Linkedin API Webhooks - linkedin

We are developing a platform to help freelancers schedule #linkedin posts for their clients and manage comments on those posts.
I understand from the documentation that LinkedIn provides webhooks for apps to get notified when a Page post receives comments but I can't find a way to enable that feature. At the moment we are basically query the API frequently enough to make it look like it is a webhook but that is not a proper solution.
Is it a very restricted feature just like video UGC posts (which would be nice to have as well)?
Or can we apply somehow?
Any help is appreciated, thanks.


Wordpress REST API Fetch = Tracking?

I have some question I didn't find an anwser in the internet. I'm buildung an app and therefore I use my Wordpress Website to receive Data with the REST API and JSON. Now I need to now if there is any tracking, when I fetch the data from my site. Because there is a request to my site so I think something has to be tracked or?
Because of the Tracking Policy.
Hope, anybody knows it!
Thx, Eric
I search many websites and read about the REST API of Wordpress but couldn't found an answer.

Getting Subscription Products from WooCommerce

I am trying to access my site's Subscription Products via REST API. At wc/v1/subscriptions I can get the active subscriptions, and at wc/v3/products I can get all products except subscriptions.
There isn't anything in the WC Subscriptions documentation about subscription products. This site implies that I can provide an API for this, but I am not a PHP programmer. I do have access to the server and can put code in functions.php or wherever it would belong.
Can anyone provide me with the code to achieve this? I ask here because I hope it's relatively simple, like the get_posts_meta code I've found on a number of blogs/sources to expose some other API data.
Thanks a lot.

Is it possible to schedule a post with Linkedin Api

I am trying to use linkedin API for sharing my web site post on linkedin. One of the feature is to schedule the post after some time or specific date. I would like to know is there any Api available for that where i can pass some parameter and the post is submitted on linkedin.
Please help if anyone have done this before

LinkedIn API v2 - Possible to get Company job listings?

I've pored over the LinkedIn developer documentation for api v2, and can't find any endpoints or documentation which provides me with a given company's list of jobs. Does anyone know if this is still possible using API v2, and if so, can anyone point me at documentation for this specific use case of their API or give me an example URI for requesting this data?
Thank you!
p.s. This SO post seems to be the most relevant, but it doesn't provide me with a solid answer as it is rather old and refers to api v1 endpoints and functionality: Retrieve job postings for a specific company using LinkedIn's API
Apparently this is not yet possible with v2. But what I could suggest is that you look at how LinkedIn carries out the job search on their own website. They use Voyager service which pretty much having the endpoints you'll ever need to get your work done.
Have a look:
Press F12 and inspect the XHR requests flowing out to LinkedIn website when you do a job search. It will give you a lot of hints ;)

How can I get all the emails from people who have messaged me?

Looking for an API method in LinkedIn that allows me to GET all the emails from people who have messaged me in the past.
Can't find anything in the docs. Any help is much appreciated
LinkedIn does not provide any publicly available API calls that provide such functionality. In order for you to achieve this, you would need to apply to become a member of a LinkedIn Partner Program:
