Cannot access settings of a wordpress plugin - wordpress

I have a wordpress project set up locally in my computer and i'm trying to add a new plugin to it.
I have installed WooCommerce Currency Switcher by WooBeWoo plugin and activated it. When i try to go to the settings page of this plugin i get this error
Sorry, you are not allowed to access this page.
I have searched for a answer but could not find a working solution.
I have tried the following.
I have changed wp_capability in wp_usermeta table to a:1:{s:13:"administrator";s:1:"1";}
But still could not get it to work. I can access settings of already existed plugins and this is a new plugin i have added.
The plugin used :


I am redirected to my site homepage when I login using mysite/wp-admin instead of getting to the wordpress admin page

I am getting redirected to my website homepage when I login to the admin area in Wordpress or I get an error message saying 'Sorry, you are not allowed to access this page'
I just migrated my website from one host provider to another using the All in One WP migration plugin. I was able to access the admin area but once the backup, I am either being redirected to my homepage or getting the above error when I try to login. I have already tried to create a new user with admin privileges, modified the wp-config and htaccess files and even updating and changing the prefixes of the database. I have also tried disabling the plugin and theme files and none of them seem to work.
I just want to be able to login to the admin area of my WordPress site.
In such cases the steps I follow to resolve this case are:
Set .htaccess with only the default WordPress redirect rules, which you can check here.
Set the default TwentyNineteen theme as active. Since you do not have access to your admin dashboard you can perform this change by altering the "template" and "stylesheet" rows in your application database which both are located in the "_options" table.
The other option is via SSH. From the WordPress root directory you can execute the following command, which will change the currently active theme to TwentyNineteen:
wp theme activate twentynineteen
NOTE: No matter which option you choose the TwentyNineteen theme should be installed. If you have other WordPress default theme installed rather than TwentyNineteen, you can switch to it.
Deactivate all of the plugins. This can also be performed in two ways without access to the admin dashboard. The first option is to rename the wp-content/plugins folder to:
The other option is once again via the WP CLI tool with the next command:
wp plugin deactivate --all
Another NOTE: In order to use the WP CLI tool, please note that the same should be installed on the server. If you write the command and the terminal respond is:
-bash: wp: command not found
Or something similar ending with "command not found" this means that the tool in question is not installed. In this case you will be unable to use the WP CLI tool or you can ask your hosting provider to install this tool for you.
In my experience with this issue, after all of these changes are performed the access to the admin dashboard is restored. If the issue still persist even after the changes are applied, I would recommend you to contact your current host provider in order to understand if they have any custom Web Application Firewall (WAF) rules, default plugins/optimizations that could cause such issue.

I have forgotten my wordpress website admin dashboard url

Please help me change my wordpress website dashboard url , I have tried to enter with /wp-admin and /wp-login but no success,please advise me in which table of database I can change it manually .
You can check for configuration saved by plugins on the (wp_)options table. Probably, you will need to read carefully, because on the table you can find serialized strings and lot of another things. But, if the plugin doesn't have a own table to save configurations, there's on these table.
If you know what plugin have you installed to do it, you can check on source of it for know the exact value and table where's the configuration of admin address saved.
Also, if you only are interested on accessing to admin page, you can remove (or move) the plugin folder itself (not wp-content/plugins, the plugin you've installed itself).
If the plugin are not present, you can recover accessing to admin at wp-admin. But if you reinstall the plugin later, the address will be changed too.

Wordpress Multisite - Get plugin to pull info from a single install on mainsite

I am using a plugin that needs to be setup on each individual sub site so that an api key can be activated.
Is there a way to change wp-config or the plugin data so that the subsites pull their plugin information from the network install page vs the individual plugin activation in order to avoid having to install and activate on each subsite?
Sounds like the plugin is not made for multisite. You cannot simply change that. Either the plugin source code has to be modified or you can make a new plugin that tries to modify how the plugin works.
The second option is recommended and I imagine it should hide the settings page on each individual site and also filter the option where the API data is saved. In any case, it is a job for a programmer who can make WordPress plugins.

All admin and frontend pages are working except admin dashboard in wordpress

In wordpress, All admin and front end pages are working except admin dashboard is now working... i changed in htaccess. permalinks and checked in theme and plugin
On dashboard below error is coming
The page isn’t working is currently unable to handle this request.
Please help how to resolve this
I believe you have changed something either in your functions.php of theme or installed a new plugin so because of that you are seeing this error.
A 500 error means there is something wrong with a piece of code being executed, this would in your case (most likely) be caused by a plugin or your theme, the only way to test this is through deactivation.
I suggest to access your server via FTP, or a file manager in your hosting account’s control panel, navigate to /wp-content/themes/WhatYourThemeName/, open functions.php and remove the code you added recently. or find it the recent plugin have installed recently and deactivate that to check.
I personally would recommend installing WordPress locally and testing any changes there before you do it on your live site.

Wordpress Administrator access to plugins page

I recently downloaded the Advanced Access Manager Plugin for wordpress and accidentally removed the capability of the administrator to view the plugins page. Is there a place I can access the users/administrators capabilities with the wordpress php files to fix my mistake?
Go to the Access Control page i.e.
Go to the Capability option and click the plus icon to "Add New Capability"
For the Capability Name add each of the following:
Activate Plugins
Update Plugins
Delete Plugins
Install Plugins
Edit Plugins
After adding the above refresh the page (might need to do a hard refresh).
The Plugin options should be added back.
