Depth and OOB error of a randomForest and randomForestSRC - r

Here is my code for random forest and rfsrc in R; Is there anyway to include n_estimators and max_depth like sklearn version in my R code ? Also, How can I plot OBB error vs number of trees plot like this?
tic("Time to train RFSRC fast")
fast.o <- ~ ., data = train[(1:50000),],forest=TRUE)
tic("Time to test RFSRC fast ")
#data(breast, package = "randomForestSRC")
fast.pred <- predict(fast.o, test[(1:50000),])
tic("RF model fitting without Parallelization")
rf <-randomForest(Label~.,data=train[(1:50000),])
varImp(rf,sort = T)
varImpPlot(rf, sort=T, n.var= 10, main= "Variable Importance", pch=16)
rf_pred <- predict(rf, newdata=test[(1:50000),])
confMatrix <- confusionMatrix(rf_pred,test[(1:50000),]$Label)
I appreciate your time.

You need to set block.size=1 , and also take note the sampling is without replacement, you can check the vignette for rfsrc:
Unlike Breiman's random forests, the default action here is sampling
without replacement. Thus out-of-bag (OOB) technically means
out-of-sample, but for legacy reasons we retain the term OOB.
So using an example dataset,
trn = sample(nrow(Sonar),150)
rf <- rfsrc(Class ~ ., data = Sonar[trn,],ntree=500,block.size=1,importance=TRUE)
pred <- predict(rf,Sonar[-trn,],block.size=1)
In randomForest:
rf <- randomForest(Class ~ ., data = Sonar[trn,],ntree=500)
pred <- predict(rf,Sonar[-trn,],predict.all=TRUE)
Not very sure if there's an easier to get ntrees error:
err_by_tree = sapply(1:ncol(pred$individual),function(i){
err_by_tree = colMeans(err_by_tree!=Sonar$Class[-trn])
Then plot:


Cannot generate predictions in mgcv when using discretization (discrete=T)

I am fitting a model using a random site-level effect using a generalized additive model, implemented in the mgcv package for R. I had been doing this using the function gam() however, to speed things up I need to shift to the bam() framework, which is basically the same as gam(), but faster. I further sped up fitting by passing the options bam(nthreads = N, discrete=T), where nthreads is the number of cores on my machine. However, when I use the discretization option, and then try to make predictions with my model on new data, while ignoring the random effect, I consistent get an error.
Here is code to generate example data and reproduce the error.
#generate data.
N <- 10000
x <- runif(N,0,1)
y <- (0.5*x / (x + 0.2)) + rnorm(N)*0.1 #non-linear relationship between x and y.
#uninformative random effect.
random.x <- as.factor(, replicate(2, sample(LETTERS, N, TRUE), FALSE)))
#fit models.
fit1 <- gam(y ~ s(x) + s(random.x, bs = 're')) #this one takes ~1 minute to fit, rest faster.
fit2 <- bam(y ~ s(x) + s(random.x, bs = 're'))
fit3 <- bam(y ~ s(x) + s(random.x, bs = 're'), discrete = T, nthreads = 2)
#make predictions on new data.
newdat <- data.frame(runif(200, 0, 1))
colnames(newdat) <- 'x'
test1 <- predict(fit1, newdata=newdat, exclude = c("s(random.x)"), newdata.guaranteed = T)
test2 <- predict(fit2, newdata=newdat, exclude = c("s(random.x)"), newdata.guaranteed = T)
test3 <- predict(fit3, newdata=newdat, exclude = c("s(random.x)"), newdata.guaranteed = T)
Making predictions with the third model which uses discretization throws this error (which the other two do not):
Error in model.frame.default(object$dinfo$gp$fake.formula[-2], newdata) :
variable lengths differ (found for 'random.x')
In addition: Warning message:
'newdata' had 200 rows but variables found have 10000 rows
How can I go about making predictions for a new dataset using the model fit with discretization?
newdata.gauranteed doesn't seem to be working for bam() models with discrete = TRUE. You could email the author and maintainer of mgcv and send him the reproducible example so he can take a look. See ?bug.reports.mgcv.
You probably want
names(newdat) <- "x"
as data frames have names.
But the workaround is just to pass in something for random.x
newdat <- data.frame(x = runif(200, 0, 1), random.x = random.x[[1]])
and then do your call to generate test3 and it will work.
The warning message and error are the result of you not specifying random.x in the newdata and then mgcv looking for random.x and finding it in the global environment. You should really gather that variables into a data frame and use the data argument when you are fitting your models, and try not to leave similarly named objects lying around in your global environment.

How to make a new prediction using rfcv in R

I have used the RandomForest (RF) Package in R for making RF cross validation for proteins data using "rfcv" function.
How can I make a predict for new protein data using object I had from rfcv?
rfvc will cross validate the model against some data.
In order to predict some values for other data you need to use the predict function.
Given a forest, rf and some new data newdata call
predict(rf, newdata)
The detailed docs give this as an example:
ind <- sample(2, nrow(iris), replace = TRUE, prob=c(0.8, 0.2))
iris.rf <- randomForest(Species ~ ., data=iris[ind == 1,])
iris.pred <- predict(iris.rf, iris[ind == 2,])
table(observed = iris[ind==2, "Species"], predicted = iris.pred)
## Get prediction for all trees.

How do I plot the training loss vs iteration number in r for Logitboost?

I have this code I just don't know how to get the training loss as an output.
fit <- LogitBoost(Xtrain, Ytrain, nIter = 500)
Here is an example for checking the accuracy of your model using the confusionMatrix function from the caret package:
Data = iris[,-5]
Label = iris[, 5]
# basic interface
model = LogitBoost(Data, Label, nIter=20)
print(confusionMatrix(predict(model, Data, nIter= 2), Label)$overall[1])
You can iterate that with the number of iterations you want.

Bootstrap Multinomial regression in R

I am trying to bootstrap a simple multinomial regression in R, and I am getting an error:
Error in : object 'd' not found
What is really strange is that I am using the same code (adjusted to this particular problem) as in a tutorial for boot package at Quick-R, and that same code also worked when I am using different function (like lm()). For sure, I am doing something stupid, but I do not see what. Please, if anyone can help, I would appreciate a lot.
This is an example:
# an example for multinomial logistic regression
ml = read.dta('')
ml = ml[,c(5,7,3)]
bs <- function(formula, data, indices) {
d = data[indices,] # allows boot to select sample
fit = multinom(formula, data=d)
s = summary(fit)
return(list(fit$coefficients, fit$standard.errors))
# 5 replications
results = list()
results <- boot(
data=ml, statistic=bs, R=5, parallel='multicore',
The error happens in the summary() part, also the object returned by multinom() does not have coefficients and standard.errors. It seems, that summary.multinom() in turn calculates the hessian from your data, d, which for some reason (probably a scoping issue) cannot be found. A quick fix is to add Hess = TRUE:
bs <- function(formula, data, indices) {
d = data[indices,] # allows boot to select sample
fit = multinom(formula, data=d, Hess = TRUE)
s = summary(fit)
return( cbind(s$coefficients, s$standard.errors) )
# 5 replications
results = list()
results <- boot(
data=ml, statistic=bs, R=5, parallel='multicore',
Multinomial logistic regression returns a matrix of coefficients using the coef() function. This differs from a lm or glm model which returns a vector of coefficients.
library(foreign) # read.dta()
library(nnet) # multinom()
require(boot) # boot()
# an example for multinomial logistic regression
ml = read.dta('')
ml = ml[,c(5,7,3)]
bs <- function(formula, data, indices) {
d = data[indices,] # allows boot to select sample
fit = multinom(formula, data=d, maxit=1000, trace=FALSE)
#s = summary(fit)
#return(list(fit$coefficients, fit$standard.errors))
estimates <- coef(fit)
# enable parallel
cl <- makeCluster(2)
clusterExport(cl, "multinom")
# 10000 replications
results <- boot(
data=ml, statistic=bs, R=10000, parallel = "snow", ncpus=2, cl=cl,
# label the estimates
subModelNames <- colnames(results$t0)
varNames <- rownames(results$t0)
estNames <- apply(expand.grid(varNames,subModelNames),1,function(x) paste(x,collapse="_"))
colnames(results$t) <- estNames
# summary of results
confint(results, level=0.95, type="norm")
confint(results, level=0.95, type="perc")
confint(results, level=0.95, type="bca")
# plot the results
hist(results, legend="separate")

Example of Time Series Prediction using Neural Networks in R

Anyone's got a quick short educational example how to use Neural Networks (nnet in R) for the purpose of prediction?
Here is an example, in R, of a time series
T = seq(0,20,length=200)
Y = 1 + 3*cos(4*T+2) +.2*T^2 + rnorm(200)
Many thanks
I think you can use the caret package and specially the train function
This function sets up a grid of tuning parameters for a number
of classification and regression routines.
T = seq(0,20,length=200)
y = 1 + 3*cos(4*T+2) +.2*T^2 + rnorm(200)
dat <- data.frame( y, x1=Lag(y,1), x2=Lag(y,2))
names(dat) <- c('y','x1','x2')
dat <- dat[c(3:200),] #delete first 2 observations
#Fit model
model <- train(y ~ x1+x2 ,
trace = FALSE)
ps <- predict(model, dat)
#Examine results
plot(T,Y,type="l",col = 2)
lines(T[-c(1:2)],ps, col=3)
legend(5, 70, c("y", "pred"), cex=1.5, fill=2:3)
The solution proposed by #agstudy is useful, but in-sample fits are not a reliable guide to out-of-sample forecasting accuracy. The gold standard in forecasting accuracy measurement is to use a holdout sample. Remove the last 5 or 10 or 20 observations (depending to the length of the time series) from the training sample, fit your models to the rest of the data, use the fitted models to forecast the holdout sample and simply compare accuracies on the holdout, using Mean Absolute Deviations (MAD) or weighted Mean Absolute Percentage Errors (wMAPEs).
So to do this you can change the code above in this way:
t = seq(0,20,length=200)
y = 1 + 3*cos(4*t+2) +.2*t^2 + rnorm(200)
dat <- data.frame( y, x1=Lag(y,1), x2=Lag(y,2))
names(dat) <- c('y','x1','x2')
train_set <- dat[c(3:185),]
test_set <- dat[c(186:200),]
#Fit model
model <- train(y ~ x1+x2 ,
trace = FALSE)
ps <- predict(model, test_set)
#Examine results
plot(T,Y,type="l",col = 2)
lines(T[c(186:200)],ps, col=3)
legend(5, 70, c("y", "pred"), cex=1.5, fill=2:3)
This last two lines output the wMAPE of the forecasts from the model
