Name ''total'' is not defined - python-3.6

What should I differently? The Result is line 12 print(total) NameError: name 'total' is not defined
def gross_pay (hours,rate):
info =()
info = getUserInfo()
rate = float(input('How much do you make an hour?:'))
hours = int(input('How many hours did you work?:'))
total = rate * hours
taxes = total * 0.05
total = total - taxes

total is a local variable. It doesn't exist outside the function. Also you need to call the function, where you can return total. getUserInfo() is not present and info is unused. Asking for the input parameters inside the function is incorrect as well. Technically, pay after taxes is net pay, not gross:
def net_pay(hours,rate):
total = rate * hours
taxes = total * 0.05
return total - taxes
rate = float(input('How much do you make an hour? '))
hours = int(input('How many hours did you work? '))
How much do you make an hour? 10.50
How many hours did you work? 40

def gross_pay (hours,rate):
info =()
# getUserInfo() should also be defined on your code:
info = getUserInfo()
rate = float(input('How much do you make an hour?:'))
hours = int(input('How many hours did you work?:'))
total = rate * hours
taxes = total * 0.05
total = total - taxes
#calling the declarated (defined) function:
I'm assuming you're passing the parameters hours and rate by reference because you're gonna need the values later, otherwise they're not necesary, since you're asking for input inside the gross_pay function


Chainer: custom extension for early stopping based on time limit

I have a trainer that already has a stop trigger based on the total number of epochs:
trainer = training.Trainer(updater, (epochs, 'epoch'))
Now I would like to add a stopping condition based on the total elapsed time starting from some point in the code (which may be different than the elapsed_time stored inside trainer):
global_start = time.time()
# Some long preprocessing
# Trainer starts here and its internal elapsed time
# does not take into account the preprocessing
What I tried is to define an extension as follows.
trainer.global_start = global_start
trainer.global_elapsed_time = 0.0
def stop_training():
return True
def check_time_limit(my_trainer):
my_trainer.global_elapsed_time = time.time() - my_trainer.global_start
# If reach the time limit, then set the stop_trigger as a callable
# that is always True
if my_trainer.global_elapsed_time > args.time_limit * 3600:
my_trainer.stop_trigger = stop_training
# Add the extension to trainer
trainer.extend(check_time_limit, trigger=(1000, 'iteration'))
Running the code, I obtained some The previous value of epoch_detail is not saved error. What did I do wrong?
Thank you so much in advance for your help!

momentjs calculates date difference incorrectly

In my angular web application, I want to compare two dates to see if a person is less than 18 years old when she/he entered the company. Here is the code I use to do this:
const dayOfBirth = moment(formControl.value, this.dateFormat, true).startOf('day');
const entranceDateControl = this.wizardFormGroup.get('entranceDate');
const entranceDate = moment(entranceDateControl.value, this.dateFormat, true).startOf('day');
// Check validation rule R3: Age is less than 18 compared to entrance date
const difference = moment.duration(Math.abs(entranceDate.diff(dayOfBirth)));
if (difference.years() < 18) {
const validationMessage = this.getValidationMessage('R3', formControlName);
return validationMessage ? validationMessage.message : null;
As you can see, I am using startOf('day') to get rid of any time component so that I only handle dates. I use diff() to get the difference between two dates and then duration() to convert the difference to years, months, days, etc. Using this code, the validation message should NOT show when the person is turning 18 years old on the day when she/he entered the company.
Upon testing this, I came across what is, in my opinion, strange behavior. Depending on months and years used, it gave different results. For instance, for these dates it was Ok:
dayOfBirth = 1998-03-01, 1998-04-01, ..., 2000-02-01
entranceDate = 2016-03-01, 2016-04-01, ..., 2018-02-01
But the following dates returned the validation message:
dayOfBirth = 2000-03-01, 2000-04-01, ..., 2002-02-01
entranceDate = 2018-03-01, 2000-04-01, ..., 2020-02-01
After these dates, i.e. using 2002-03-01 and onward, it works again. I also got wrong result for the dates preceding 1998-03-01.
Now, I had a closer look at the Duration object and I noticed that for the times where it was less than 18 years, it had calculated 864 milliseconds less then when it came to the right conclusion that it was 18 years between the dates.
Correct duration
dayOfBirth = 1998-03-01, 1998-04-01, ..., 2000-02-01
entranceDate = 2016-03-01, 2016-04-01, ..., 2018-02-01
Duration = 568080000000 ms
Wrong duration
dayOfBirth = 2000-03-01, 2000-04-01, ..., 2002-02-01
entranceDate = 2018-03-01, 2000-04-01, ..., 2020-02-01
Duration = 567993600000 ms
Duration difference
568080000000 - 567993600000 = 86400000 ms = 24 hours = 1 day
Has anyone an explanation for this? Can it be considered a bug in momentjs? Any viable workaround for this?
I didn't go into details in moment source code but it seems duration() is playing tricks with you. Simplify the code and rely only on diffas follow and you should be good (at least it seems to work for the samples you provided). And it's easier on the eyes :)
const moment = require('moment')
const dayOfBirth = moment('2000-03-01').startOf('day');
const entranceDate = moment('2018-03-01').startOf('day');
const difference = entranceDate.diff(dayOfBirth, 'years')
if (difference < 18) {
console.log( '<18')
} else {
console.log( '>=18')
will output >=18

Delphi displays strange results for operations with negative values to TDateTime

We have a solution in Delphi that calculates a travel's duration of a given vehicle, for example, 20 minutes, 25 minutes and so on. However, sometimes we have to antecipate the travel's start time, from a specific datetime, for example 09:00 to 08:40. Then, we need to substract a negative value from a TDateTime variable (travel's start), in this case, something like "-00:20". To do this, we multiply the datetime value by -1 (for example MyDiffDateTimeVariable * -1). The output we got is very strange, sometimes we obtain the exactly opposite behavior. In other case, an operation to extract 20 minutes results in a difference of two days from the original datetime.
Here is a sample console application that simulate our situation, with the current outputs, and what we will expected:
program DateTimeSample;
System.SysUtils, System.DateUtils;
LDate1: TDateTime;
LDate2: TDateTime;
LDate1 := IncMinute(0, 20);
LDate2 := IncMinute(0, -20);
WriteLn('Date1: ' + DateTimeToStr(LDate1));
// Output = Date1: 30/12/1899 00:20:00 [OK]
WriteLn('Date2: ' + DateTimeToStr(LDate2));
// Output = Date2: 29/12/1899 23:40:00 [OK]
WriteLn('Date1: ' + DateTimeToStr(LDate1 * -1));
// Output = Date1: 30/12/1899 00:20:00 [Expected 29/12/1899 23:40:00]
WriteLn('Date2: ' + DateTimeToStr(LDate2 * -1));
// Output = Date2: 31/12/1899 23:40:00 [Expected 30/12/1899 00:20:00]
When you inspect the value casted to double, you can see:
double(LDate1) = 0.0138888888888889
double(LDate2) = -1.98611111111111
Seems like a bug to me, because with today it returns:
double(LDate1) = 43168,0138888889
double(LDate2) = 43167,9861111111
Edit: Hmm, according the documentation, it is not a bug, it is a feature :-)
When working with negative TDateTime values, computations must handle time portion separately. The fractional part reflects the fraction of a 24-hour day without regard to the sign of the TDateTime value. For example, 6:00 A.M. on December 29, 1899 is –1.25, not –1 + 0.25, which would equal –0.75. There are no TDateTime values from –1 through 0.
Karel's answer explains what's happening. Basically, TDateTime is represented as a Double, but that doesn't mean you can work with it in the same way as you normally would a Double value. It's internal structure carries particular semantics that if you don't handle them correctly, you're bound to get some peculiar behaviour.
The key mistake you're making is in taking the negative of a date-time value. This concept doesn't really make sense. Not even if you look at dates in BC, because the calendar system has changed a number of times over the years.
This is the main reason you should favour library routines that deal with the nuances of the internal structure (whatever your platform). In Delphi that means you should use the SysUtils and DateUtils routines for working with dates and times.
You seem to be trying to hold duration as a TDateTime value. You'd be much better off determining your preferred unit of measure and using Integer (perhaps Int64) or Double (if you need support for fractions of a unit). Then you can add or subtract, preferably using library routines, the duration from your start or end times.
The following code demonstrates some examples.
LStartTime, LEndTime: TDateTime;
LDuration_Mins: Integer;
{ Init sample values for each calculation }
LStartTime := EncodeDateTime(2018, 3, 9, 8, 40, 0, 0);
LEndTime := EncodeDateTime(2018, 3, 9, 9, 0, 0, 0);
LDuration_Mins := 20;
{ Output result of each calculation }
Writeln(Format('Whole Duration: %d', [MinutesBetween(LStartTime, LEndTime)]));
Writeln(Format('Frac Duration: %.6f', [MinuteSpan(LStartTime, LEndTime)]));
Writeln(Format('Start Time: %s', [FormatDateTime('yyyy-mm-dd hh:nn:ss', IncMinute(LEndTime, -LDuration_Mins))]));
Writeln(Format('End Time: %s', [FormatDateTime('yyyy-mm-dd hh:nn:ss', IncMinute(LStartTime, LDuration_Mins))]));
Additional Considerations
You said you're dealing with vehicle travel times. If you're dealing with long-haul travel you might have some other things to think about.
Daylight saving: If a vehicle starts its journey shortly before DST changes and ends after, you need to take this into account when calculating a missing value. Perhaps easiest would be to convert date-time values to UTC for the calculation. Which leads to...
Time zone changes: Again, unless your code is time-zone aware you're bound to make mistakes.
Compiler always appears to treat TDateTime as positive when doing numerical operations on it. Try this:
System.SysUtils, System.DateUtils;
function InvertDate(ADateTime: TDateTime): TDateTime;
LMsec: Int64;
LMsec := MillisecondsBetween(ADateTime, 0); //Always Positive
if ADateTime > 0 then
LMsec := 0 - LMsec;
Result := IncMillisecond(0, LMsec);
LDate1: TDateTime;
LDate1Negative: TDateTime;
LDate2: TDateTime;
LDate1 := IncMinute(0, 20);
LDate2 := IncMinute(0, -20);
WriteLn('Date1: ' + DateTimeToStr(LDate1));
// Output = Date1: 30/12/1899 00:20:00 [OK]
WriteLn('Date2: ' + DateTimeToStr(LDate2));
// Output = Date2: 29/12/1899 23:40:00 [OK]
WriteLn('Date1: ' + DateTimeToStr( InvertDate(LDate1) ));
// Output = Date1: Expected 29/12/1899 23:40:00
WriteLn('Date2: ' + DateTimeToStr( InvertDate(LDate2) ));
// Output = Date2: 30/12/1899 00:20:00
on E: Exception do
Writeln(E.ClassName, ': ', E.Message);

Bosun how to add series with different tags?

I'm trying to add 4 series using bosun expressions. They are from 1,2,3,4 weeks ago. I shifted them using shift() to have current time. But I can't add them since they have the shift=1w etc tags. How can I add these series together?
Thank you
edit: here's the query for 2 weeks
$period = d("1w")
$duration = d("30m")
$week1end = tod(1 * $period )
$week1start = tod(1 * $period + $duration )
$week2end = tod(2 * $period )
$week2start = tod(2 * $period + $duration )
$q1 = q("avg:1m-avg:os.cpu{host=myhost}", $week1start, $week1end)
$q2 = q("avg:1m-avg:os.cpu{host=myhost}", $week2start, $week2end)
$shiftedq1 = shift($q1, "1w")
$shiftedq2 = shift($q2, "2w")
$shiftedq1+ $shiftedq2
edit: here's what Bosun said
The problem is similar to: How do I add the series present in the output of an over query:
over("avg:1m-avg:os.cpu{host=myhost}", "30m", "1w", 2)
There is a new function called addtags that is pending documentation (see for draft) which seems to work when combined with rename. Changing the last line to:
should generate a single result group like { host=hostname, shift=1w, shiftq2=2w }. If you add additional queries for q3 and q4 you probably need to rename the shift tag for those to unique values like shiftq3 and shiftq4.
If you were using a numbersets instead of seriessets, then the Transpose function would let you "Drop" the unwanted tags. This is useful when generating alerts, since crit and warn need a single number value not a series set:
$average_per_q = avg(merge($shiftedq1,$shiftedq2))
$sum_over_all = sum(t($average_per_q,"host"))
Result: { host=hostname } 7.008055555555557
Side note you probably want to use a counter for os.cpu instead of a gauge. Example: $q1 = q("avg:1m-avg:rate{counter,,1}:os.cpu{. Without that rate section you are using the raw counter values instead of the gauge value.

PIG - Scalar has more than one row in the output. 1s

I have data set in the following format:
100000853384|RETAIL|OTHER|4.625|280000|360|02/2012|04/2012|31|31|1|23|801|NO|CASH-OUT REFINANCE|SF|1|INVESTOR|CA|945||FRM
100003735682|RETAIL|SUNTRUST MORTGAGE INC.|3.99|466000|360|01/2012|03/2012|80|80|2|30|788|NO|PURCHASE|SF|1|PRINCIPAL|MD|208||FRM
100006367485|CORRESPONDENT|PHH MORTGAGE CORPORATION|4|229000|360|02/2012|04/2012|67|67|2|36|794|NO|NO CASH-OUT REFINANCE|SF|1|PRINCIPAL|CA|959||FRM
4th record is the ORIGINAL_INTEREST_RATE.
Now My Question is
What is the interest rate for which most number of people have taken a loan.
I write following codes
loanAqiData = LOAD 'hdfs://masterNode:8020/home/hadoop/hadoop_data/LOAN_Acquisition_DATA/Acquisition_2012Q1.txt'
USING PigStorage('|')
, CHANNEL:chararray
, SELLER_NAME:chararray
, LOAN_PURPOSE:chararray
, PROPERTY_TYPE:chararray
, NUMBER_OF_UNITS:chararray
, PROPERTY_STATE:chararray
, ZIP:chararray
, PRODUCT_TYPE:chararray
//- Group By Interest Rate
grouped_by_interest_rate = group loanAqiData by ORIGINAL_INTEREST_RATE;
No of Counts for individual Interest Rate
count_for_specific_interest = FOREACH grouped_by_interest_rate GENERATE group as INTEREST_RATE, COUNT(loanAqiData) as NO_OF_PEOPLE;
dump count_for_specific_interest
But I want to get
(3.875,26) and (4.376,26)
How Can I get ?
Also If I want to get the Loan Interest for which minimum No of people has taken Loan ..
I'd suggest you use the MAX() function ( to determine the highest number of people and then filter by this number.
Here is an example of code that should work (not tested) :
FOREACH count_for_specific_interest {
max_value= MAX($1.NO_OF_PEOPLE);
RESULT = FILTER count_for_specific_interest BY NO_OF_PEOPLE==max_value;
For the min you would be able to use exactly the same script replacing MAX() by MIN()
Finally this is resolved.
let me write down the steps
1) Load
2) Group by Interest
grp = group loanAqiData by ORIGINAL_INTEREST_RATE;
3) Count No of people against each Interest
cntForEachGrp = FOREACH grp GENERATE group as
(3.625,1) (3.75,2) (3.875,26) (3.99,8) (4.0,21) (4.1,1) (4.125,15) (4.25,16) (4.375,15) (4.376,26) (4.5,10) (4.625,3)
4) Group them all to put in the same BAG
grpALL = GROUP cntForEachGrp ALL;
5) Calculate Max No of people from the BAG
maxVal = FOREACH grpALL {
max_value= MAX(cntForEachGrp.NO_OF_PEOPLE);
GENERATE cntForEachGrp.INTEREST_RATE, cntForEachGrp.NO_OF_PEOPLE, max_value as
grunt> describe maxVal;
maxVal: {{(INTEREST_RATE: float)},{(NO_OF_PEOPLE: long)},max_no: long}
dump maxVal;
6)Filter out Loan interest having Max no of people
RESULT=FILTER cntForEachGrp BY NO_OF_PEOPLE == maxVal.max_no ;
After dump we get interest Rate -3.875 has max no of people 26.
Why we have to do
grpALL = GROUP cntForEachGrp ALL;
what is the inner meaning of the nested foreach in (5)
