How to show a Drupal Openlayers map in a colorbox? - drupal

We've been working on a project to show bus routes in a grid and have each column header link to the corresponding location on a map. We're on Drupal 6 and already have both the Colorbox and OpenLayers modules installed. I've been able to display a map inside a node using the CCK OpenLayers WKT field.
Ideally, this would use a colorbox that would appear with embedded OpenLayers map. Is there a best way to have a link open a colorbox instance with the appropriate map embedded? If the map is a node, is there a best way to show just node content inside a colorbox?
Any help would be appreciated. We've played with some things, but just haven't really found a good way of accomplishing this yet.

What we've done in a similar scenario (popping up a video in Colorbox) was to create a page.tpl.php override file specific to that content type with everything stripped out, except for the content we want displayed in the lightbox.

The other thing I found is that if you make the map layer default to fullscreen, it fills the colorbox

Related How to set position for link buttons on a map

I am creating a search page based on continents. And I need to let the user click(choose) a continent and based on this choice. I do backend logic.
What I tried is to set a world map as a background of a div. And on this map I put the linkbuttons that represent the continent (as attached).
The problem is when I resize the screen the linkbuttons go into wrong positions. So please help me to find a way to PIN the buttons (continent names) to the map when resize or open the page on different screens.
Thank you.
Here is a link to a youtube video that shows you how to use google maps API. This may make what you are doing a little easier. I recently used this to create a mobile tour app.
Google Maps API
Thanks for trying to help. I just solved the problem and likeed to share the solution.
I have solved this using map on the image. So I made the continents clickable on the image without putting any controls on the image.

How to create an interactive map in ASP.NET

I've created a page that shows a map of my complex. The idea is to put icons on the map representing where computers are located, and the user will be able to click on the icon to remote into the machine.
But I also want the icons to be moveable. Everyone should be able to open the page and drag the computer icon around. Is this possible using only ASP.NET?
you can use following options but not limited :)
Google Maps
Bing Maps
bing map sdk
You could use the html <map> and <area> tags along with an image of your complex to create a map that has points on it.
You can see an example of this here, however this is probably overkill for your requirements. All you need to do is set the coord and shape attributes for each area, this will give you an element that would represent the computers.
I'm not sure if you can manipulate these in javascript or jQuery though, as I have never tried, but hopefully this will give you a starting point.

Customizing Flex Slider plugin

I've looked a looked and looked for the perfect rotating banner for my website I am creating and I found flex slider, of which I love as it gives you the circled just underneath and the left and right arrows as well. The option for face or slide is what I was looking for too, however I need a plugin that allows the user to upload an image to the banner like Useful banner Manager. (I'm not using UBM as I don't what each banner image to fade to white and then to the next image, but that's how it acts).
Does anyone know a great rotating banner plugin that is easy to follow for wordpress newbies (as this will be integrated into the websites I create for clients) either free or premium?
OR do you know how I might just add the upload option to the flex slider plugin?
If you know the data format that the Flex Slider uses you can simply create a custom post type called 'Banner', restrict the various stock metaboxes, leaving say, only the editor and media upload. Then your clients can simply create new 'banners' by creating a new banner post, and uploading its associated image. This is a nice, simple and easy to understand interface for clients, making it easy for them to add, remove, edit banners.
Then simply do a get_posts on your banners and provide the Flex slider with data in a format it expects.
This has the advantage of not requiring a plugin to create, which is useful if you are distributing themes.

Drupal: CCK/Views problem

The problem is the next: I have a recipe with images, and I have a video with node reference to the recipe (so I can hav a one to many). (see here)
When there is a video, it should not show an image, when there is no video, it should show the image.
I created a block for displaysuite, and attached the video to it.(see here), in 2 displays.
Now all i want is a theming function where all the image and video's are in so I can do some logic and format everything, but the video's and images are processed sepperately.
Can anyone help me out please ?
Not totally sure what I am missing, but assuming your view works and you have a display that shows all of the proper fields, it should just be a matter of creating an instance of views-view-fields.tpl.php for your particular view and/or display, and putting your logic there. If you click on the Theme link on the view, it will show the view template suggestions.
At the moment, I did it this way:
I get all the video's and images from a Node. Because the images and videos are different displays (video's is an attachement) they are rendered by different template functions. So in the functions a create an object in the $GLOBALS variables, that stores all the videos and images.
Then I create a template that renders the entire node, and I check the images and video's in the $GLOBALS with some if else's.
Looks like a dirty method (it probabely is) but it works

How can i put a flash animation in the header of a movable type 4.2 site?

Im creating a new site i a i want a flash animation in the header of my page, im using Movable Type 4.2.
The problem is i don't know how can i do that, and which file i need edit, or if i can do all the job in the dfashboard of movable type.
This can certainly be done through the MT dashboard. You'd need to modify the current templates to include what you need.
In the MT dashboard, go to Design > Templates. That'll be the general area you'd need to examine and, if you want to fully customise your blog, it's the area you need to become very familiar with.
Start by looking at the Banner Header template module.
