How to remove rows that contain duplicate characters in R - r

I want remove entire row if there are duplicates in two columns. Any quick help in doing so in R (for very large dataset) would be highly appreciated. For example:
mydf <- data.frame(p1=c('a','a','a','b','g','b','c','c','d'),
This gives:
p1 p2 value
1 a b 10
2 c c 20
3 a d 10
4 b c 11
5 d d 12
6 b b 13
7 c d 14
8 c e 15
9 e e 16
I want to get:
p1 p2 value
1 a b 10
2 a d 10
3 b c 11
4 c d 14
5 c e 15

your note in the comments suggests your actual problem is more complex. There's some preprocessing you could do to your strings before you compare p1 to p2. You will have the domain expertise to know what steps are appropriate, but here's a first start. I remove all spaced and punctuation from p1 and p2. I then convert them all to uppercase before testing for equality. You can modify the clean_str function to include more / different cleaning operations.
Additionally, you may consider approximate matching to address typos / colloquial naming conventions. Package stringdist is a good place to start.
mydf <- data.frame(p1=c('New York','New York','New York','TokYo','LosAngeles','MEMPHIS','memphis','ChIcAGo','Cleveland'),
p2=c('new York','New.York','MEMPHIS','Chicago','knoxville','tokyo','LosAngeles','Chicago','CLEVELAND'),
stringsAsFactors = FALSE)
mydf[mydf$p1 != mydf$p2,]
#> p1 p2 value
#> 1 New York new York 10
#> 2 New York New.York 20
#> 3 New York MEMPHIS 10
#> 4 TokYo Chicago 11
#> 5 LosAngeles knoxville 12
#> 6 MEMPHIS tokyo 13
#> 7 memphis LosAngeles 14
#> 8 ChIcAGo Chicago 15
#> 9 Cleveland CLEVELAND 16
clean_str <- function(col){
#removes all punctuation
d <- gsub("[[:punct:][:blank:]]+", "", col)
d <- toupper(d)
mydf$p1 <- clean_str(mydf$p1)
mydf$p2 <- clean_str(mydf$p2)
mydf[mydf$p1 != mydf$p2,]
#> p1 p2 value
Created on 2020-05-03 by the reprex package (v0.3.0)

Several ways to do that. Among them :
Base R
mydf[mydf$p1 != mydf$p2, ]
mydf %>% filter(p1 != p2)
mydf[p1 != p2]

Here's a two-step solution based on #Chase's data:
First step (as suggested by #Chase) - preprocess your data in p1and p2to make them comparable:
# set to lower-case:
mydf[,c("p1", "p2")] <- lapply(mydf[,c("p1", "p2")], tolower)
# remove anything that's not alphanumeric between words:
mydf[,c("p1", "p2")] <- lapply(mydf[,c("p1", "p2")], function(x) gsub("(\\w+)\\W(\\w+)", "\\1\\2", x))
Second step - (i) using apply, paste the rows together, (ii) use grepl and backreference \\1 to look out for immediately adjacent duplicates in these rows, and (iii) remove (-) those rows which contain these duplicates:
mydf[-which(grepl("\\b(\\w+)\\s+\\1\\b", apply(mydf, 1, paste0, collapse = " "))),]
p1 p2 value
3 newyork memphis 10
4 tokyo chicago 11
5 losangeles knoxville 12
6 memphis tokyo 13
7 memphis losangeles 14


Unable to Group and Sum Properly

I have data similar to this Sample Data:
Cities Country Date Cases
1 BE A 2/12/20 12
2 BD A 2/12/20 244
3 BF A 2/12/20 1
4 V 2/12/20 13
5 Q 2/13/20 2
6 D 2/14/20 4
7 GH N 2/15/20 6
8 DA N 2/15/20 624
9 AG J 2/15/20 204
10 FS U 2/16/20 433
11 FR U 2/16/20 38
I want to organize the data by on the date and country and then sum a country's daily case. However, I try something like, it reveal the total sum:
my_data %>%
group_by(Country, Date)%>%
Your summarize function is likely being called from another package (plyr?). Try calling dplyr::sumarize like this:
my_data %>%
group_by(Country, Date)%>%
# A tibble: 7 x 3
# Groups: Country [7]
Country Date Cases
<fct> <fct> <int>
1 A 2/12/20 257
2 D 2/14/20 4
3 J 2/15/20 204
4 N 2/15/20 630
5 Q 2/13/20 2
6 U 2/16/20 471
7 V 2/12/20 13
I sympathize with you that this is can be very frustrating. I have gotten into a habit of always using dplyr::select, dplyr::filter and dplyr::summarize. Otherwise you spend needless time frustrated about why your code isn't working.
We can also use aggregate
aggregate(Cases ~ Country + Date, my_data, sum)

Looping over a data frame and adding a new column in R with certain logic

I have a data frame which contains information about sales branches, customers and sales.
branch <- c("Chicago","Chicago","Chicago","Chicago","Chicago","Chicago","LA","LA","LA","LA","LA","LA","LA","Tampa","Tampa","Tampa","Tampa","Tampa","Tampa","Tampa","Tampa")
customer <- c(1,2,3,4,5,6,7,8,9,10,11,12,13,14,15,16,17,18,19,20,21)
sales <- c(33816,24534,47735,1467,39389,30659,21074,20195,45165,37606,38967,41681,47465,3061,23412,22993,34738,19408,11637,36234,23809)
data <- data.frame(branch, customer, sales)
What I need to accomplish is to iterate over each branch, take each customer in the branch and divide the sales for that customer by the total of the branch. I need to do it to find out how much each customer is contributing towards the total sales of the corresponding branch. E.g. for customer 1 I would like to divide 33816/177600 and store this value in a new column. (177600 is the total of chicago branch)
I have tried to write a function to iterate over each row in a for loop but I am not sure how to do it at a branch level. Any guidance is appreciated.
Consider base R's ave for new column of inline aggregate which also considers same customer with multiple records within the same branch:
data$customer_contribution <- ave(data$sales, data$customer, FUN=sum) /
ave(data$sales, data$branch, FUN=sum)
# branch customer sales customer_contribution
# 1 Chicago 1 33816 0.190405405
# 2 Chicago 2 24534 0.138141892
# 3 Chicago 3 47735 0.268778153
# 4 Chicago 4 1467 0.008260135
# 5 Chicago 5 39389 0.221784910
# 6 Chicago 6 30659 0.172629505
# 7 LA 7 21074 0.083576241
# 8 LA 8 20195 0.080090263
# 9 LA 9 45165 0.179117441
# 10 LA 10 37606 0.149139610
# 11 LA 11 38967 0.154537126
# 12 LA 12 41681 0.165300433
# 13 LA 13 47465 0.188238887
# 14 Tampa 14 3061 0.017462291
# 15 Tampa 15 23412 0.133560003
# 16 Tampa 16 22993 0.131169705
# 17 Tampa 17 34738 0.198172193
# 18 Tampa 18 19408 0.110718116
# 19 Tampa 19 11637 0.066386372
# 20 Tampa 20 36234 0.206706524
# 21 Tampa 21 23809 0.135824795
Or less wordy:
data$customer_contribution <- with(data, ave(sales, customer, FUN=sum) /
ave(sales, branch, FUN=sum))
We can use dplyr::group_by and dplyr::mutate to calculate fractional sales of total by branch.
data %>%
group_by(branch) %>%
mutate(sales.norm = sales / sum(sales))
## A tibble: 21 x 4
## Groups: branch [3]
# branch customer sales sales.norm
# <fct> <dbl> <dbl> <dbl>
# 1 Chicago 1. 33816. 0.190
# 2 Chicago 2. 24534. 0.138
# 3 Chicago 3. 47735. 0.269
# 4 Chicago 4. 1467. 0.00826
# 5 Chicago 5. 39389. 0.222
# 6 Chicago 6. 30659. 0.173
# 7 LA 7. 21074. 0.0836
# 8 LA 8. 20195. 0.0801
# 9 LA 9. 45165. 0.179
#10 LA 10. 37606. 0.149

How can you create custom headers using Table function in R?

I have a data frame for each team that looks like nebraska below. However, some of these poor teams don't have a single win, so their $Outcome column has nothing but L in them.
> nebraska
Teams Away/Home Score Outcome
1 Arkansas State Away 36
2 Nebraska Home 43 W
3 Nebraska Away 35 L
4 Oregon Home 42
5 Northern Illinois Away 21
6 Nebraska Home 17 L
7 Rutgers Away 17
8 Nebraska Home 27 W
9 Nebraska Away 28 W
10 Illinois Home 6
11 Wisconsin Away 38
12 Nebraska Home 17 L
13 Ohio State Away 56
14 Nebraska Home 14 L
When I run table(nebraska$Outcome it gives me my expected outcome:
7 4 3
However, for the teams that don't have a single win (like Baylor), or only have wins, it only gives me something like:
7 7
I'd like to specify custom headers for the table function so that I can get have something like this output:
7 7 0
I've tried passing the argument dnn to the table function call, but it throws an error with the following code:
> table(baylor$Outcome,dnn = c("W","L",""))
Error in names(dn) <- dnn :
'names' attribute [3] must be the same length as the vector [1]
Can someone tell me how I can tabulate these wins and losses correctly?
Try this:
data.frame(W = max(0, lengths[values == "W"]),
L = max(0, lengths[values == "L"])))
# W L
#1 3 4
I don't think this has to be that complicated. Just make baylor$Outcome a factor and then table. E.g.:
# example data
baylor <- data.frame(Outcome = c("L","L","L"))
Then it is just:
baylor$Outcome <- factor(baylor$Outcome, levels=c("","L","W"))
# L W
#0 3 0
Following a tidy workflow, I offer...
df <- nebraska %>%
group_by(Teams, Outcome) %>%
summarise(n = n()) %>%
spread(Outcome, n) %>%
# # A tibble: 8 x 3
# # Groups: Teams [8]
# Teams L W
# * <chr> <int> <int>
# 1 Arkansas State NA NA
# 2 Illinois NA NA
# 3 Nebraska 4 3
# 4 Northern Illinois NA NA
# 5 Ohio State NA NA
# 6 Oregon NA NA
# 7 Rutgers NA NA
# 8 Wisconsin NA NA
...and I couldn't help myself but to pretty with knitr::kable and kableExtra
df %>%
kable("html") %>%
kable_styling(bootstrap_options = c("striped", "hover"))

Ordering alphabetically after ordering once numerically [duplicate]

Supose I have a data frame with 3 columns (name, y, sex) where name is character, y is a numeric value and sex is a factor.
name y sex
1 MARK 6.767086 M
2 TOM 7.613928 M
3 SUSAN 7.447405 F
4 LARRY 8.040069 M
5 EMMA 8.306875 F
6 LEONARD 8.697268 M
7 TIM 10.385221 M
8 MATT 7.497702 M
9 VIOLET 10.177969 F
If I wanted to order it by y I would use:
x y sex
1 MARK 6.767086 M
3 SUSAN 7.447405 F
8 MATT 7.497702 M
2 TOM 7.613928 M
4 LARRY 8.040069 M
5 EMMA 8.306875 F
6 LEONARD 8.697268 M
9 VIOLET 10.177969 F
7 TIM 10.385221 M
So far, so good... The names keep the correct score BUT how could I reorder it to have M and F levels not mixed. I need to order and at the same time keep factor levels separated.
Finally I would like to take a step further to involve character, the example doesn't help, but what if there were tied y values and I would have to order again within factor (e.g. TIM and TOM got 8.4 and I have to assign alphabetical order).
I was thinking about by function but it creates a list and doesn't help really. I think there must be some function like it to apply on data frames and get data frames as return.
x y sex
1 MARK 6.767086 M
8 MATT 7.497702 M
2 TOM 7.613928 M
4 LARRY 8.040069 M
6 LEONARD 8.697268 M
7 TIM 10.385221 M
x y sex
3 SUSAN 7.447405 F
5 EMMA 8.306875 F
9 VIOLET 10.177969 F
x y sex
1 MARK 6.767086 M
8 MATT 7.497702 M
2 TOM 7.613928 M
4 LARRY 8.040069 M
6 LEONARD 8.697268 M
7 TIM 10.385221 M
3 SUSAN 7.447405 F
5 EMMA 8.306875 F
9 VIOLET 10.177969 F
I know how to do that if I have 2 or 3 factors. But what if I had serious levels of factors, say 20, should I write a for loop?
order takes multiple arguments, and it does just what you want:
with(score, score[order(sex, y, x),])
## x y sex
## 3 SUSAN 6.636370 F
## 5 EMMA 6.873445 F
## 9 VIOLET 8.539329 F
## 6 LEONARD 6.082038 M
## 2 TOM 7.812380 M
## 8 MATT 8.248374 M
## 4 LARRY 8.424665 M
## 7 TIM 8.754023 M
## 1 MARK 8.956372 M
Here is a summary of all methods mentioned in other answers/comments (to serve future searchers). I've added a data.table way of sorting.
# Base R, by(score, score$sex, function(x) x[order(x$y),]))
with(score, score[order(sex, y, x),])
# Using plyr
arrange(score, sex,y)
ddply(score, c('sex', 'y'))
# Using `data.table`
score_dt <- setDT(score)
# setting a key works sorts the data.table
Here is Another question that deals with the same
I think there must be some function like it to apply on data frames
and get data frames as return
Yes there is:
ddply(score, c('y', 'sex'))
It sounds to me like you're trying to order by score within the males and females and return a combined data frame of sorted males and sorted females.
You are right that by(score, score$sex, function(x) x[order(x$y),]) returns a list of sorted data frames, one for male and one for female. You can use with the rbind function to combine these data frames into a single final data frame:, by(score, score$sex, function(x) x[order(x$y),]))
# x y sex
# F.5 EMMA 7.526866 F
# F.9 VIOLET 8.182407 F
# F.3 SUSAN 9.677511 F
# M.4 LARRY 6.929395 M
# M.8 MATT 7.970015 M
# M.7 TIM 8.297137 M
# M.6 LEONARD 8.845588 M
# M.2 TOM 9.035948 M
# M.1 MARK 10.082314 M
I believe that the person asked how to sort it by the orders in the case of say 20.
I know how to do that if I have 2 or 3 factors. But what if I had
serious levels of factors, say 20, should I write a for loop?
I have one where there are 9 orders with various counts.
stage_name count
<ord> <int>
1 Closed Lost 957
2 Closed Won 1413
3 Evaluation 1773
4 Meeting Scheduled 4104
5 Nurture 1222
6 Opportunity Disqualified 805
7 Order Submitted 1673
8 Qualifying 5138
9 Quoted 4976
In this case you can see that it is displayed using alphabetical order of stage_name, but stage_name is actually an ordered factor that has a very different order.
This code orders the factor is a much different order:
# Make categoricals ----
check_stage$stage_name = ordered(check_stage$stage_name, levels=c(
'Opportunity Disqualified',
'Meeting Scheduled',
'Order Submitted',
'Closed Won',
'Closed Lost',
Now we can just apply the factor as the method of ordering this is a dplyr function, but you might need forcats too. I have both libraries installed:
check_stage <- check_stage %>%
This now gives the output in the factor order as desired:
# A tibble: 9 × 2
stage_name count
<ord> <int>
1 Opportunity Disqualified 805
2 Qualifying 5138
3 Evaluation 1773
4 Meeting Scheduled 4104
5 Quoted 4976
6 Order Submitted 1673
7 Closed Won 1413
8 Closed Lost 957
9 Nurture 1222

Sort data frame column by factor

Supose I have a data frame with 3 columns (name, y, sex) where name is character, y is a numeric value and sex is a factor.
name y sex
1 MARK 6.767086 M
2 TOM 7.613928 M
3 SUSAN 7.447405 F
4 LARRY 8.040069 M
5 EMMA 8.306875 F
6 LEONARD 8.697268 M
7 TIM 10.385221 M
8 MATT 7.497702 M
9 VIOLET 10.177969 F
If I wanted to order it by y I would use:
x y sex
1 MARK 6.767086 M
3 SUSAN 7.447405 F
8 MATT 7.497702 M
2 TOM 7.613928 M
4 LARRY 8.040069 M
5 EMMA 8.306875 F
6 LEONARD 8.697268 M
9 VIOLET 10.177969 F
7 TIM 10.385221 M
So far, so good... The names keep the correct score BUT how could I reorder it to have M and F levels not mixed. I need to order and at the same time keep factor levels separated.
Finally I would like to take a step further to involve character, the example doesn't help, but what if there were tied y values and I would have to order again within factor (e.g. TIM and TOM got 8.4 and I have to assign alphabetical order).
I was thinking about by function but it creates a list and doesn't help really. I think there must be some function like it to apply on data frames and get data frames as return.
x y sex
1 MARK 6.767086 M
8 MATT 7.497702 M
2 TOM 7.613928 M
4 LARRY 8.040069 M
6 LEONARD 8.697268 M
7 TIM 10.385221 M
x y sex
3 SUSAN 7.447405 F
5 EMMA 8.306875 F
9 VIOLET 10.177969 F
x y sex
1 MARK 6.767086 M
8 MATT 7.497702 M
2 TOM 7.613928 M
4 LARRY 8.040069 M
6 LEONARD 8.697268 M
7 TIM 10.385221 M
3 SUSAN 7.447405 F
5 EMMA 8.306875 F
9 VIOLET 10.177969 F
I know how to do that if I have 2 or 3 factors. But what if I had serious levels of factors, say 20, should I write a for loop?
order takes multiple arguments, and it does just what you want:
with(score, score[order(sex, y, x),])
## x y sex
## 3 SUSAN 6.636370 F
## 5 EMMA 6.873445 F
## 9 VIOLET 8.539329 F
## 6 LEONARD 6.082038 M
## 2 TOM 7.812380 M
## 8 MATT 8.248374 M
## 4 LARRY 8.424665 M
## 7 TIM 8.754023 M
## 1 MARK 8.956372 M
Here is a summary of all methods mentioned in other answers/comments (to serve future searchers). I've added a data.table way of sorting.
# Base R, by(score, score$sex, function(x) x[order(x$y),]))
with(score, score[order(sex, y, x),])
# Using plyr
arrange(score, sex,y)
ddply(score, c('sex', 'y'))
# Using `data.table`
score_dt <- setDT(score)
# setting a key works sorts the data.table
Here is Another question that deals with the same
I think there must be some function like it to apply on data frames
and get data frames as return
Yes there is:
ddply(score, c('y', 'sex'))
It sounds to me like you're trying to order by score within the males and females and return a combined data frame of sorted males and sorted females.
You are right that by(score, score$sex, function(x) x[order(x$y),]) returns a list of sorted data frames, one for male and one for female. You can use with the rbind function to combine these data frames into a single final data frame:, by(score, score$sex, function(x) x[order(x$y),]))
# x y sex
# F.5 EMMA 7.526866 F
# F.9 VIOLET 8.182407 F
# F.3 SUSAN 9.677511 F
# M.4 LARRY 6.929395 M
# M.8 MATT 7.970015 M
# M.7 TIM 8.297137 M
# M.6 LEONARD 8.845588 M
# M.2 TOM 9.035948 M
# M.1 MARK 10.082314 M
I believe that the person asked how to sort it by the orders in the case of say 20.
I know how to do that if I have 2 or 3 factors. But what if I had
serious levels of factors, say 20, should I write a for loop?
I have one where there are 9 orders with various counts.
stage_name count
<ord> <int>
1 Closed Lost 957
2 Closed Won 1413
3 Evaluation 1773
4 Meeting Scheduled 4104
5 Nurture 1222
6 Opportunity Disqualified 805
7 Order Submitted 1673
8 Qualifying 5138
9 Quoted 4976
In this case you can see that it is displayed using alphabetical order of stage_name, but stage_name is actually an ordered factor that has a very different order.
This code orders the factor is a much different order:
# Make categoricals ----
check_stage$stage_name = ordered(check_stage$stage_name, levels=c(
'Opportunity Disqualified',
'Meeting Scheduled',
'Order Submitted',
'Closed Won',
'Closed Lost',
Now we can just apply the factor as the method of ordering this is a dplyr function, but you might need forcats too. I have both libraries installed:
check_stage <- check_stage %>%
This now gives the output in the factor order as desired:
# A tibble: 9 × 2
stage_name count
<ord> <int>
1 Opportunity Disqualified 805
2 Qualifying 5138
3 Evaluation 1773
4 Meeting Scheduled 4104
5 Quoted 4976
6 Order Submitted 1673
7 Closed Won 1413
8 Closed Lost 957
9 Nurture 1222
