namesilo - then in the account with them.
Also, depending on whether you have a hosting package or not, you may manage DNS records either in the account itself or in cPanel.
Normally, if you purchase a cPanel based hosting, you may update DNS settings in 'DNS Manager' (aka Domain Name Zone File) of your cPanel.
Registrars usually do not provide DNS for domains not registered with them. So if you have the domain at Godaddy, you need to use Godaddy NS (domaincontrol) or find a nameserver provider like Cloudflare. Exception is when you do hosting, in that case you can use registrar's NS for domains not registered with them.

Separate Domain Registrar and Host, possible to use CDN?

I am just wondering if this is possible/how I could go about doing this.
I work for a company that has their domain name registered on Site A while their hosting is on Site B. This is no issue as we just have the Registrar at Site A point the Name Servers to Site B. Easy.
Where I get a little confused, is say I would like to use a CDN such as CloudFlare (Site C), typically in a basic case, I would go to the registrar/host and just change my Name Servers to the ones given by CloudFlare. However if my Registrar and Domain Host are different, it appears someone could get lost in the mix, as if I go from Site A point to Site C .. how does host at Site B supply Site C with all the information to host and control the CDN for?
Thanks for the insight!
I reached out to CloudFlare and got this very simple, perfect answer.
Here's how it will work for you :
At your domain registrar, you will set your authoritative name servers to the ones that CloudFlare will assign to you when you sign up.
Within CloudFlare, using our dashboard, you will configure your DNS zone file to point your domain to the IP address of the server assigned to you by your hosting provider.
The CloudFlare reverse proxy does the rest!
Hope this helps!

DNS and Subdomain IIS

I have 2 web apps installed on my IIS, one running as app1.mydomain and other one as app2.mydomain
In the test environment I just copied about two entries pointed to
What changes do I have to do in order to put this on production server, I mean on DNS level?
Can I use URL re-write on IIS to avoid changes for DNS?
You need to add A or CNAME records mapping both subdomains to the external IP address of your server.
This tells web browsers to go to your server when you go to the subdomain; URL rewriting has nothing to do with this.
