Redmine under sub-directory on nginx - nginx

My vhost configuration: (only one domain on this installation)
I've been racking my head and Google for a solution the last two days and can't quite seem to come up with a solution that works.
My setup (from the above configuration):
IP.Board 3.4 installation in %root_domain%/forums/
IP.Content 2.3 installation in %root_domain/forums/ (with external access index.php on the top-level)
Redmine 2.2.2 install at /usr/share/redmine (this is working because Thin is running and there are no errors in either log file)
Stale phpMyAdmin configuration at /usr/share/phpmyadmin/ that also kinda doesn't load html/css properly.
Symlink to /usr/share/redmine/public to /srv/www/
I'm trying to get redmine setup to run under %root_domain%/redmine/, but I keep getting a 404 page from my IP.Content installation.
Accessing it takes me to the url: /redmine/login?back_url=http://redmine_thin_servers/redmine/ (which now that notice it, it seems to not like my upstream...)
In case someone requests the Thin configuration file:
pid: /var/run/thin/
group: tgmod
prefix: /redmine
timeout: 30
log: /var/log/thin/redmine.log
max_conns: 1024
require: []
max_persistent_conns: 512
environment: production
user: tgmod
servers: 1
daemonize: true
chdir: /usr/share/redmine
socket: /var/run/thin/redmine.sock
I'm out of ideas here.
Thanks in advance!

I just ended up setting it up on a sub-domain. I wanted to try to proxy it on a sub-directory, but my main website kept interfering with the rules.


Cannot install plugin or updates in WordPress

I have a server set with NGINX:
Abridged basic setup
I have deployed WP in this directory: /var/www/
/var/www and /var/www/ does have nginx:nginx file/dir perms.
wp-config.php - 644
wp-content - 755
wp-content/plugins - 755
NGINX is running as nginx user.
I can browse in entire WordPress site including admin. However, when I want to install a new plugin or update I got always the message:
Installing plugin: iThemes Security (before Better WP Security) 7.9.1
Downloading the installation package from…
An error occurred while installing iThemes Security: Directory could not be created
What's I am wrong?
All libraries required according to was installed.
When I try to upgrade a theme, for example, I got 200 code "OK" from a web server, but, I don't see anything in the error_log of NGINX.
Also, I've checked the php-fpm but I don't see any updating error.
php-fpm was running as an apache user.
I've switched the user into Nginx and It's solved. :D
It looks that the issue is the 'plugins' folder writing permissions. WP downloads the zip archive of the plugin then it decompresses it to the 'plugins' folder.
This article will help:
Just adding onto #sincorchetes answer, to those who need more specific instruction:
vim /etc/php-fpm.d/www.conf
I changed the lines
user = apache
group = apache
user = nginx
group = nginx
Then restarted the php-fpm and nginx service
systemctl restart php-fpm
systemctl restart nginx

Problems getting Symfony to work locally with the `host: "web.{domain}"` setting

I am trying to get an old project (not made by me) up and running, and I see that the routes are configured in some peculiar format. This is a typical route config:
path: /customer
host: "web.{domain}"
_controller: "BackendBundle:Customer:index"
domain: "%domain%"
methods: [get]
expose: true
domain: '%domain%'
Now, I grepped the source code and found domain in the config files. It was null by default and by setting it to localhost:8000 I was able to at least load the root without complaints about %domain%. Now it complains about not finding a matching route, which makes sense, as none was configured. What was configured (which I found by doing console debug:router) was a root route for admin.{domain} and web.{domain}. I assume this means that if the domain is, there should be routes configured for and
This is a local development setup, running on, so I tried adding this to /etc/hosts: web.localhost admin.localhost
I was now hoping that going to web.localhost:8000 would load a route, but none was matched. I still get NotFoundHttpException, but now I no longer understand why ... How can I configure this setup so that I can load the web and admin subdomains on my development machine? Other routes, like /api/1/doc, works fine.
I was not far off. The answer was to simply drop the port portion of what I had entered as the domain setting. So domain: localhost did the trick. The server is by default running on port 8000, no matter the setting, so it was not needed. I can now access web.localhost and admin.localhost (after adding them as host aliases for the loopback device in /etc/hosts).

Symfony 4 local development with Homestead

I want to develop with Symfony4 on my local machine. But somehow I can't get any good configuration working. At the moment, I believe I've done it the way Symfony suggests.
I don't want to make use of the server component but want to run it on a real server with redis, mysql etc.
I've install Homestead following this topic:
In the Homestead.yaml file I also added the nfs type on the mapped folders so it speeds up the code. See my Homestead.yaml file below:
But when I run the website, the server throws me a 502 Bad Gateway. But if I hit refresh, it might just show me the default page after Symfony is installed. Hitting refresh again, I might be lucky to get the webpage again, but often it shows the 502 Bad Gateway again. So on every refresh it is a surprise to what I get, a 502 or just te page.
Oh, and if I'm not getting a 502, I might be getting a Whoops, looks like something went wrong..
I don't understand anything of this, hopefully someone can help me out.
ip: ""
memory: 2048
cpus: 1
provider: virtualbox
authorize: ~/.ssh/
- ~/.ssh/id_rsa
- map: ~/Code
to: /home/vagrant/code
type: "nfs"
- map: blog.symfony.test
to: /home/vagrant/code/symfony/
type: "symfony4"
- homestead

What is the cause of the "502 Bad Gateway" after Ghost 1.8.7 update

I recently installed Ghost 1.8.4 and Nginx on my AWS ec2 Ubuntu 16.04 server. When I loaded my blog site, it correctly took me to the Ghost home page, from where I logged into Ghost admin. On the admin screen, there was a message to update.
I ran ghost update in putty
The update appeared to be successful, but when I returned to my blog site, I received the following error:
502 Bad Gateway
nginx/1.10.3 (Ubuntu)
Does anyone know a probably cause of this error and how to resolve?
I checked some posts, which suggested I should have turned Ghost off before the update. If this is true, is my ghost installation now corrupted?
I went to my ghost directory in /var/www/ghost and tried to run:
sudo service ghost start
but it returned:
Failed to start ghost.service: Unit ghost.service not found
and trying to stop, returns Unit ghost.service not loaded. Am I running the command from the correct location?
I've experienced 502 issues with ghost behind nginx several times over a few years of running it. I'm not sure if the cause of mine today is the same as yours, but what I observed was that after a restart ghost had changed its port number to one different than what its nginx config was listening on.
I followed these directions from which resolved it for me:
See which port ghost is running on:
sudo netstat -plotn
Check that it matches the proxy_pass in the nginx config file in /etc/nginx/sites-enabled.
In my case the port in the nginx config had incremented to 2369 while the actual node process was running on 2368. Changing the proxy_pass port back to 2368 in my ghost blog's nginx config file resolved the issue for me.
I ran into the same problem after upgrading ghost.
Make sure the port number configured in your ghost's config file and the proxy_pass in your ghost site's nginx configuration files match.
Check the port number in
/var/www/ghost/config.production.json matches the proxy_pass port in the nginx config files.
In my case I had to change 2368 to 2369 in the nginx config files to fix the issue.
Make sure you restart your ghost and nginx after you make the changes.
# restart your ghost site
cd /var/www/ghost/
ghost restart
# restart nginx
sudo systemctl restart nginx
Hope this helps someone.
Apparently when I posted this issue it was due to a bug in the Ghost CLI that the ghost team were in the process of fixing.
They provided me with these instructions to run on my server:
systemctl stop ghost_www-blogwebsite-com
ghost update --force
The resulting output:
stopping Ghost [skipped]
Removing old Ghost versions [skipped]
This fixed the problem and updated to the correct version.

Lucee 5, Nginx, and Docker Compose not finding sample index.cfm file

I have set up a fairly vanilla Dockerfile to start with, just to see if I can get the sample index.cfm to run:
FROM lucee/lucee-nginx:preview
And the related docker-compose.yml file:
build: .
- "80:80"
When I run this, I get an Nginx 403 Forbidden error. If I change the ports setting to 80:8080, I get a Tomcat 404 Not Found error.
I'm lost as to how to get this working with Docker Compose. How can I debug this, or is there a different way that I can configure Docker Compose to get it running?
The newer builds of Lucee 5 work (release candidates especially), so this problem has since "sorted itself out."
See the section of the lucee-dockerfiles project for Lucee 5 on Tomcat-8-jre with Nginx.
