How to set position for link buttons on a map - css

I am creating a search page based on continents. And I need to let the user click(choose) a continent and based on this choice. I do backend logic.
What I tried is to set a world map as a background of a div. And on this map I put the linkbuttons that represent the continent (as attached).
The problem is when I resize the screen the linkbuttons go into wrong positions. So please help me to find a way to PIN the buttons (continent names) to the map when resize or open the page on different screens.
Thank you.

Here is a link to a youtube video that shows you how to use google maps API. This may make what you are doing a little easier. I recently used this to create a mobile tour app.
Google Maps API

Thanks for trying to help. I just solved the problem and likeed to share the solution.
I have solved this using map on the image. So I made the continents clickable on the image without putting any controls on the image.


How to create an interactive map in ASP.NET

I've created a page that shows a map of my complex. The idea is to put icons on the map representing where computers are located, and the user will be able to click on the icon to remote into the machine.
But I also want the icons to be moveable. Everyone should be able to open the page and drag the computer icon around. Is this possible using only ASP.NET?
you can use following options but not limited :)
Google Maps
Bing Maps
bing map sdk
You could use the html <map> and <area> tags along with an image of your complex to create a map that has points on it.
You can see an example of this here, however this is probably overkill for your requirements. All you need to do is set the coord and shape attributes for each area, this will give you an element that would represent the computers.
I'm not sure if you can manipulate these in javascript or jQuery though, as I have never tried, but hopefully this will give you a starting point.

Google Maps API - Place Image outside a InfoWindow

I need to customize a Google Maps InfoWindow.
In particular I want an image to "hang over the edge" of the InfoWindow. But when I place the image absolute within the InfoWindow-DIV it disappears behind the border of my InfoWindow.
Adding a z-index changes nothing.
Hope I made my point clear. Any ideas?
There are many custom window solution , see this one for example:
If you want something outside of the infoMarker border, you'd better use a custom solution.
The built in one is good for the simple stuff.

how to merge two images into one with

I am working on an project. I am searching for a solution such that after a background image of a div is chosen. The user selects another image and coordinate. Then, this image will be merged on the background image with the defined coordinate.
Thanks in advance.
If you wish to combine two images,firstly you must upload them into server via ajax requests.
Read this article : combining images
After you combine them,let the user download the new one.
Also if you're looking for an editor to do so,I suggest to place them on html5 canvas.
Best Regards
Your post is quite general, but look in to System.Drawing and using an AJAX call to post both images (as well as the coordinates chosen) and then return the combined image which can then be displayed.
Without more specifics that's really all I can offer.

Masking the Google Map in iOS

In my app I have displayed some custom overlay on google map using MKOverlay with the help of TileMap sample code. My requirement is, I need to mask the entire google map underneath the overlay.That is, I want rest of the map area to appear to be in gray except my custom overlay.
Could anyone give me direction on how to achieve this?
Thanks in advance,
I don't know all the calls that you'd need to cover but I know how to find out. In the TileMap example code provided by Apple they show how the MKMapView will call for tiles. All you'd need to do is swap out the code that finds files on disk and swap in some code that always returns a grey square every time.
However this won't remove the Google logo or stop the app from downloading the map tiles from Google in the background. If you find out how to stop that please let me know.

How to show a Drupal Openlayers map in a colorbox?

We've been working on a project to show bus routes in a grid and have each column header link to the corresponding location on a map. We're on Drupal 6 and already have both the Colorbox and OpenLayers modules installed. I've been able to display a map inside a node using the CCK OpenLayers WKT field.
Ideally, this would use a colorbox that would appear with embedded OpenLayers map. Is there a best way to have a link open a colorbox instance with the appropriate map embedded? If the map is a node, is there a best way to show just node content inside a colorbox?
Any help would be appreciated. We've played with some things, but just haven't really found a good way of accomplishing this yet.
What we've done in a similar scenario (popping up a video in Colorbox) was to create a page.tpl.php override file specific to that content type with everything stripped out, except for the content we want displayed in the lightbox.
The other thing I found is that if you make the map layer default to fullscreen, it fills the colorbox
