Different sizes for application logo - JavaFX - javafx

I would like my JavaFX application to use different icons in Windows for the taskbar and the title bar of the window. The first one should be 32x32, while the other one 16x16.
I tried to set multiple icons to the Stage like this:
stage.getIcons().addAll(logo32, logo16);
...but it uses the image logo32 both in the taskbar and the title bar.
This seems something that should be very simple and very common also, so I am wondering if I am doing something wrong. I am using JavaFX 13.
The icon pointed at in this screenshot should not be the same as the one in the taskbar:


JavaFX 2 - Autoscroll to last item in exceeded toolbar

I am creating File Manager like Miller column app for windows in JavaFX for learning purpose.
Check the screenshot below:
As you can see, when toolbar exceeds, there comes a double arrow button for more items to select from popup.
I already did auto scroll for miller column, which works as expected.
I would like to auto scroll toolbar to last item and show double arrow on left side.
I am adding adding clickable buttons in toolbar for traversing like manual BreadCumBar.
Tried ControlsFX BreadCumBar, it doesn't even show arrows or popup when exceeds, Bug here : https://bitbucket.org/controlsfx/controlsfx/issues/810/no-double-arrow-popup-like-when.
If its not possible to do so with toolbar, I would like to know how to customize toolbar popup only via css. Or any other way that improve usability easiness.
Also I would love to know suggestions for whole app from expert designers.

Blank regions on electron(node.js) window

I've used Electron 1.6.11 with Node 8.4 to develop a desktop application.
this is how my main window normally looks like:
but sometimes some parts of window will overlays with blank regions for no apparent reason. like this:
This blank regions will go away if i click one of buttons or resize the form, or anything that make it render again(i guss).
Also, this blank regions only appears on that left side of form.
Im using CSS grid to arrange my components, could it be because of that?
Any suggestion is appreciated

qt qtoolbutton icon blurry

I have a problem where the icons used on QToolButtons on the QMenu attached to the QToolButton appear blurry. I have tried different sizes 24x24, 32x32, 64x64, different formats like png and svg but it always looks strange.
On the image you can see the selected action and the top action on the menu have the same icon but the one in the menu is blurry. Even the one selected is not really sharp.
Is there some specific guideline for those icons or what am I doing wrong? The second and third icon is a build in icon which is I believe 24x24 svg but I was not able to reproduce.
Yes, you need to set different sizes of icons if you want them to look good under the QToolButon and in the QMenu, QT will pick up the size that fits best. One possible solution if you are using resource files could be like this:
QIcon *myQIcon = new QIcon;
myQIcon->addFile(":icon24.svg", QSize(24,24));
myQIcon->addFile(":icon16.svg", QSize(16,16));
mMyQAction->setIcon( *myQIcon );
Detailed explanation can be found here: http://mithatkonar.com/wiki/doku.php/qt/icons

Icon overlays are showing blurry on "Large Icons"

We use Icon Overlays to show a state to the users. All but one of our icons are shown sharp.
This unsharpness only happens when we set the explorer to the large icon view.
We can't figure out why this happens.
We tried different tools to create th icon file.
This is the result :
And we started from this image:
You can find the source files (png's) and the ico file here
Does anyone knows how to fix this or what is causing this?
It looks like a specific of Windows resize engine.
In large icons mode shell uses 48x48x32 icon. I created icon with grid:
And shell draws this icon without any interpolation:
And it looks like there is no solution of your problem.

How to change QIcon color?

I am working on a custom control box (that min,max/restore/close button in the top right of your Windows titlebar) for my new application. I use closeIcon = style.standardIcon(QStyle.SP_TitleBarCloseButton) to get the correct icon for them. See the full code here in my other SO question. What I got is a black icon. In which I need the white version when it's in hover state.
Can we .. I don't know, inverse it? Or should I get another icon from QStyle?
This question (and several others) are from the intention of creating a chrome like tab in PyQt application, by hiding the titlebar and reimplementing control box. But it didn't gives the best result. Right now this is my solution to create a chrome like tab in PyQt application. Therefore, I close this question.
