Pointing route 53 dns to wordpress site in AWS EC2 - wordpress

I need help with WordPress site on EC2 which I have pointed to route 53 DNS name. I am able to access the Wordpress site through the new DNS but other links are still going with the instance name. Can you please help me with how to convert all the links to the new domain name.
For example:
EC2 Wordpress site: http://ec123-3-54-45-21.compute-1.amazonaws.com/
Domain name: myblog.com
I have already pointed my myblog.com(route 53) to Wordpress site(http://ec123-3-54-45-21.compute-1.amazonaws.com/) and it works fine.
I am able to see the site with a new URL.
But when I click on any of the blog links on my site it points to EC2 URL(http://ec123-3-54-45-21.compute-1.amazonaws.com/) and shows the ec2 URL on the browser instead of myblog.com URL.
Please help to resolve these issues.


Wordpress AWS route 53 setup

I currently have wordpress installed on EC2 instance with an elastic IP. I have route 53 setup for an existing domain with a type A record set pointing to the elastic IP.
When I access the domain name in my browser, some of the web resources (js, css files) being loaded by the browser still point to the old public dns (ec2-x-xx-xx-xxx.<zone>.compute.amazonaws.com), so they fail to load and the site does not fully loaded. How do I fix this?
I found the solution here. Under the section 'Help! My Public DNS Name Changed and now my Blog is Broken'.
The reason I was having this issue in the first place was because I switched my EC2 IP to elasticIP after I installed and setup wordpress. So wordpress had the old IP in its installation. If I had setup the elasticIP before installing wordpress I would not have had this issue. But the above the link helped me solve it.

Moving a lightsail instance from subdomain to subfolder

We have www.something.com domain registered and DNS is managed by AWS. The main domain is a Django App hosted on EC2.
coolthing.something.com is a WordPress application (Lightsail instance)
What we want to do is to move our Wordpress from the subdomain to a subfolder.
Meaning coolthing.something.com -> www.something.com/coolthing
Do you guys know any shortcuts other than implementing reverse proxy using httpd config to assign Lightsail instance's IP address to www.something.com/coolthing ?
We do not want to touch our main instance also prefer not to use Cloudflare(unless there is no other way)
Thanks in advance for your tips.
Will appreciate having your comments, if you have done such a thing previously.
There should be no problem moving WordPress install to subfolder you will just need to update "site url" and "home url" in wp_options table, please screenshots below:

Used CloudFormation to create Wordpress blog but domain doesn't show up properly

I used AWS CloudFormation to create a Wordpress blog and then bought a domain from GoDaddy website and forwarded it to the domain name provided by CloudFormation
-->godaddy domain: yetanotherdeveloper.in
-->cloudformation domain: "ec2-35-154-134-194.ap-south-1.compute.amazonaws.com/wordpress/"
Problem 1:
When I search GoDaddy domain in the URL, I get to the site but then only CloudFormation domain is shown in the URL. I want the GoDaddy domain to be there.
When I open a post, before the slash in the URL, cloudformation domain is shown.(e.g. ec2-35-154-134-194.ap-south-1.compute.amazonaws.com/wordpress/index.php**/2017/09/27/hello-world/**) .I want godaddy domain to be there for ease of access for others.
Problem 2:
Cloudformation uses a public IP which could be dangerous in future in case the server gets down etc. So, i want to change the IP to elastic IP too.
This is after the site is loaded,i get old domain shown
This is when i open some other page or in this case, a post. Here also old domain
one last thing, i hope i'm not wasting much time of yours. If i am, it would be great to point out what i did wrong in this question and i will improve next time.
Thank you!
Regarding the URL, you need to set the root URL on the WordPress configuration to http://yetanotherdeveloper.in, and regarding Elastic IP, you need to update the Cloudformation template to create an EIP and link it to the created instance.
Best regards.
You will likely need to change your site URL in the WordPress configuration:
On the Settings->General screen in a single site installation of
WordPress, there are two fields named "WordPress Address (URL)" and
"Site Address (URL)". They are important settings, since they control
where WordPress thinks your site is located. They control the display
of the URL in the admin section of your page, as well as the front
end, and are used throughout the WordPress code.

Mapping elastic beanstalk (wordpress blog) to subdomain

So I have set up my static website via S3 and have attached it to my domain example.com.
Then, I have launched a separate wordpress blog via Elastic Beanstalk, let's say exampleblog.us-west-2.elasticbeanstalk.com.
I have already configured my CNAME settings in Route 53 such that blog.example.com maps to my elastic beanstalk site (exampleblog.us-west-2.elasticbeanstalk.com), except, once I start clicking around on the blog itself, the URLs all become exampleblog.us-west-2.elasticbeanstalk.com/NAME-OF-PAGE
How do I get a complete subdomain redirect? i.e., I want all of the pages in my blog to be in the form blog.example.com/NAME-OF-PAGE
Okay -- I have actually figured this out myself so just will share in case anyone else has the same question:
It's really simple - You just need to access Wordpress > Settings > General and then update your site address (URL) to your subdomain (in my case, blog.example.com).

Changing the Domain for Wordpress Install

I have a domain, www.mysite.com, which is registered at NETWORK SOLUTIONS, LLC. and currently points to a hosted page at a 3rd party.
I have created a new wordpress page on Hostgator, and I created it using the domain www.mysite.biz.
I want to now point www.mysite.com to the new page on hostgator but without redirecting.
I believe what I need to do is:
change the www record on Network Solutions to the IP address on Hostgator.
I believe There is a plugin I can us to change the domain for all of the wordpress database.
Are these the correct steps? What is the plugin name I can use to change the domain?
Here is a plugin I've used to change a domain name in wordpress. https://wordpress.org/plugins/go-live-update-urls/
When you say you want to point www.mysite.com to your new wordpress site "without redirecting", are you saying you want to use www.mysite.com as the new domain name? If so, you're going to want to go into your account with NETWORK SOLUTIONS, LLC and enter in hostgator's nameservers. See here: Network Solution Link and here: Hostgator Link
