Chainer: custom extension for early stopping based on time limit - chainer

I have a trainer that already has a stop trigger based on the total number of epochs:
trainer = training.Trainer(updater, (epochs, 'epoch'))
Now I would like to add a stopping condition based on the total elapsed time starting from some point in the code (which may be different than the elapsed_time stored inside trainer):
global_start = time.time()
# Some long preprocessing
# Trainer starts here and its internal elapsed time
# does not take into account the preprocessing
What I tried is to define an extension as follows.
trainer.global_start = global_start
trainer.global_elapsed_time = 0.0
def stop_training():
return True
def check_time_limit(my_trainer):
my_trainer.global_elapsed_time = time.time() - my_trainer.global_start
# If reach the time limit, then set the stop_trigger as a callable
# that is always True
if my_trainer.global_elapsed_time > args.time_limit * 3600:
my_trainer.stop_trigger = stop_training
# Add the extension to trainer
trainer.extend(check_time_limit, trigger=(1000, 'iteration'))
Running the code, I obtained some The previous value of epoch_detail is not saved error. What did I do wrong?
Thank you so much in advance for your help!


How to create an custom entry/exit signal in VectorBT?

thanks for reading!
I'm trying to backtest a strategy that I wrote in Pinescrpt, and I struggle to create my entry conditions.
So this is the code
import numpy as np
import pandas as pd
import vectorbt as vbt
from datetime import datetime
from binance.client import Client
symbols=['SOLUSDT', 'BNBUSDT']
price =,
start= '5 days ago UTC',
end= 'Now UTC',
interval='30m', missing_index='drop'
).get(['High', 'Low', 'Open', 'Close'])
high = price[0]
low = price[1]
open = price[2]
close = price[3]
stoch =
close = close,
k_window = 14
And I want to add
entries = abs(stoch.percent_k['SOLUSDT'] -
stoch.percent_k['SOLUSDT']) > 50 # (mi intention with abs is to get the absolute value)
exits = abs(stoch.percent_k['SOLUSDT'] -
stoch.percent_k['SOLUSDT']) < 5
portfolio = vbt.Portfolio.from_signals(price[3], entries, exits, init_cash=10000)
I pretend to trigger a short order in a symbol and a long order in the second simultaneously with those signals.
And if anyone has a recommendation about where to find educational resources about this particular package (besides the official web) is welcome. I have read the examples in the doc, but it still fills a bit too complex for my level.

Name ''total'' is not defined

What should I differently? The Result is line 12 print(total) NameError: name 'total' is not defined
def gross_pay (hours,rate):
info =()
info = getUserInfo()
rate = float(input('How much do you make an hour?:'))
hours = int(input('How many hours did you work?:'))
total = rate * hours
taxes = total * 0.05
total = total - taxes
total is a local variable. It doesn't exist outside the function. Also you need to call the function, where you can return total. getUserInfo() is not present and info is unused. Asking for the input parameters inside the function is incorrect as well. Technically, pay after taxes is net pay, not gross:
def net_pay(hours,rate):
total = rate * hours
taxes = total * 0.05
return total - taxes
rate = float(input('How much do you make an hour? '))
hours = int(input('How many hours did you work? '))
How much do you make an hour? 10.50
How many hours did you work? 40
def gross_pay (hours,rate):
info =()
# getUserInfo() should also be defined on your code:
info = getUserInfo()
rate = float(input('How much do you make an hour?:'))
hours = int(input('How many hours did you work?:'))
total = rate * hours
taxes = total * 0.05
total = total - taxes
#calling the declarated (defined) function:
I'm assuming you're passing the parameters hours and rate by reference because you're gonna need the values later, otherwise they're not necesary, since you're asking for input inside the gross_pay function

MturkR, R, automatically posting microbatches

I am new to MTurk, but have some fluency with R. I am using the MTurkR package the first time, and I am trying to create "micro-batches" that post on MTurk over time. The code I am using can be found below (the XXXX parts are obviously filled with the correct values). I don't get any error messages, the code runs, and posts the HIT both in the Sandbox and in the real correctly. However, the HITs posted do not show up in the Sandbox Requester account, or the real requester account which means - as far as I understand - that I can't evaluate the workers who submit a completion code before they are paid automatically.
Could anyone point out where the error is, and how could I review the HITs?
##### Notes:
# 1) Change sandbox from TRUE to FALSE to run live (make sure to test in sandbox first!!)
##### Step 1: Load library, set parameters
#### Load MTurkR library
#### HIT Layout ID
# Layout ID for the choice task
# my_hitlayoutid = "XXXX"
# Layout ID for the choice task in the Sandbox
my_hitlayoutid = "XXXX"
#### Set MTurk credentials
#### HIT parameters
## Run in sandbox?
sandbox_val <- "FALSE"
## Set the name of your project here (used to retrieve HITs later)
myannotation <- "myannotation"
## Enter other HIT aspects
newhittype <- RegisterHITType(
title = "hope trial",
description = "Description",
reward = "2.5",
duration = seconds(hours = 1),
keywords = "survey, demographics, neighborhoods, employment",
sandbox = sandbox_val
##### Step 2: Define functions
## Define a function that will create a HIT using information above
createhit <- function() {
hit.type = newhittype$HITTypeId,
assignments = 2,
expiration = seconds(days = 30),
annotation = myannotation,
verbose = TRUE,
sandbox = sandbox_val,
hitlayoutid = my_hitlayoutid
## Define a function that will expire all running HITs
## This keeps HITs from "piling up" on a slow day
## It ensures that A) HIT appears at the top of the list, B) workers won't accidentally accept HIT twice
# expirehits <- function() {
# ExpireHIT(
# annotation = myannotation,
# sandbox = sandbox_val
# )
##### Step 3: Execute a loop that runs createhit/expirehit functions every hour, and it will log the output to a file
## Define number of times to post the HIT (totalruns)
totalruns <- 2
counter <- 0
## Define log file (change the location as appropriate)
logfile <- file("/Users/kinga.makovi/Dropbox/Bias_Experiment/MTurk/logfile.txt", open="a")
sink(logfile, append=TRUE, type="message")
## Run loop (note: interval is hourly, but can be changed in Sys.sleep)
repeat {
counter = counter + 1
if (counter == totalruns){
## To stop the loop before it finishes, click the "STOP" button
## To stop logging, run sink()
You can't see HITs that are created via the API (through MTurkR or otherwise) in the requester website. It's a "feature". You'll have to access the HITs through MTurkR (e.g., SearchHITs() and GetHIT()).

How to restrict order open to a certain time and close it in another certain time with Interactive Brokers API

Using Interactive Brokers API, I would like to restrict order open to a certain time for example not before 09:35, I would also like to close the position at about 5 minutes before the end of the day.I tried to use an if statment with Sys.time() but I didn't work and in addition it is not elegant..How can I fix the error or use another method to full fill my need ?
Hour<-as.integer(format(Sys.time(), "%H"))
Minute<-as.integer(format(Sys.time(), "%M"))
myconid = 3
twsobj = twsConnect(myconid)
myorderid = as.integer(reqIds(twsobj))
if(lastValue>0.5 && Hour > 16 && Minute > 35 ){
placeOrder(twsobj,Contract=twsSTK("SPY"),Order=twsOrder(myorderid ,"BUY",1,"MKT"))
placeOrder(twsobj,Contract=twsSTK("SPY"),Order=twsOrder(myorderid + 1 ,"SELL",1,"MKT"))
} else{
placeOrder(twsobj,Contract=twsSTK("SPY"),Order=twsOrder(myorderid , "SELL" , 1 , "MKT"))
placeOrder(twsobj,Contract=twsSTK("SPY"),Order=twsOrder(myorderid + 1 , "BUY" ,1, "MKT"))
Every broker has a facility to specify the good after time (GAT). It should be as simple as setting this field in the R interface. In the CRAN IBrokers docs it says the field
goodAfterTime Trades Good After Time: YYYYMMDD hh:mm:ss or ""
Here's the order properties API info at IB
The trade's "Good After Time," format
"YYYYMMDD hh:mm:ss (optional time zone)"
Note, MKT orders will be filled practically instantly. A LMT order may take some time.

Python convert military time user input and calculate time worked (datetime.timedelta)

Noob here,
I'm stuck at trying to present user input in military time into standard time. The code works so far, but I need to subtract 12 hours from the end time to display in standard time. How do I do this using datetime.time? Also, do I need to convert the original user input to an integer to perform datetime.timedelta calculations? Previous questions don't seem to answer my coding questions.
My code is:
def timeconvert():
print "Hello and welcome to Python Payroll 1.0."
print ""
# User input for start time. Variable stored.
start = raw_input("Enter your check-in time in military format (0900): ")
# User input for end time. Variable stored.
end = raw_input("Enter your check-out time in military format (1700): ")
print ""
# ---------------------------------------------------------------------------
# Present user input in standard time format hhmm = hh:mm
# ---------------------------------------------------------------------------
import datetime, time
convert_start = datetime.time(hour=int(start[0:2]), minute=int(start[2:4]))
# need to find a way to subtract 12 from the hour to present end time in standard time
convert_end = datetime.time(hour=int(end[0:2]), minute=int(end[2:4]))
print 'You started at', convert_start.strftime("%H:%M"),'am', 'and ended at', convert_end.strftime("%H:%M"), 'pm'
# ---------------------------------------------------------------------------
# Use timedelta to caculate time worked.
# ---------------------------------------------------------------------------
# print datetime.timedelta
raw_input("Press ENTER to exit program") # Closes program.
You can use strftime("%I:%M %p") to get standard 12 hour formatting with "AM" or "PM" at the end. See the Python documentation for more details on datetime string formatting.
Also, while it is not natively supported, you can simply use the two datetime.time instances to do your calculation as part of the timedelata constructor.
The below code should suffice, though proper error checking should definitely be used. ;)
start = raw_input("Enter your check-in time in military format (0900): ")
end = raw_input("Enter your check-out time in military format (1700): ")
# convert user input to datetime instances
start_t = datetime.time(hour=int(start[0:2]), minute=int(start[2:4]))
end_t = datetime.time(hour=int(end[0:2]), minute=int(end[2:4]))
delta_t = datetime.timedelta(
hours = (end_t.hour - start_t.hour),
minutes = (end_t.minute - start_t.minute)
# datetime format
fmt = "%I:%M %p"
print 'You started at %s and ended at %s' % (start_t.strftime(fmt), end_t.strftime(fmt))
print 'You worked for %s' % (delta_t)
def time12hr(string):
hours = string[:2]
minutes = string[2:]
x = " "
if int(hours) == 12:
x = "p.m."
hours = "12"
elif int(hours) == 00:
x = "a.m."
hours = "12"
elif int(hours) > 12:
x = "p.m."
hours = str(int(hours) - 12)
x = "a.m."
return "%s:%s %s"%(hours ,minutes,x)
print time12hr('1202')
print time12hr('1200')
print time12hr('0059')
print time12hr('1301')
print time12hr('0000')
