How admin can update user meta using gravity form - wordpress

I have gravity form user registration, in which a user can update their own metadata but I want that an admin can also update any user data just by adding their email address on some specific field. if there is any plugin or code which can fulfill my need please let me know.


Wordpress plugin with request approval form and approval check on the user page

I’m finding a feature on Wordpress and I don’t know if there are any plugin that can cover my needs.
I want to make a request form (especifically about scholarships request) only for registered users, so when the user log in can send the form. When the form was submitted, the admin can approval or reject the scholarship, and the user can know if the form has been approved or rejected via user panel (with an option of approved or rejected in a zone of the user panel).
Can I do that? Any plugin that can do it?
Edit: I saw these plugins but I think that can't do that:
This plugins only approve or reject the user profile.
I will guide how to implement this.
you create the scholarship custom post type. The user can log in and fill-up the form and form data place on scholarship post type. you will set the post to publish status set as "Draft". Admin can check this posts and admin can post publish.
Thank you.

How to create a custom login form with custom forgot password form in WordPress

I have tried so many things but I am not getting a good result.
I am using Wordpress and the easy digital download plugin to sell some digital product. Now, How can I create a custom login form with custom forgat password form.
and is it possible to create a separate login form for the customers and the administrators?
I mean, on the customer's login form if someone tries to login with administrators username and password there will be no ability to do that.
The /wp-login.php form should do most of what you want. But if that still isn't right have a look at the article attached.

How to create a woo-commerce store were the user can't purchase an item without being accepted by the admin

Summarized problem:
I'm setting up a woo commerce store where the customer has to ask for permission before creating an account on the store. How do I do that?
Provide background:
My client is selling products that require detailed instructions that only qualified people can use, at the moment anyone can create an account and buy a product. Is there a way the website can notify the client of registering customers before giving the customer access to the products? like an accept or reject email for new customer registrations?
Block the common ways to create an account;
Create a condition that shows the "buy" button just for logged-in users;
Add a form for the user to demonstrate their interest in having the access to buy the products, with the data that is needed to the approval;
The admin check the submited form, and then creates the account with some "welcome" message.
This can be handled with some plugins, using the hooks from woocommerce and wordpress.
You could even create a new panel on Wp dashboard that sees the submited forms, with 2 buttons with "approve", "disapprove", and a field for feedback.
When approve is clicked, the plugin creates a new account and send to the user the feedback and instructions.
When disapprove is clicked, the plugin sends to the user the feedback message with "sorry" message.
This way would be less frustrating to the user, they wouldn't need the approval for every buy.
Some links to help you in this quest:
Woocommerce hooks API Documentation
Add dashboard page : Wordpress Documentation

woocommerce user registration form without email

I want to customers can register on woocommerce registration form without email instead of it they can register with username(not email) and password.
how i can do that?
Any help would be appreciated
Email is required filed for every user in WordPress. Woocommerce registration - create users. Emails needed for recovery pass, notifications, etc..
But login possible by username, without email.

registration form into billing wooccommerce

How to add registration form above billing in woocommerce. Username/logi, password etc. All form must be submited by Place order button. Can you help me with that?
Wocommerce plugin in wordpress already has provided an option to allow user to register ... a password option is provided in the billing form which will create a new user.
You only have to set that option goto Woocommerce->settings->checkout , and disable guest checkout option.
