Is there any way to categorise Firebase events? - firebase

I have created a lot of events for my app and now it's a bit of a chaos in my Firebase Analytics dashboard. Is there any way, that you could categorise events inside Firebase?


Add Custom Cards in firebase dashboard based on custom events in firebase analytics

Firebase dashboard allows to add card in firebase dashboard but will this cards allow to plot custom data with custom events?
After hours of analysis to add charts via firebase options found was to have data-studio with google analytics & BigQuery & BigQuery is not appears to be on free tier.
Ask is to have custom graphs with custom events in firebase dashboard itself instead of data studio.

Forward Firebase Analytics Events with Firebase Cloud Functions to 3rd Parties

Context: We have natively integrated Firebase Analytics Events in our app, I need to now forward these events to 3rd Party marketing & attribution platforms.
As of today, I can either implement:
Google Tag Manager (GTM), or
Pass events by using Firebase Cloud Functions (Server-side).
Question: The documentation states one can extend Google Analytics for Firebase with Cloud Functions, but with an added clause:
Only events marked as conversion events are currently supported by
Cloud Functions. You can specify which events are conversion events in
the Events tab of the Firebase console Analytics pane.
I however stumbled unto this tutorial, where the company forwards all their Events with Firebase Cloud Functions (without limitations). I would like some clarification on whether this latter approach is really a best practice, or am I really only constrained to forward 10 Conversion Events through Cloud Functions (as stated in the documentation) ? Thanks in advance :)
Google Analytics for Firebase only sends conversion events to Cloud Functions for Firebase.

Can Firebase Crashlytics show events from Analytics?

I set up Firebase Analytics and Firebase Crashlytics for my project.
Can I view Analytics events and user properties in Firebase Crashlytics reports (including automatically collected events)?
Should I log events for Analytics and Crashlytics independently?
Should I set user properties for Analytics and customs keys for Crashlytics independently?
It looks like duplication.
EDIT: Crashlytics is now able to show Analytics events.
Firebase Crash Reporting and Firebase Crashlytics are fully independent products, so you will have to deal with them separately.
Crashlytics currently is not able to show Analytics events in crash reports. That is something the team would like to add in the future.

Is there a way to integrate Firebase Functions with Google Calendar?

I'm creating a chatbot using chatfuel and storage data on firebase, I would like to know if it is possible to get this events and send then to google calendar. Thanks

Firebase Analytics API and other data API's

I'm wanting to interact with my data from Firebase Analytics within my application. I want to be able to use the monthly active users or current active users. Does Firebase offer an API for analytics data? If not, what other API's are available? Thanks.
It looks like in order to access Firebase Analytics data, you export it to BigQuery. This is working for me and is automated.
