Failed to load resource: net::ERR_CONNECTION_CLOSE - Wordpress - wordpress

I have a problem with my website. Images and some .js files do not finish loading. Honestly, I don’t know what could have happened, the day before the problem everything was perfect … I just woke up and it happened. I thought it might have been the “WP Super Rocket” plugin but I already tried disabling it.
In the Chrome console I get the error “Failed to load resource: net :: ERR_CONNECTION_CLOSED”.Even when I want to see the “preview” of my home page it gives me the error “HTTP ERROR 500”, this does not happen with other pages on the web. It is rare because in these two days, the page returns to normal after noon.
I know that my site is not the most optimized, I am missing a lot for that, but I have not had any errors of this kind and it was loading everything normal.
In case you have to see, my site is hosted on GoDaddy.
The website is:


GET request with 404 causing additional load times on my site - How do I fix it?

When visiting my site I have a huge GET request that takes about 8 seconds to load before it is aborted. I have no idea what it's referring to and am looking for a way to stop it so my page loads faster.
Chrome error: GET net::ERR_ABORTED 404
I've searched the Index.php file and can't find a reference to this, so not sure what to do here.
I was having the same issue on my website. The quick fix was to upload an empty datepicker.css. There was no such folder named admin/css in my case, so I had to create one. Even though this fixed the website loading issue, it's is just a temporary workaround. I hope someone would come up with a solution that solves the root cause.

Facebook's in-app-browser returns the error "net::ERR_FAILED", but no other browser

The Facebook in-app-browser returns the error "net::ERR_FAILED". What could be the reason for this?
The website was made a long time ago for me and my brother and it has worked fine until recently. Suddenly we couldn't open in Facebook in-app-browser anymore. I've tried to look for error but none are printed (neither in PHP nor JS console). The website works great on all other browsers. I've even tried using Ghostlab (hosting on local PC and visit the website via this URL on the in-app-browser), and by doing that it works.
I except the page to be loaded. Right now nothing is loaded and I'm left without any logs.
The issue was resolved after the update that came a few days later. But I never figured out the issue. Let's hope it doesn't happen again.

Random 500 internal errors on my wordpress website

I have around 10 plugins installed.
I use a wordpress theme by sitemile.
The site works fine sometimes, but very often, if I were to go to the login or sign up page, it displays the 500 internal error. I want to set up logs for see to see whats happening but I am not sure how I can do that.
Also, sometimes the homepage of the website loads very funky but if i go to other pages, it may or may not load that page properly.
Not an internet issue. Cleared cache as well. Interestingly, I see different results in normal and incognitu browsers.
Do these internal errors occur most of the time when you have a lot of plugins? Is there some other source of problem that I can check to make sure everything in my site is alright?
Error screenshot attached.
Homepage of website
Depending on your webhost, you might already have more details in a log file. Often times with apache it's called "error_log" and it can be found in your root directory or the directory of the file causing the error.
It could be anything from access permissions or a security block. So it's going to be hard for someone to give you an answer on this without more information.
Things to try:
You can try disabling one plugin at a time until it works.
Look for an error_log (or similar) file
Double check all of the file permissions, chmod and chown
Contact your web host and see if they can provide any insight
If you ARE the web host (or manage the server yourself) then you can check the apache error logs (if enabled) and/or security logs on the server
Double check any errors on the .htaccess file
A script could be consuming too much resources or taking too long to load, you can narrow it down by process of elimination and then disable/patch the culprit

IIS express suddenly not displaying web page

Perhaps someone can help me figure out what's going on.
I'm running VS 2013 and working on a Web Forms application (not an MVC app). I'm using the templates that came down, including all the cool FriendlyUrls functionality. I've been working on this website for several weeks without any problem.
Today, for no apparent reason, one of my pages stopped working. When I attempted to view it, I got an error message that the server was not configured to list directories. My web page does not attempt to list the contents of any directory. It just has some images and some relatively simple Javascript (which does not attempt to enumerate anything).
The error message suggested I run the following command in the IIS Express directory:
appcmd set config /section:system.webServer/directoryBrowse /enabled:true
Just for the sake of experimenting, I ran that command. Now when I attempt to view the page, I get something that looks like this (the page is named Menus.aspx)
localhost - /Menus/
[To Parent Directory]
Clicking on "To Parent Directory" takes me to the home page, as one might expect.
I created a new page, Menus2.aspx, and copied all of the code from Menus.aspx into Menus2.aspx, and Menus2 runs fine. In addition, when I upload the site to Azure, Menus works correctly (as does Menus2). So I think my code is innocent of any wrongdoing.
I then deleted Menus.aspx and renamed Menus2.aspx to Menus.aspx, and I'm back to the same problem.
I was working in a git branch, and reverted back to master to see if at least my original configuration would work, but now even in master I can't get the page to come up.
So it looks like the problem is that something got jacked up in my local configuration, but I can't for the life of me figure out what it is. I have exited VS and rebooted the machine in hopes that the problem will disappear as mysteriously as it started, but no luck.
Every other page in the site (6 so far) works fine. It's just this one, with this name.
So my options at this point are to simply not have a page named Menus.aspx in my project because the name has somehow become cursed, or do all of my testing by uploading to the server and seeing how it works up there, which is a pain and should not be necessary.
Can someone suggest how and where I should start looking for what happened here? This isn't the problem I expected to be working on today.
Thanks in advance.

Website taking forever to load

I have installed mybb in /forum and wordpress in /blog
Frequently, my wordpress blog doest not load (feels like the web server doesn't respond)
and at the same time, mybb also does not load
note: this happens very frequently but is fixed automatically after sometime
I have tried using Chrome and opera
----Chrome sometimes just keeps loading and sometime give "no data recieved"
----Opera simply keeps loading, loading and loading
First i thought this happens only with me but when i asked my friend to open my site, it happened with him too
If the server doesn't get hit very often, you may find that your web server is effectively turning itself off due to inactivity.
So when you visit it after a "long" period of inactivity, it takes a while while it load the application, rebuilds the cache etc.. ie the same as restarting the web application.
You can be sure this is not the problem, if you experience the "not responding" behaviour while you are actively browsing the site.
If you are aggregating contents then wordpress is not your choice. However I found cache plugins like quickcache can solve your problem.
