Problems getting Symfony to work locally with the `host: "web.{domain}"` setting - symfony

I am trying to get an old project (not made by me) up and running, and I see that the routes are configured in some peculiar format. This is a typical route config:
path: /customer
host: "web.{domain}"
_controller: "BackendBundle:Customer:index"
domain: "%domain%"
methods: [get]
expose: true
domain: '%domain%'
Now, I grepped the source code and found domain in the config files. It was null by default and by setting it to localhost:8000 I was able to at least load the root without complaints about %domain%. Now it complains about not finding a matching route, which makes sense, as none was configured. What was configured (which I found by doing console debug:router) was a root route for admin.{domain} and web.{domain}. I assume this means that if the domain is, there should be routes configured for and
This is a local development setup, running on, so I tried adding this to /etc/hosts: web.localhost admin.localhost
I was now hoping that going to web.localhost:8000 would load a route, but none was matched. I still get NotFoundHttpException, but now I no longer understand why ... How can I configure this setup so that I can load the web and admin subdomains on my development machine? Other routes, like /api/1/doc, works fine.

I was not far off. The answer was to simply drop the port portion of what I had entered as the domain setting. So domain: localhost did the trick. The server is by default running on port 8000, no matter the setting, so it was not needed. I can now access web.localhost and admin.localhost (after adding them as host aliases for the loopback device in /etc/hosts).


Kong route and upstream server path

I have the following configuration of service with route in Kong:
- name: test
host: test-service
port: 80
protocol: http
path: /endpoint/
- name: test_route
strip_path: true
preserve_host: true
- /login
I am trying to understand the following behaviour:
when I access http://localhost/login, I will end up with the http://localhost/endpoint in my browser
however, when I try to access http://localhost/login/test/page, nothing will change and I am still in my browser on http://localhost/login/test/page and the upstream server served my request properly
My expectation was that using http://localhost/login/test/page, my browser will have eventually http://localhost/endpoint/test/page. Apparently I misunderstood it.
I understood that in this case, Kong will use the upstream path as /endpoint/test/page, because I have strip_path: true.
However, how it can be changed in case I want to end up with http://localhost/endpoint/test/page in case I will access http://localhost/login/test/page in my browser?

Symfony 4 local development with Homestead

I want to develop with Symfony4 on my local machine. But somehow I can't get any good configuration working. At the moment, I believe I've done it the way Symfony suggests.
I don't want to make use of the server component but want to run it on a real server with redis, mysql etc.
I've install Homestead following this topic:
In the Homestead.yaml file I also added the nfs type on the mapped folders so it speeds up the code. See my Homestead.yaml file below:
But when I run the website, the server throws me a 502 Bad Gateway. But if I hit refresh, it might just show me the default page after Symfony is installed. Hitting refresh again, I might be lucky to get the webpage again, but often it shows the 502 Bad Gateway again. So on every refresh it is a surprise to what I get, a 502 or just te page.
Oh, and if I'm not getting a 502, I might be getting a Whoops, looks like something went wrong..
I don't understand anything of this, hopefully someone can help me out.
ip: ""
memory: 2048
cpus: 1
provider: virtualbox
authorize: ~/.ssh/
- ~/.ssh/id_rsa
- map: ~/Code
to: /home/vagrant/code
type: "nfs"
- map: blog.symfony.test
to: /home/vagrant/code/symfony/
type: "symfony4"
- homestead

Tyk gateway with Nginx and Apache Tomcat 8 (ubuntu 14.04)

Just wondering what I am missing here when trying to create an API with Tyk Dashboard.
My setup is:
Nginx > Apache Tomcat 8 > Java Web Application > (database)
Nginx is already working, redirecting calls to apache tomcat at default port 8080.
I have setup tyk-dashboard and tyk-gateway previously as follows using a custom node port 8011:
Tyk dashboard:
$ sudo /opt/tyk-dashboard/install/ --listenport=3000 --redishost=localhost --redisport=6379 --mongo=mongodb:// --tyk_api_hostname=$HOSTNAME --tyk_node_hostname= --tyk_node_port=8011 --portal_root=/portal --domain=""
Tyk gateway:
/opt/tyk-gateway/install/ --dashboard=1 --listenport=8011 --redishost= --redisport=6379 --domain=""
/etc/hosts already configured (not really needed):
Tyk Dashboard configurations (nothing special here):
API name: foo
Listen path: /foo
API slug: foo
Target URL:
What URI I suppose to call? Is there any setup I need to add in Nginx? 502 nginx does not respond 502 nginx
(everything is running under the same server)
Tyk Gateway configuration was incorrect.
Needed to add --mongo and remove --domain directives at :
/opt/tyk-gateway/install/ --dashboard=1 --listenport=8011 --redishost=localhost --redisport=6379 --mongo=mongodb://
So, calling curl -H "Authorization: null"
I get:
"error": "Key not authorised"
I am not sure about the /foo path. I think that was previously what the /hello path is. But it appears there is a key not authorized issue. If the call is made using the Gateway API, then the secret value may be missing. It is required when making calls to the gateway (except the hello and reload paths)
x-tyk-authorization: <your-secret>
However, since there is a dashboard present, then I would suggest using the Dashboard APIs to create the API definition instead.

Configuring URI prefix for REST webservice in dropwizard

I am developing a REST API using dropwizard. The resource can be accessed using https://<host>:port/item/1. As it can be seen there is no URI prefix. If I have to configure a URI prefix what needs to be done. Can it be configured in yaml configuration file?
Yes the URI prefix a.k.a root path can be configured in YAML. You could use the simple server factory configuration. It's simple, add these two lines in your YAML. I've used 'api' as the prefix. You can replace it with the URI prefix you want.
rootPath: '/api/*'
A slightly more elaborate server configuration looks something like this,
port: 18001
type: http
adminContextPath: /admin
port: 18000
type: http
rootPath: /api/*
type: default
You can refer to this example for server and other configuration details.
It's also a good idea to go through this if you are just getting started with dropwizard

Redmine under sub-directory on nginx

My vhost configuration: (only one domain on this installation)
I've been racking my head and Google for a solution the last two days and can't quite seem to come up with a solution that works.
My setup (from the above configuration):
IP.Board 3.4 installation in %root_domain%/forums/
IP.Content 2.3 installation in %root_domain/forums/ (with external access index.php on the top-level)
Redmine 2.2.2 install at /usr/share/redmine (this is working because Thin is running and there are no errors in either log file)
Stale phpMyAdmin configuration at /usr/share/phpmyadmin/ that also kinda doesn't load html/css properly.
Symlink to /usr/share/redmine/public to /srv/www/
I'm trying to get redmine setup to run under %root_domain%/redmine/, but I keep getting a 404 page from my IP.Content installation.
Accessing it takes me to the url: /redmine/login?back_url=http://redmine_thin_servers/redmine/ (which now that notice it, it seems to not like my upstream...)
In case someone requests the Thin configuration file:
pid: /var/run/thin/
group: tgmod
prefix: /redmine
timeout: 30
log: /var/log/thin/redmine.log
max_conns: 1024
require: []
max_persistent_conns: 512
environment: production
user: tgmod
servers: 1
daemonize: true
chdir: /usr/share/redmine
socket: /var/run/thin/redmine.sock
I'm out of ideas here.
Thanks in advance!
I just ended up setting it up on a sub-domain. I wanted to try to proxy it on a sub-directory, but my main website kept interfering with the rules.
