ProgMP page showing I'm not using MPTCP even when I'm using it - tcp

I'm started exploring MPTCP recently and started using it on my Ubuntu 18.04. My MPTCP version is 0.95. curl on my terminal is returning Yay, you are MPTCP-capable! You can now rest in peace. I further checked it on which is telling me I'm using MPTCP. Now I want to write my own default scheduler. So I clicked on appropriate link on page which took me to page. In this page it is showing that I'm not using MPTCP connection so the demo page is showing limited features. I have attached the relevant screenshots. Can someone please tell me how to make my own scheduler?

It seems that you must be on multiple interface to do so. Also, for the local machine based setup without
internet (local network only) you can install the progmp kernel onto your own machine.
In order to do so in your terminal,
wget -c
# then
sudo dpkg -i linux-image-4.1.20-ProgMp.deb
to install the kernel
After that boot into grub menu and select the progMP kernel. the uname -a should prompt kernel version 4.1.20.
Now for writing your own scheduler you can download the example code from site and use the python script to add it to the system.
here is the further documentation in order to proceed, along with detailed steps:


Jupyter-notebook fails to start | PyForMLS

I am currently setting up a Python data-science client for SQL Server Machine Learning Services following this guide:
Unfortunately, running Jupyter notebooks for this distribution does not seem to work for me: Typing .\Scripts\jupyter-notebook in the distribution folder, or directly running jupyter-notebook.exe from the Scripts sub-folder does not start Jupyter. In the terminal, the command exits with no ouput.
Afterwards, https://localhost:8889/tree is not reachable as should be the case according to the tutorial above.
Any suggestions? (I already checked for solutions). Thank you!
Update: At least .\Scripts\jupyter-console is running, though it is not the same experience.
some cases .\Scripts\jupyter-notebook will not work fine because of the installation issues. As anaconda is having both commercial and enterprise editions, issues will raise.
Instead use the following procedure for cool opening of Jupyter-Notebook in anaconda distribution
Click on Start menu
Type Jupyter
Click on jupter icon which is visible in search results
Jupyter CMD will start running and make it minimized instead closing it. It will open the UI of jupyter notebook in browser.
Jupyter notebook for SQL
Check the documentation link which is available in link which is the configuration of jupyter notebook for SQL.
Document Credit: Rajendra Gupta

Installing the windows patch using PSWindowsUpdate

I am trying to install windows updates using PSWindowsUpdate module in powershell as:
Get-WindowsUpdate -Install -KBArticle 'KB4560960' and hit enter key but i am not getting any response. Then for confirmation whether the update has been installed or not i used Get-Hotfix command in powershell then it has displayed a list in that list the above update is not their. How to install the specific update using PSWindowsUpdate module in powershell.
After you install the module and then import it you can run the following command:
PS C:\Install-WindowsUpdate -MicrosoftUpdate -KBArticleID KB4560960 -AcceptAll -IgnoreReboot
It will show the progress of the install or you can type at the PS prompt.
Get-WUHistory. Keep in mind, you can't install updates with PSWindowsUpdates on remote boxes directly. Will have to use a Task Scheduler—which, in combination with Windows Admin Center, works beautifully.

Execute this command line in Windows

I'm trying to connect my firebase auth to an expo project.
I'm following the main docs of each library. I'm stucking on this step.
I'm not able in windows to exeute this command line openssl rand -base64 32 | openssl sha1 -c.
I've tried with the specific but I don't know how to reproduce the same line.
Any help would be great, thanks in advance.
You need to install openssl. It is usually available on Linux (which I think that article might have been written for). There are some Windows binaries available at here. Alternatively, you could setup a WSL session, and run the command from there.
that is a linux command. Therefore a linux terminal is needed.
there are at least 2 ways to get this done
using virtual machine with ubuntu or some other operating system that uses a linux terminal aka shell (which I doubt you know about)
installing a linux emulator (windows 8+ since it's from the windows store)
assuming you would prefer option 2, go to the windows store, search "Kali" and you will find an app called Kali. install it and if an error shows up, here's a nice video here that talks about solving that error and you would have a kali terminal on your windows computer (your command would work there)

What is the relation between RStudio and RServe?

I'm new to R and I decided to put R on a machine I have and see if I can remotely run code that is on my desktop computer.
While searching for "how to do" that, I came across the names "Rserve" and "RStudio". As far as I could tell, RServe is a package (actually, it seems to be the package) which I can use to configure the server, while RStudio is an IDE.
My question is: does RStudio use RServe "under the hood"? And, if it doesn't, then how does RStudio compare to RServe? (I.e., which one is better and why?)
[I figured out that this question could possibly be a duplicate, but I couldn't find any similar question]
Rserve is a client server implemenation written in pure c that starts a server and spawns multiple processes each with it's own R workspace. This is not threads but processes due to R's limitation on multithreading. It uses a QAP packing protocol as it's primary form of transport between the client and the server. You execute commands via the client (PHP, Java, C++) to the server and it returns you REXP objects that are essentially mappings to R's underlying SEXP data objects. Rserve also offers a websockets version that does will can transmit data through websockets but the api is not well documented. It also supports basic authentication through a configuration file.
Rstudio is a C++ and gwt application that provides a web based front end to R. AFAIK it uses json as it's primary transport and supports authentication through pam. Each user has a workspace configured in their home directory. It runs a server very similar but not the same as Rserve to communicate with R using RCPP. It also has it's own plotting driver used to wrap the plot device so that it can pickup the plots to be served to the ui. It has much more functionality such as stepping through your code from the ui and viewing workspace variables.
Functionally they are similar in that they provide a client/server connection to R but IMHO the comparison stops there.
I believe they are separate projects (though I could be wrong). I've never heard of RServe and there does not appear to be any mention of it in the documentation for RStudio. I have used and would recommend RStudio Server. It is relatively easy to set up and super easy to use once it is set up. This is a helpful guide to setting up a server on Amazon EC2:
#Create a user, home directory and set password
sudo useradd rstudio
sudo mkdir /home/rstudio
sudo passwd rstudio
#Enter Password
sudo chmod -R 0777 /home/rstudio
#Update all files from the default state
sudo apt-get update
sudo apt-get upgrade
#Be Able to get R 3.0
sudo add-apt-repository 'deb precise/'
#Update files to use CRAN mirror
#Don't worry about error message
sudo apt-get update
#Install latest version of R
#Install without verification
sudo apt-get install r-base
#Install a few background files
sudo apt-get install gdebi-core
sudo apt-get install libapparmor1
#Change to a writeable directory
#Download & Install RStudio Server
cd /tmp
sudo gdebi rstudio-server-0.97.551-amd64.deb
#Once you’ve installed the above commands, you can now access RStudio through your local browser. Navigate to the Public DNS of your image on port 8787, similar to:
The earlier answer about 3 years old provide old information, such as here.
Updated correction
RStudio is a firm that provides the open source RStudio IDE for R. They also sell commercial services such as RStudio Server Pro that markets itself with load balancing and related things. Apparently, the successuful open source project has lead the way to markets.
You may also mean Microsoft R Server, which is now called Microsoft Machine Learning Server?
There is also RServer by RStudio.
Anyway how to install both can be found here.

R built in Web server

Since R 2.13, R comes with a built-in web server.
Is there a simple way to create a local web server using R with a custom port number?
In python it will be (to use "http://localhost:8080") :
python -m SimpleHTTPServer 8080
I'm aware of Rook but I look for a simple solution.
Take a look at Rook - it's on GitHub. About setting a port number, see ?tools::help.ports it accepts a vector of numbers (integers) and it will choose the first available one. There's also sinartra (CRAN, GitHub), but I'd rather go with Rook.
It looks like servr might be what you're looking for these days.
From github:
To some degree, this package is like python -m SimpleHTTPServer or python -m http.server.
Example code
writeLines("<h1>Hi</H1>", "index.html")
# install.packages("servr")
# createTcpServer: address already in use
# To stop the server, run servr::daemon_stop(2) or restart your R session
# Serving the directory /Users/st/R/localhost at
Place the address in the browser:
This is not an answer, but some places to get started.
If we run R from terminal (by typing R), then run help.start(), it will start a local host and open it in the browser. On mine, it opens This at least proves that it's possible to open a localhost in R without any external packages.
I have found some of the code that makes this happen in the R Source Code.
