registration form into billing wooccommerce - wordpress

How to add registration form above billing in woocommerce. Username/logi, password etc. All form must be submited by Place order button. Can you help me with that?

Wocommerce plugin in wordpress already has provided an option to allow user to register ... a password option is provided in the billing form which will create a new user.
You only have to set that option goto Woocommerce->settings->checkout , and disable guest checkout option.


How admin can update user meta using gravity form

I have gravity form user registration, in which a user can update their own metadata but I want that an admin can also update any user data just by adding their email address on some specific field. if there is any plugin or code which can fulfill my need please let me know.

Account creation during checkout Woocommerce

i need help to change the user profile that WC sets when a user create his account during the checkout. It sets “Customer” profile.
Because i’m getting an redirection error when the users use this option (they can’t go to “online order” in the navbar) when they press click in "online order" it redirects to his account profile.
If i switch the profile “Customer” to “Suscriptor” now they can go to “online order”.
I just gived the same config of "Suscriptor" to "Customer" and it works, thanks.

Password field in register page on WooCommerce

I instaled WooCommerce, but on register page, on the form I have only one field (e-mail), but I need and password field on the page.
How to create a field with the password on this page?
#Asking: Go to Woocommerce -> Settings -> Accounts & Privacy -> Account creation
Uncheck -> When creating an account, automatically generate an account password
This will enable the password field on Register Page.

Woocommerce - Force user set address to register in Wordpress?

I need need that users set their adress when they are going to register.
Any plugin?
Woocommerce - Wordpress
There isn't a address form when registering out the box, only Email and Password.
You'll need to custom code or use a plugin to add the address fields in the first place, rather than make those fields required.

How to add forgot password link in WP-Members plugin?

I use the WP-Members plugin to register users on a WordPress site but I have no idea how to add a forgot password link in login form?
You can add the forgot password using the shortcode:
[wpmem_form password]
The password parameter will generate a password reset form for users who are not logged in and a change password form for logged in users. It can be used in conjunction with the logged-in and/or logged-out status shortcodes as well.
NOTE: These functions are also a component of the [wpmem_profile] shortcode, so if you have a user profile page already established, you do not need this page as well. This shortcode is for site admins that might desire a more granular level of control over how these elements are used.
Did you tried
Lost Password
The plugin adds a lost password link automatically when the location of the User Profile page is set in the plugin's main options.
As said by bulterblog when u create a new page and add [wpmem_profile] shortcode it will automatically add the forgot password link to the pages/post which you have blocked.
