Bootstrap layout: Img nested inside a div won't align left edges - css

I have a bootstrap container with an img inside. I'd expect the left side of the image to align
with the LHS of the container. Looking through the CSS with the browser debugger doesn't show any margin, border, etc that seems to be responsible. Playing with position and align doesn't fix this issue.
I can force it by styling the img with "margin-left:-15px".
I'd really like to know why this isn't working as I'd expect and where does the 15 pixel magic number come from.

#joe McGuckin. The magic number comes from the bootstrap template css file. Here is the snapshot from Bootstrap.min file.
Bootstrap is a frame work which provides some built in elements to make a page responsive. Please refer to the bootstrap documentation for guidance.


CSS preprocessor/library for centering and fills

I have barely used anything other than vanilla CSS but would really like to do a couple things that aren't working well now:
I have an inner border inside a div, which I want to actually border the inside of the encapsulating div's border (double border). However with window resizing, the inner border will sometimes have too large/small width/height, even when using a measurement like % or vh/vw. I need the inner border (just a div with a border right now) to always stretch/shrink to fit snug right next to the parent border.
Similarly (notoriously) with centering, I imagine there must be a library with the ability to easily center elements vertically and horizontally. Generally I use flex box but would love something that works more consistently, elegantly and intuitively.
What say ye?
I think you're talking about a CSS framework, they help out a lot, especially when working on a major project. I would check out Twitter Bootstrap or Google's Material Design, I personally use mdbootstrap, which is a 3rd party hybrid of the two.
You could give Tacit a try for this particular need.
Tacit is a class-less CSS framework were all you need is just a single <link> statement in your HTML and the web page will have a complete and finished look.
The centering of elements vertically and horizontally come out of the box, and you can skip the usage of <div> elements or the work of defining classes for your elements.
As a side note, here are a few examples of pages that use Tacit, and the only work put into was including the CSS file:,,

How do I center a graphic in the middle section of the Application Layout Control?

I've got several pictures that I would like to arrange and then center in the middle section of the Application Layout Control. I've made several attempts but apparently am just too numb to figure it out. Any help would be appreciated.
You need to look into CSS.
For example, you can add a div around your images and then assign a CSS class to this div. Using CSS you can then center and control size etc. for this div according to your preferences.
I would say. Take a look at the W3C Centering things.

div doesn't resize with twitter bootstrap

With Bootstrap loaded, the div doesn't expand along with the contents inside. So if I insert an image or enlarge the text, it just kind of...gets squished in or squished out of the div.
What is it about Bootstrap that causes this to do this?
It looks like the bootsrap css used by you does not have the responsive features.
Please download the bootstrap library from the customize option.
You can have a look at this modified sample. You need to add some structural changes also as defined by bootstrap. You need to place the spanx definitions inside a row element to work correctly.

CSS bug in Safari but not Chrome/Firefox
If you view the above page in Chrome/Firefox then everything seems to be fine. The divs at the bottom (the two headings and the social icons) are wrapped in a container div and center without issue.
If it's viewed in Safari though then these three divs are not centered at all :/
I'm not sure why this is.... can anyone help?
Note: had to assume a lot with your design so modify anything that does not fit your original design.
First off, you are not properly containing your page elements (content, carousel, footer), you currently have multiple width containers trying to reside side-by-side and that is breaking your design in multiple places.
Your content container is width:940px, your .wrapper div is width:750px, your .paramWrapper div is width:870px, your .carousel div is width:735px. You have to pick one width and stick to it and just use margin to push content accordingly across your page. I used 860px, which is the width of the span11 class.
Next, you're modifying the bootstrap.css stylesheet directly, that means that whenever the bootstrap gets updated all of your changes will be lost if you overwrite the bootstrap stylesheet, so create a another stylesheet and put all of your custom styles there and just load it "after" the bootstrap stylesheet in your header.
Now onto your original issue, the bottom .paraWrapper div is not properly stacking because you have a width of 870px set in your container and the elements within do not add up to that width:
span3 + span3 + span2 + margin = 640px
So it was not an issue or a bug, its just your layout.
Here is a fixed version that i very quickly put up so you're going to have to modify the elements to fit your design once again:, here is a demo of what it looks like.
By the way, you're using the responsive bootstrap stylesheet for naught, it is currently not doing much in your case so why even use it? You can easily modify a few media queries to support my fixed version though, but yours will not work at all because you're declaring all of your own classes with custom widths so there is no point in including it.

Simple CSS height problem

I am trying to just create a basic layout, but i am having trouble to get it to auto-adjust the height.
Something is wrong with the DIV-container since it's not adding the padding correctly to the top and bottom elements. It should be the size of the highest block, right now its the menu block.
Any ideas?
in the container that holds your divs (the one whose height is not adjusting), use a css clear fix. Your container div will adjust once you use this method.
Add overflow: hidden; to the CSS for that particular <div>.
Inspect your HTML by using Google Chrome or Firefox with the firebug addon. Is so easy to see where and where not there is correct padding, margins etc... Additional ye see all css for a selected element as well...
Btw. When you are using padding, are you sure the rows above and below are cleared ?
Tried using margins instead?
