Blank regions on electron(node.js) window - css

I've used Electron 1.6.11 with Node 8.4 to develop a desktop application.
this is how my main window normally looks like:
but sometimes some parts of window will overlays with blank regions for no apparent reason. like this:
This blank regions will go away if i click one of buttons or resize the form, or anything that make it render again(i guss).
Also, this blank regions only appears on that left side of form.
Im using CSS grid to arrange my components, could it be because of that?
Any suggestion is appreciated


Is it possible to pin the bokeh toolbar so it doesn't scroll?

My bokeh figure has 60 plots arranged on a gridplot layout with 2 columns, 30 rows. Even with a large screen, the typical user must scroll through the figure to see plots lower down on the page.
The toolbar, which is common to all plots, sits along the right edge (i.e., toolbar_location='right').
Is it possible to "pin" the toolbar so that, as the user scrolls to the lower plots, the toolbar remains visible and accessible always?
As of version 0.13 (and upcoming 1.0) there is nothing built-in to accomplish this. It's possible you could embed your gridplot in a custom template, and add your own CSS rules to cause the toolbar to float, but I don't know how to advise you on the specifics of how to do that. Alternatively, you can set merge_tools to False when you call gridplot, which will cause every individual plot to have its own toolbar, instead of creating a single "merged toolbar".

How do I make a logo align to artboard as one object in adobe illustrator?

I have been working on this issue for days and have been trying different methods that I have found in similar questions on stackoverflow and other forums to make this work but can still not figure out what is keeping me from aligning the entire object as one in adobe illustrator.
I have grouped all of the objects and the objects are merged into one layer. I click Align in the control panel. Then I make sure Align to Artboard is selected. I also click on Transform to make sure the two boxes are unchecked. Then I click Align to center horizontal, everything moves accordingly. Then when I click Align to center vertically, the logo is altered. All I am trying to do is get the entire logo centered on the artboard.
Does anyone have an idea on what step I am missing to make the entire logo move as one object?
I didn't have enough reputation to post images so I provided the image links below.
You can see that the smile is moved up a few pixels which is driving me crazy. I can resize the objects as one. I can move the objects as one. But I can't align the objects to the center of the artboard as one.
You have to active the guideline, but it's already activated.
You should see some tutorial one Adobe TV

Use scrollbars for the display of a continous form in Microsoft Access2007

I have a continuous form with many control elements ordered in two columns. The form is opened with the WindowMode 'acDialog'.
When I take a look at this form at my desktop computer there is no problem. But I want to use the application also on my laptop. When I open the form on my laptop, I only see the first entries, but not the others anymore. Unfortunately I havent found an opportunity to use scrollbars in my form.
What I have found is this (did not work):
Add or remove scrollbars
The View should look like:
but on my laptop it looks like:
So I want to have scrollbars. The scrollbar property is set to both directions.
Edit 20121126, the design view. The blue part is header, the txts are in the detail view and the buttons are in the footer:
This problem has stumped me before. Access is not smart enough to realize if the screen is set to a different 'zoom' than 100%. So Access is thinking that the entire form is on your screen when really it is not.
This really only applies if you have Windows 7 and maybe 8, but I have no idea about that. If you go to your display property (right click the desktop and select 'Personalize' then Display in the lower left-hand corner of the pop-up.)
If you are not set at 100% then access is missing 25-50% of your screen. access goes off of pixels, which is set in the resloution, but when using 125% Windows expands everything by 25% and that can push things right off the screen. The form does not need scroll bars to fit on your screen, just need to set your zoom to 100%.
I found this out by having a 'control bar' set to be x-250 pixels from the left (where x is total left to right pixels). However one computer could never see the control bar and it was because the screen was +125%. I have never been able to figure out how to get the current 'zoom' from Windows. I have searched through all manner of API's. I hope this is the solution you were looking for! Good Luck!!

ASP.NET use Ajax to add scrollbar to the picture

I need to add a scroll to "one" picture and load it asynchronously.. with the help of scroll bar...
The picture is bigger than the div area so need to scroll. I can use "overflow: scroll " but it loads the whole picture whereas my requirement is to load the picture as a user moves the scrollbar.
The would help to load a page with multiple large images in the manner you are describing
Lazy Load plugin
It isn't built for one giant sized image which is what you want. However it should be an easy matter to slice you image into reason sized regions or tiles and use this loader.
Out of interest really - here is a utility that will automatically slice up images to protect them from theft. I occurs to me that you could combine the two if you didn't fancy manually splitting the image - or just wanted to be a bit of a coding hero. In any case the link shows that sliced and recombined images look perfectly fine. Users can't tell if it's done right.

Lightbox with Flex

I want a fusion chart in my flex app to display with a Lightbox effect like the effect you get when you click on any of the charts here or checkout the demos here
These effect have been attained with the help of javascript. How do i get the same effect via Flex? Any idea?
Thanks a lot
I built a Flex component called PopUpThumbnail that is very similar to HTML/JavaScript lightbox components.
Here's an example application that I created with it to displays Flickr images.
Add a mask over the top of the whole application with the content area in the middle and the semi alpha area around it. Clicking on the surrounding mask removes the layer, and you can interact with the content area as normal (make it look like a popup rather than actually using one...)
