Changing the Domain for Wordpress Install - wordpress

I have a domain,, which is registered at NETWORK SOLUTIONS, LLC. and currently points to a hosted page at a 3rd party.
I have created a new wordpress page on Hostgator, and I created it using the domain
I want to now point to the new page on hostgator but without redirecting.
I believe what I need to do is:
change the www record on Network Solutions to the IP address on Hostgator.
I believe There is a plugin I can us to change the domain for all of the wordpress database.
Are these the correct steps? What is the plugin name I can use to change the domain?

Here is a plugin I've used to change a domain name in wordpress.
When you say you want to point to your new wordpress site "without redirecting", are you saying you want to use as the new domain name? If so, you're going to want to go into your account with NETWORK SOLUTIONS, LLC and enter in hostgator's nameservers. See here: Network Solution Link and here: Hostgator Link


Add sites in subdomain and not under wordpress multisite subdomain

I'm confused, I have a miltisite wordpress installation but also another site managing the customer areas.
So I have the site on the main domain and i installed the wordpress multisite in a subdomain:
So far everything is fine, but when I want to create a site, wordpress requires me to be subject to the subdomain like this:
I tried to modify the .htaccess and wp-config.php but when I go back to the site management it redirects me to without my being able to access the wordpress multisite management...
How can I create sites with addresses under the domain and not under the subdomain like this: and not like this
It's ok, I can't access for two reasons.
One my wildcard is set on other folder than wp installation (blank page on subsite create)
Two I need to set address of new site for replace to
And now I can access to website and subsite.
Thank you for your answer, I just tested but it does not react correctly.
When I put the configuration of DOMAIN_CURRENT_SITE on I can no longer access the settings of the multisite network, I am redirected to the purchase site which is on the domain.
Another thing, if I therefore create a site in a subdirectory and not in a subdomain with the SUBDOMAIN_INSTALL configuration false, when I type a blank page appears as if there was no site or if I Type it works.
I cleared the caches everywhere and tried again but nothing happened.
In case I expressed myself badly, = The commercial site of the company = Multisite management and sample site = Customer site created from
thanks again

Used CloudFormation to create Wordpress blog but domain doesn't show up properly

I used AWS CloudFormation to create a Wordpress blog and then bought a domain from GoDaddy website and forwarded it to the domain name provided by CloudFormation
-->godaddy domain:
-->cloudformation domain: ""
Problem 1:
When I search GoDaddy domain in the URL, I get to the site but then only CloudFormation domain is shown in the URL. I want the GoDaddy domain to be there.
When I open a post, before the slash in the URL, cloudformation domain is shown.(e.g.**/2017/09/27/hello-world/**) .I want godaddy domain to be there for ease of access for others.
Problem 2:
Cloudformation uses a public IP which could be dangerous in future in case the server gets down etc. So, i want to change the IP to elastic IP too.
This is after the site is loaded,i get old domain shown
This is when i open some other page or in this case, a post. Here also old domain
one last thing, i hope i'm not wasting much time of yours. If i am, it would be great to point out what i did wrong in this question and i will improve next time.
Thank you!
Regarding the URL, you need to set the root URL on the WordPress configuration to, and regarding Elastic IP, you need to update the Cloudformation template to create an EIP and link it to the created instance.
Best regards.
You will likely need to change your site URL in the WordPress configuration:
On the Settings->General screen in a single site installation of
WordPress, there are two fields named "WordPress Address (URL)" and
"Site Address (URL)". They are important settings, since they control
where WordPress thinks your site is located. They control the display
of the URL in the admin section of your page, as well as the front
end, and are used throughout the WordPress code.

Point DNS to Squarespace Except for a Specific Subdirectory

My client is moving their site to SquareSpace, but wants to keep the blog portion hosted in WordPress. I'm not sure what their current hosting plan is, but is it generally possible to point "" to SquareSpace, and have "" still exist as a WordPress site?
Thank you!
This can't be done solely through DNS as DNS is ignorant of the path and works only with the domain name. The only way to do this through DNS would be to move the blog from to, then the website can be located on one service at and the blog can still be located on wordpress at

pointing domain to wildcard sub sub domain

I have a multisite wordpress install at
And I have a wildcard for *.plataforma
So all new sites created have this url:
and so on.
I need to connect my client's domains to the correspondent website, so the url wont be visible.
As a real case, I have a client's website here:
I need to have his domain pointing to that address, so his clients will navigate using and wont see any of the url.
Is it possible?
There's 2 options here:
Option 1
An CNAME record on the live domain's DNS should be sufficient to do this - so long as you're happy that the resource requests (images, scripts, styles and so forth) behind the scenes are going to the staging domain URLS ( and so forth).
Option 2
Check out the wordpress plugin WordPress MU Domain Mapping. With that you can map the site to multiple domains (and set the primary), which is a better approach.

Anyone familiar with Wordpress MU domain mapping? Need desperate help please

We have the Wordpress MU Domain Mapping plugin installed and have followed instructions to the best of our ability but we can't seem to get this working at all and I've tried everywhere to get advice but no-one seems to know anything about it...
Here's the scenario.
We have Wordpress MU installed at (eg) so each new Wordpress site we create is then at (eg),, etc. These are all virtual sub directories and Wordpress MU does not generate any physical sub directories for site1, site2 and site3.
What we wish to do, is purchase new domain names and map them to each one of these sub Wordpress sites. (eg) will be mapped to so instead of the site appearing as the following in the visitors browser address bar...
...the URL's would appear as...
This particular setup is on a VPS running Plesk CPanel, I have complete access to everything including SSH if anyone can advise how on earth this setup is meant to be correctly configured to function as explained above.
I'm guessing something needs to be done with DNS records, at the domain registrar for, we have the name servers pointing to the VPS IP that the Wordpress MU setup resides on.
Any help would be greatly appreciated.
Thanks in advance.
Are you using WordPress Multisite 3.3.X or an older implementation of WordPress MU (or the MU plugin from a third party)? Likewise, to accomplish domain mapping, are you using the official domain mapping plugin from Automattic or another third party implementation? It sounds like you are using subdirectory vs subdomain multisite. That is not how domain mapping is typically used (the Automattic version at least).
You shouldn't have to point the new domain names to the server's DNS (unless you want it to be the authority), you'll just need to assure that the new domain names resolve to the same IP address of the main web server (an A record should suffice). The domain mapping plugin is pretty straight forward on how to map what domain name to what subdomain and whether you wish to have it redirect or use the new domain name in the address bar. The later would give you what you seek with, etc.
