DNS and Subdomain IIS - asp.net

I have 2 web apps installed on my IIS, one running as app1.mydomain and other one as app2.mydomain
In the test environment I just copied about two entries pointed to
What changes do I have to do in order to put this on production server, I mean on DNS level?
Can I use URL re-write on IIS to avoid changes for DNS?

You need to add A or CNAME records mapping both subdomains to the external IP address of your server.
This tells web browsers to go to your server when you go to the subdomain; URL rewriting has nothing to do with this.


Make local web app accessable by http://LocalComputer/WebsiteName on IIS

I am trying to make web app accessible by http://LocalComputer/WebsiteName on IIS.
I am able to access it by http://computername:portnumber/
So what does my binding need to be and do I need a static ip?
Any help or redirection to appropriate resources will be greatly appreciated!
Is IIS setup on default port 80? If your document root is setup to website, you should be able to access it via http://computername/. If this is a local setup, and assuming your DNS is setup and working on the router, wont need a static IP although doubtful IP will ever change.
http://LocalComputer/WebsiteName this can be done locally without a static IP.
In order to make it publically over http you would need below things.
1) Registered domain name
2) Registered name servers
3) DNS zone created for the domain either with registrar or on the server
You can either host this website by renting a Windows VPS or a server and with the help of third party control panels like Plesk or Hosting controller.
You can purchase a shared web hosting space from a windows hosting provider and upload your pages to make the contents accessible publically.
Another option would be to set multiple domains in your hosts file
Set IIS to bind and hosts multiple domain on the same IP. Then you can access each site locally by going to http://domain1 or http://domain2 etc...

Configure Shared Website Hosting for IIS

I have a server that running IIS7 and DNS server.
I have 2 domains:
I want to visitors from internet coming without port of this sites. What may i do for this?
If I understand your question correctly, you need to set up two separate websites within IIS, and configure the bindings on each site - select the Bindings option and specify the correct hostname, for each site.
Note - this will only work for HTTP sites; if you want to route HTTPS to each site, they'll each need a unique IP address as you cannot setup hostname bindings for secure sites.

Different output for http and www versions

I have a domain ie: foo.com
when i type http://foo.com , it goes to my app.
When i type www.foo.com it goes to default IIS page.
I am using plesk 9 for windows.
When i use nslookup to look up DNS they both point to same DNS.
In the IIS application go to bindings, and make sure BOTH www.yourdomain.tld as well as yourdomain.tld are binded. (PS. This question might have been better off at serverfault.com)
If the two domains points to the same IP address, it seems you need to properly configure the Host Headers of your IIS server.
Using Plesk, i think you just have to add a proper alias in the domain management page.
Changes which made in domain's configuration directly in IIS(not via Plesk) will be reset in future(after domain configuration update in Plesk)
In Plesk 9 you can switch on 'www' for domain on Hosting settings page, there is check box "WWW prefix" from left of domain name.

How can we configure IIS for domain name mapping

I would like to configure IIS server at (Windows server 2003) for domain name mapping.
We have purchased domain name for one of our newly created website.
I would like to know how can I configure IIS so that anybody from outside world can reach website by typing URL.
As in: http://example.com/ should redirect to my the home page of my website.
I have made website in using ASP.NET and Oracle.
How can I do this?
You need to register your domain on a DNS server, which is different (though could be the same physical box) as your IIS server. Long time since I've done this myself, as I use a hosting company for this kind of thing, but you will typically need at least two DNS Server IP addresses typically for a domain (primary and secondary DNS servers). There is a DNS Server for the windows server platform, but most people use hosting services to do this thing.
By the way, you might get a better response posting this kind of question on serverfault.com, as it's not really a developer question.

Getting site running in IIS 7 Issues

This is driving me nuts. I am trying to setup a webiste on our dev server with a specific url name www.mystpidsite.com as an example. mystupidsite is not the same name as the dev server.
1) specify a specific url to use for the website I create in IIS
2) run it and use that url to access it
I have:
1) created a new site in IIS 7 in Server 2008
2) attempted to access it via the site name which I set to the desired url and port 8888. So if we want it to be www.mystupidsite.com I setup the website name to mystupidsite in IIS 7.
3) I even tried to create an application under mystupidsite with the same name in IIS 7.
The server is definitely accessible and pingable on the network from my local PC, we have other stuff installed on this new server. Do I need to create an application or is just creating the website enough in IIS 7? I specified the IP as the server's IP in the website I made.
For the host name in the bindings of the site I put www.mystupidsite.com
when I try to access the site via www.mystupidsite.com it can't find it and the site in IIS7 on the dev server is running. It's running on a HyperV instance which is our dev server. Everything else has worked just fine. I just wnat to understand how to get a specific url by name setup.
Do I need to add something in the hosts file on the server or something?
You're not going to be able to have a site on your dev box answer to both the mystpidsite.com and mystupidsite.com domain names.
Unless you have the domains registered and have your domain's nameserver directing that name to your dev machine, IIS is only going to answer to requests either the machine name on the network or the IP address of your machine (in addition to and localhost).
The only thing you're going to be able to do outside that scenario is set up two sites on two different ports on your machine and access them from http://localhost:80 and http://localhost:8888 (or network computer name equivalent).
you need to have an entry in dns to be able to hit the server when using www.mystupidsite.com
Because you have the site running on an alternate port you should be able to get to it by http://your-server-IP-address:8888
If you want to test it locally using the host name and do not have access to dns you can add the appropriate entries to the hosts file on your local machine (c:\windows\system 32\drivers\etc\hosts)
What happens when you type 'nslookup www.mystupidsite.com'? Do you get the IP address of the virtual server?
Do you have the windows firewall enabled on the server? if so, did you add an exception for port 8888?
add a default binding (no host header / blank) and try accessing it by IP
