R Install Packages Undable to Access Repository - r

I'm new to R, and I'm trying to install the "Reshape" package, but I get this error
Warning: unable to access index for repository https://cran.rstudio.com/src/contrib
Warning: unable to access index for repository https://cran.rstudio.com/bin/macosx/mavericks/contrib/3.2
Warning message:
package ‘reshape’ is not available (for R version 3.2.1)
I've searched around, seems this should definitely be available for download, but I can't figure out whats causing the issue

I had the same problem... I went to the Default CRAN Mirror to an HTTP mirro and that seems to have resolved it.
I hope this helps you too.

I got exactly the same error message. I got it with loading other packages too, but after I downloaded the latest versions of R and R Studio I was able to load them but seems there is not a 'reshape' version compatible with R 3.2.1 yet.


How to fix error: package 'tzdb' is not available for this version of R

I'm new at R and trying to usetidyverse. The installation seems to go fine, but when I want to load the package, I get this error: there is no package called 'tzdb'. When I try to install 'tzdb' I get a warning that package 'tzdb' is not available for this version of R. I'm using version 4.0.5, which I believe should work.
Any suggestions on how I can get this package to work (so I can start using tidyverse)?
Edit: I've added an image of the code I ran + the outputs of sessionInfo() , options("repos") and .libPaths() below. (I'm sorry I can't copy paste code nor use the browser of the virtual machine that I work from).
It does give a warning stating that the CRAN mirror is set to an insecure URL. Could that be the problem? It didnt't seem matter for the other packages.

How to install R packages when github is blocked using papaja as an example

I thought I would post this as an answer to anyone having problems installing papaja (or other packages) when behind a firewall that doesn't allow github
The problem
For reasons I dont fully understand, the only way I am able to use github R packages is to download them into my github desktop and then use them using the remotes::install_local("C:\\[path]\\GitHub\\papaja") function. This has worked for all the R packages available from github (CRAN installations are fine).
However this is not the case with papaja which gives me the error:
'Error in curl::curl_fetch_memory(url, handle = h) :
Failed to connect to api.github.com port 443: Connection refused'
I suspect this is because a call is being made to github during the package installation (otherwise why dont I get this issue with all of the other packages I've installed this way).
The attempts
So I went ahead and tried
It gave me the error:
ERROR: dependencies 'bookdown', 'rmdfiltr' are not available for package 'papaja'
The answer
So I installed these separately from CRAN and then re ran
and the papaja successfully installed. So I guess the installation for the dependencies bookdown and rmdfiltr are making a call to github when they could be installed from CRAN?
So I guess if you get the same error, switch off dependecy installation and install them separately

package ‘titletoc’ in R

I got the error message: "package ‘titletoc’ is not available (for R version 3.6.0)" but I checked MiKTeX Console that the package "titlesec" is in the list of packages and all the packages are updates. I am using a Mac (not sure if it matters).
Then I searched online to try to install the package "titletoc" separately, but I found nowhere to download this package. Something must be wrong, anyone has a clue?

r package installed properly but "there is no package called ‘DiabetesTxPath-master" error

I'm trying to install a package called "DiabetesTxPath-master" from local files.(The file can be downloaded in https://github.com/rohit43/DiabetesTxPath)
I used the code below installing it.
but when I try to load the packaged by the code below,
error comes up.
there is no package called ‘DiabetesTxPath-master'
There is no problem in location.
[1] "C:/Program Files/R/R-3.4.2/library"'
and this is where I want my package to be installed.
(and I see my packaged installed in the folder with my eyes!)
2.I've also tried to run as an administrator. it didn't work either.
So what could be the probelm, and how could I fix this?
Any comment would be appreciated so much.
I've been trying it so hard for a week.
Try using
the problem arises because the dependencies for this package
ERROR: dependencies 'FeatureExtraction', 'CohortMethod',
'OhdsiSharing' are not available for package 'DiabetesTxPath'
are not available for this package in R 3.5 and above .
Now you need to install older version of R where these dependencies were supported and try using the above method.

errors when installing older dplyr package in R

Im a bit new to R and need to use/adapt someone else code in R.
My supervisor uses R version 3.2.2 with the dplyr package version 0.4.3 (to overcome errors and problems with the original code).
I tried to install the older dplyr package with different methods:
- installed devtools package and then used the url devtools::install_url("http://cran.r-project.org/src/contrib/Archive/dplyr/dplyr_0.1.2.tar.gz")
- manual installation (where I downloaded the file and tried to install it.) Installation seemed to have worked but when I run the code it gives a fatal error massage
Every way I've tried so far either gives a lot of error messages or a fatal error and shutdown.
When using help ?dplyr it gives a pop-up that there is an error. Does anybody have any other ideas to install this package?
