visual studio 2013 designer doesn't support CSS3 - css

If you use the Web Forms designer in Visual Studio, note that the
designer doesn't support CSS3, so it doesn't accurately show all the
effects of Bootstrap themes or responsive layout changes. However, the
Web Forms pages will display correctly when viewed with a browser.
The above is a little disappointment, any idea how to make it work in VS 2013, perhaps an update or add-on, or is there any other editor in which designer work properly?


How to use <Video></Video> in VS2010

i am trying to make Video as my backgroud for my WebForm in visual studio 2010 ultimate but when i use it always says to me that validation (xhtml 1.0 transitional) element 'video' is not supported so how can i fix it.
You will have to use windows media player to play video in visual studio 2010. it's hard to explain with words so go to this video you can see how you can add video in visual studio 2010. here

Is it possible to update Visual Studio's CSS validation?

I'm using VS2013 and am getting a lot of incorrect feedback on CSS3 syntax (particularly flex elements). Is the validation schema baked into a VS release or can it be updated somehow?
I had this problem in the past with Visual Studio 2010 (only CSS 2.1).
The short answer is yes, it is possible to add new schemas and use them instead of the default ones.
You can take a look at the visual studio gallery, but I cannot confirm if this will work on later versions of Visual Studio.

Is there a WYSIWYG Text and HTML Editor which support block of code?

In Microsoft Visual Web Developer 2010 Express, I can use #region...#endregion to Outline and Hide Code.
Is there a WYSIWYG Text and HTML Editor which support #region...#endregion function?
BTW, don't support it.
And more, how can I create a editor with c# to do it?
Not sure if you mean standalone or within VS, if VS, then you could build one on top of DXCore.
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Is there a plugin for Visual Studio to clean up CSS?

I'm looking for a plugin for Visual Studio 2010 to help me clean up my CSS in a ASP.NET MVC project.
We are a lot of people working on the same website and before I publish it, I wanna clean up the CSS to make sure there are no unused selectors.
I know that there are plugin for Firefox, but they won't catch any dynamically loaded CSS and usually they just check one page.
I found this plugin for Visual Studio
CSSCop from Mads Kristensen
Its not perfect, but its a great start and its free
From 2015 onward you need to use

Drap and Drop in Eclipse for Web Projects

Is there an equivalent drag and drop style for Eclipse (or any IDE in Java) for J2EE or JSP that is similar to the IDE feel of ASP.NET in Visual Studio? ASP.NET allows you to drag and drop controls to a web form or web page.
Netbeans IDE is the answer of your question. You can design your JSP pages like you are designing Asp.NET pages in Visual Studio. Here is the link of this feature of Netbeans.
Netbeans Visual Web Design
I don't know Visual Studio's capabilities, but Eclipse of course offers visual editors in form of a plugin. Here's an example of a JSP editor ( There are also editors for Swing GUIs etc. Just Google for "visual editor/designer eclipse jsp".
I had this same question this morning, so I downloaded Eclipse and tried to figure it out (I typically use Visual Studio). Here it is, but it is apparently not nearly as capable as Visual Studio Design View. Create an HTML file, and then right click on the file and select Web Page Editor.
I learned about it from here, it was difficult to find.
I would love to see a comparison between VS Design View and Eclipse Web Page Editor; seems like building UIs for the Internet still (after many many years) a mess.
Screen Shot of Eclipse Web Page Editor
Eclipse Web Page Editor
Visual Web Pack - , which provides you with all the resources you need to create a proper page with customizable designed.
You put no restrictions on your IDE, so I can safely say that it is for NetBeans (only build 5.5, however). It is a discontinued project, but whatever is already made, is made to last a while. Strongly suggest.
