How to use <Video></Video> in VS2010 -

i am trying to make Video as my backgroud for my WebForm in visual studio 2010 ultimate but when i use it always says to me that validation (xhtml 1.0 transitional) element 'video' is not supported so how can i fix it.

You will have to use windows media player to play video in visual studio 2010. it's hard to explain with words so go to this video you can see how you can add video in visual studio 2010. here


visual studio 2013 designer doesn't support CSS3

If you use the Web Forms designer in Visual Studio, note that the
designer doesn't support CSS3, so it doesn't accurately show all the
effects of Bootstrap themes or responsive layout changes. However, the
Web Forms pages will display correctly when viewed with a browser.
The above is a little disappointment, any idea how to make it work in VS 2013, perhaps an update or add-on, or is there any other editor in which designer work properly?

How can I see the design view in Visual Studio 2012 for ASP.NET projects?

I'm developing a website using ASP.NET.
When I start writing code, I do not get a design view to design the website (please see screenshot in the link below). I really need help.
Tools > Options > HTML designer > Enable HTML designer
Go to View and click Designer in Visual Studio . I think you should reinstall Visual Studio 2012 because as I can see from your screenshot, not only you dont have the designer file, but also you don't have the code file. So a reinstall is a better option for you.

How to Add HTML5 Intellisense Support to Visual Studio 2010 SP1?

How to Add HTML5 Intellisense Support to Visual Studio 2010 Professional Edition SP1?
I've installed this: but nothing happened.
For example when I type <convas on the Visual studio source view of a page, I expect the list of its attributes to be listed, etc.
When you are in an html editor, there is a box at the top of the page to select the validation, it defaults to XHTML (I think), and you can change it to HTML5.
In visual studio Menu Options Go to Tools-> Text Editor-> HTML-> Validation-> Target and select HTML5 in drop down if you already download and install the HTML 5 Intellisense for Visual Studio 2010 and 2008

CSS3 not working on visual studio 2010

I have a solution built in Visual Studio 2008 and wish to add some new features of CSS3, hence I converted the solution to Visual Studio 2010.
Even after its successful conversion I am still not able to see the CSS3 features. I need to use border-radius property of CSS3.
Can I use it on the solution converted from Visual Studio 2008 to Visual Studio 2010?
Please help.
Maybe the visual studio doesn't auto-complete the code but the css3 conditions will work on any browser compatible (Chrome, FF, EI9, Opera, Safari),since it's all CSS and not compiled by Visual Studio.
Give it a try on one of those browsers (:
I believe there is an update coming that will address that issue, but you should be able to view any CSS3 change when running the site.

Can i use HTML5 with vs2008

Please tell me that the vs2008 has support for HTML5 or not?
and also tell me how to use HTML5 with vs2008.
Yes, there are a number of locations you can download an extension to enable HTML5 intellisense support in Visual Studio 2008 and 2010.
John Dyer's article
Mikhail Arkhipov's MSDN extension
Scott Hanselman's coverage of the Visual Studio 2010 Web Standards Update
You use these by selecting the "HTML5" validation support in your IDE's toolbar. Check the articles for more complete instructions.
HTML 5 tags works fine with ASP.NET 3.5 (Visual Studio 2008). Just put the HTML5 tag in the ASP.NET control and it should work. Note there will be not intellisense support for it. But once you compile, it wont give you any error.
// placeholder is html5 tag but works in .NET 3.5 with no addons
// but not intellisense support
<asp:TextBox ID="EndDate" runat="server" placeholder="YYYY-MM" />
Yes, you can. Visual Studio is just a tool. Any text editing tool (even Notepad) can be used to write HTML5 webpages. When you type HTML5 tags (e.g.: <canvas> tag) in Visual Studio, although it shows validation error with green curvy underline, it will just pass the tags to the HTML output and you can still view it perfectly fine in your browsers.
