package ‘titletoc’ in R - r

I got the error message: "package ‘titletoc’ is not available (for R version 3.6.0)" but I checked MiKTeX Console that the package "titlesec" is in the list of packages and all the packages are updates. I am using a Mac (not sure if it matters).
Then I searched online to try to install the package "titletoc" separately, but I found nowhere to download this package. Something must be wrong, anyone has a clue?


Unable to install package "Phytotools"

Does anyone know what version of R "phytotools" is made for? I have the most recent version of R, (I updated it today, 2022-08-17), and i need to download phytotools. However I get an error message and cannot figure out what version of R it needs. Thanks
Warning in install.packages :
package ‘phytotools’ is not available for this version of R
A version of this package for your version of R might be available elsewhere,
see the ideas at

Install R packages problem using RStudio Package Manager

I tried to install R packages using RStudio Package Manager using the following code:
install.packages("dplyr", type = "source")
and it gives the following error:
Error in install.packages : invalid version specification 'r56550'
What should I do? I tried to google the error but nothing comes up. I have tried to delete and reinstall R and RStudio but i still received the error. I tried to download both the existing binary and the source file and neither ways worked. I tried to install different packages and repeated in both R and Rstudio and nothing worked.
Thank you!
Update 1: I'm using R version 4.0.5 and RStudio version 1.4.1106. I have also downloaded Rtools40 according to the instruction in the following website: I'm using Windows. By 'R Manager' I meant the package manager console in RStudio.
Update 2: I'm not sure if there is no network issue or proxy. If I download the packages directly through the CRAN mirror, then it works. But we are trying to download packages in an offline environment, that's why I need RStudio Package Manager.

errors when installing older dplyr package in R

Im a bit new to R and need to use/adapt someone else code in R.
My supervisor uses R version 3.2.2 with the dplyr package version 0.4.3 (to overcome errors and problems with the original code).
I tried to install the older dplyr package with different methods:
- installed devtools package and then used the url devtools::install_url("")
- manual installation (where I downloaded the file and tried to install it.) Installation seemed to have worked but when I run the code it gives a fatal error massage
Every way I've tried so far either gives a lot of error messages or a fatal error and shutdown.
When using help ?dplyr it gives a pop-up that there is an error. Does anybody have any other ideas to install this package?

R Install Packages Undable to Access Repository

I'm new to R, and I'm trying to install the "Reshape" package, but I get this error
Warning: unable to access index for repository
Warning: unable to access index for repository
Warning message:
package ‘reshape’ is not available (for R version 3.2.1)
I've searched around, seems this should definitely be available for download, but I can't figure out whats causing the issue
I had the same problem... I went to the Default CRAN Mirror to an HTTP mirro and that seems to have resolved it.
I hope this helps you too.
I got exactly the same error message. I got it with loading other packages too, but after I downloaded the latest versions of R and R Studio I was able to load them but seems there is not a 'reshape' version compatible with R 3.2.1 yet.

Can't install any packages in R

Title says the core of it. I've been wanting to learn R and I thought that swirl sounded nice. I can't get swirl to install, so just as an experiment I tried another package. I get the same error message. I'm getting this in both R and R Studio.
My input and error message are here:
## package ‘swirl’ is available as a source package but not as a binary
## Warning message:
## package ‘swirl’ is not available (for R Under development)
The first time I tried it I did get to chose a CRAN mirror, but otherwise I've been just spinning my gears.
I'm on a Mac and running OS X Yosemite, I tried looking for any issues similar to this and I am stuck. Any help is appreciated.
It looks like you're using a bleeding edge version of R ("R Under development").
Downgrade to the latest stable version and you should be fine.
