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Closed 8 years ago.
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I'm trying out CI for first time and have chosen Jenkins after reading good reviews about it.
I have installed the Jenkins for Microsoft. Now i have a .NET web applications BuildScript which is Example.xml, which consist of ant scripts. My question is how can I load this file to Jenkins so that it builds my application as the script does in command prompt?
After creating a new project, click on configure, there is section named BUILd under that you get a option like invoke Ant select that and you get a textbox to enter the target to be executed inside Ant file.
Then click on Advanced option below, there you can enter the following
Build file : Path to your build file(example.xml)
Properties : label=$JOB_NAME-$BUILD_NUMBER
Java Options : -Dbranch=trunk -Dversion=HEAD
this would do the job.
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Closed 1 year ago.
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please I have a question about if can I link the same fire store database to two flutter applications ,the first one is to be used by the manager and the second to be used by the client?, if not what the better way to achieve that?
thank you very much:>
no issue about multiple flutter or other app in same firebase project. You can connect your second app just like first app connection process.
Step 1: Add app from your firebase project Project Overview and select your platform
Step 2: Register app with your second app package name
Step 3: And download json file and using this json file you can connect your second app within same procedure just like you apply for first app
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Closed 2 years ago.
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I'm deploying my angular 10 app to firebase hosting. This is my first time deploying an app so I have a couple of questions.
If I make changes to my app, do I have to create a new build and deploy that new build?
I know angular coverts ts files to js once it is deployed, so how do I add changes to those files at that point, if needed?
Yes, if you make a change to the app, you'll have to rebuild it, and deploy the results of that build.
If you're deploying JS files that are built from TS files, the build step will rebuild updated JS files in the above process, and those updated files are then deployed.
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Closed 2 years ago.
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I installed Symfony 5.0.8, but it doesn't have server bundle, then installed server bundle v4.4.8, and after putting the server to run from the command line, the URL was generated successfully. I copied the URL to the browser to lunch the home page, but it's loading infinitely.
on console, go to your symfony project folder and run
symfony server:start
You should have something like this on console :
[OK] Web server listening
The Web server is using PHP CGI 7.4.2
You must don't close console, and after this when you run this url on browser, all server do is write on console.
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Closed 7 years ago.
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How do you build a Meteor application with TypeScript?
Please add meteor typescript compiler to your project. it compiles .ts artifacts on the fly using the tsc command line (batch mode)
The package source is available via GitHub. You may also add the plugin directly by typing meteor add meteortypescript:compiler from your project root directory.
There is this github project :
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Closed 8 years ago.
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How to share class library for more than two projects,without duplication.
All projects exist on the same server.
If you install the assembly into the GAC it will be available to any application that wants to reference it.
Note: This typically isn't how I like to build applications because if you have all of your assemblies in a lib folder then grabbing a copy of the solution from source control gets the developer a solution that will compile without having to go through additional steps like installing separate software.
From within Visual Studio, when you reference an assembly, you can pick the source location, so you can have two separate projects that reference the same DLL with no issues.