HTTP 418 transport errors from Evernote API - evernote

For the last 12 hours we have been getting a lot of Transport errors with "HTTP Response code: 418". That made sync of users data practically impossible.
Has anything changed in how clients should communicate to the API or is it temporary error related to Wednesday's release?

We solved the problem by changing URL for UserStore from to (used by official SDKs)


Here API: Matrix Routing API V8 - Asynchronus request - Receiving error when retrieving calculation status

I'm currently developing a little algorithm to solve the VRP. I herefore use the HERE Matrix Routing API to identify the actual travel times. I just came across the issue, that the retrieved status url after submitting the matrix seems to not accept the API key authorization. Here a little exapmle:
After submitting my matrix, I try to access the status of my calculation via the status url as described in the documentation:{matrixId}/status?apiKey={apiKey}
as well as with the returned status url after submitting the request (which is basically the above URL prefilled and with resolved forwarding):{matrixId}/status?apiKey={apiKey}
From my understanding and the way how it's documented, I expect this to be working. Instead, I'm receiving an error code 401, Unauthorized: No credentials found
My request succeeds, when I'm deleting the /status after the matrixId. Is this the expected behaviour or did I reveal a little bug?
Thanks for your help!
BR, Difreg
This is unfortunately due to a combination of how the service operates, and how some client libraries are configured to automatically follow HTTP redirects, like Python requests.
I answered a similar question a few days ago, and you can see the answer here.
Hopefully that helps you figure it out, but if it doesn't, feel free to ask again here.

HERE API autosuggest 503 service unavailable

We have been getting 503 Service Unavailable responses recently using the HERE API autosuggest endpoint. When it occurs, it can last for hours. Below is a typical request we get a 503 response from:,-1.4&addressFilter=countryCode=GB&result_types=address,place&app_code=########&app_id=###########
We have been using this service for a long while now and majority of the time the endpoint responds as expected. However, we are using it in a production environment, so any downtime (especially hours) is not good. Can we do anything when 503 occurs (E.g. calling a different endpoint)?
Thank you for any help or suggestions
Unfortunately no you cannot, outside of ensuring your application itself responds correctly to the error. You can also bookmark our status page ( for more information when something goes wrong. I'm sorry the API was flakey for you recently, but hopefully this is just a temporary issue and doesn't return.

Error 426 from once I deployed my site on Netlify

While I was trying my project on localhost it was working fine, using since I got the CORS problem. But once I deployed the site on Netlify, it gave me the error 426 (Upgrade Required), with or without using
These are the messages that appear on my console:
>Failed to load resource: the server responded with a status of 426 (Upgrade Required)
>Error: Request failed with status code 426
at createError.js:16
at settle.js:17
at XMLHttpRequest.<anonymous> (xhr.js:61)
I have been searching and some people seem to have similar problem to this. I have seen solutions like having my own server to pass the requests, but I don't know how to do it and, correct me if I am wrong, wouldn't that be the same as using
Newsapi changed their pricing model.
You can't make requests from the browser anymore, you'll have to use a backend. I had the same problem and the easiest way around it was implementing a Node (Express) server.
I guess the free plan simply is not longer available in production.
"Requests from the browser are not allowed on the Developer plan, except from localhost."
Here's the updated plan page..
Actually api in developer plan is no more working in production.
because in developer plan CORS is only enabled for localhost.
Developer Plan $0
CORS enabled for localhost.
but if you want to fetch news in production then there is a alternative for this which have 1000 request per month free works in production also . this website provide api that have cors enabled for all origins.
As others have mentioned, Newsapi no longer allows you to make requests from the browser.
newscatcher has a no-card free tier that allows for 10,000 requests. On top of that, depending on your use case you can even mail them to increase the limits for a short span of time, or to add extra data points.

Legacy FCM response now forbidden

Legacy FCM doesn't work anymore since the weekend.
My devices send push notifications via Legacy FCM via I didn't change anything, but since the weekend I get the error code "HTTP/1.1 403 Forbidden". Does anybody else have this problem since a few days?
Changed google something?
I tried my keys with It still works. So I think google changed something in the firebase console.
Is it possible that there is a secured access needed (https) and http is not supported anymore.
I had exactly the same problem since Saturday.
I have a node app that send requests to in http and I had a 403 Forbidden on every requests.
Using https fixed the problem.
Apparently the http is not supported anymore. I didn't find any mention of that anywhere though.
Yes, meanwhile I've found out, that the problem is http...
I've seen on a Firebase a "last update" date, 13/09/2019 on 2:53, so http is maybe since that time down...

API Proxy - Error while fetching object

When I open the details window on any of my API Proxies using the APIGee Developer Dashboard, I get two error messages
Error while fetching object: No server entry found with ID long token goes here
Server Error: No server entry found with ID same long token goes here
The page still seems to function partially, but this prevents me from seeing my API proxy deployments and proxy information, or from tracing calls to the API.
I can't figure out what triggered this error - I don't see any recent config changes and the API proxy and the endpoint services are up and running. There's no reference to 'Server Entry' anywhere on the config page or in the help, which makes it hard to know where to start when fixing this.
Please see here:
This could be related to the platform release in flight.
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If the issue still persists, do raise a support ticket
