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Closed 2 years ago.
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I installed Symfony 5.0.8, but it doesn't have server bundle, then installed server bundle v4.4.8, and after putting the server to run from the command line, the URL was generated successfully. I copied the URL to the browser to lunch the home page, but it's loading infinitely.
on console, go to your symfony project folder and run
symfony server:start
You should have something like this on console :
[OK] Web server listening
The Web server is using PHP CGI 7.4.2
You must don't close console, and after this when you run this url on browser, all server do is write on console.
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Closed 7 days ago.
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Ive been given access to a clients EC2 instance only.
The clients custom theme keeps failing on my local WAMP server, and also failing when trying on Cloudways DigitalOcean servers too.
Fatal error: Uncaught Error: Class 'Brave\Enqueue' not found in C:\wamp64\www\WordPress\www\app\themes\base-theme\functions.php on line 3
The first few lines of the functions.php file are:
<?php namespace Brave;
What is actually causing this error? And what would the fix be?
The same code is running error-free on the EC2 instance.
Attempted to remove the code, or use require() instead - Neither work, as there are plenty of other similar references throughout the codebase - Also failing with the same reason.
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Closed 2 years ago.
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I have an ASP.NET Core 3.1 web API project. My current working environment is Ubuntu. I am using a remote database. Now the problem is:
I have to keep my project in open source repository
I have to use the remotely connected database, so that my team-mate gets access to the APIs in Mobile Environments directly from the deployed site (heroku/azure)
But in such case, I guess this is not standard and most importantly not secured. So, How do I manage to secure the connection string of my remote database secured in an open source repository?
You can use "UserSecretManager" to put the connectionString into "secrets.json" instead of "appsetting.json". The "secrets.json" remains on your local machine and is outside of the git repository folder.
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Closed 3 years ago.
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I have made a website with Symfony. It works fine on my local server but when I try to publish it on my hosting space (OVH), I've got an "Index of" error.
Home page - error "Index of"
I know people who use Symfony the same way I did and their websites work.
So what could be the problem ?
Thank you.
Your webserver seems be not configured properly.
You should follow this piece of doc and ask here if you have any problem.
You can find a detailed process about how to deploy Symfony applications here:
Also, you can find here (in Spanish, but you can easily translate) how to config Symfony 2 Applications, it's easier to adapt to Symfony 4.
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Closed 8 years ago.
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I'm trying out CI for first time and have chosen Jenkins after reading good reviews about it.
I have installed the Jenkins for Microsoft. Now i have a .NET web applications BuildScript which is Example.xml, which consist of ant scripts. My question is how can I load this file to Jenkins so that it builds my application as the script does in command prompt?
After creating a new project, click on configure, there is section named BUILd under that you get a option like invoke Ant select that and you get a textbox to enter the target to be executed inside Ant file.
Then click on Advanced option below, there you can enter the following
Build file : Path to your build file(example.xml)
Properties : label=$JOB_NAME-$BUILD_NUMBER
Java Options : -Dbranch=trunk -Dversion=HEAD
this would do the job.
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Closed 8 years ago.
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How it will upgrade to lower version into 7.18 version.
I have got 'A script on this page may be busy, or it may have stopped responding.
You can stop the script now, or you can continue to see if the script will complete.
Script: modules/contrib/jquery_update/replace/jquery
Maybe you should deactivate jquery update module while updating drupal?
Here is my standard way to do minor upgrade(7.17 -> 7.18).
Put site in maintenance mode.
Backup all files with ftp.
Backup database.
Download new drupal version and uncompress.
Check the current drupal installation for stuff that i dont wanna replace(sites and profiles).
Delete old core files/dirs and upload new core files with ftp without replacing sites and double check so i wont delete profile in profiles dir.
Run update.php
Update contrib modules(one by one) and run update.php, if something break i have a chance to find the problem.