Can't install YStockData.jl in Julia 1.4 - julia

I am trying to add the Yahoo Finance package YStockData.jl to Julia 1.4 without success. The package's page at JuliaObserver says
This package is not yet in the official package repository. Therefore, to install, use the following invocation Pkg.clone("")
However, this fails with the following:
UndefVarError: clone not defined
(Is Pkg.clone no longer working?) So I tried
which caused this response:
Updating git-repo
could not find project file in package at
So now what? This project was last updated three years ago.
I found a similar result trying to install Quandl which can also download financial data--missing project file.
How do others download financial data with Julia?

One new option to do this in Julia is to use Alpha Vantage through the AlphaVantage.jl package.


Kernel LDA in Julia. (trouble in package installing)

I want to use Kernel LDA in julia 1.6.1.
I found the repo.
I read, and I typed
] add LDA
. But it does not work.
The following package names could not be resolved:
LDA (not found in project, manifest or registry
Also, I tried all of the following commands, still does not work.
What is the problem? How can I install LDA.jl in my julia?
The package you have linked,, has had no commits in over eight years. Among other things, it lacks a Project.toml file, which is necessary for installation in modern Julia.
Since Julia was only about one year old and at version 0.2 back in 2013 when this package last saw maintenance, the language has also changed drastically in this time such that the code in this package would likely no longer function even if you could get it to install.
If you can't find any alternative to this package for your work, forking it and upgrading it to work with modern Julia would be a nice intermediate-beginner project.

URL '/help/library/<package>/r/html/00Index.html' not found when using `devtools::load_all()`

I am using devtools::load_all as a workflow to iteratively make a package. However, I cannot seem to be able to view the package documentation using ? or help(package=package_name) until I install the package. The error I get is:
No documentation for ‘function’ in specified packages and libraries
URL '/help/library//r/html/00Index.html'
any suggestions on how to resolve this?
I guess the help(package=package_name) do nothing than open (in case of Windows) this file for you:
devtools::load_all make your latest functions available to you for testing without installing the package (i.e. the html file was not updated, and masked because it was belonged to the old version of your own package). To view your latest documentation (i.e. make a new version html), you can devtools::document() and check your package working directory \man\Functions_name.rd, OR, devtools::install() and help(package=package_name)
Just restarting r session solved my problem.

How to update to Julia 0.7 on MacOs without installing packages again

I am a user of Julia v0.6, no issues to report. I am trying to update to Julia v0.7. I already have the CMD line version installed.
I copied the packages over from the v0.6 folder into my packages folder that came with v0.7.
Here is an image of my file structure in finder.
I see the packages in the "Packages" folder you see above. However, when I try "using SHERPA" for example(SHERPA is a package in the "Packages" folder), it says it's not installed. I thought maybe Pkg.init() would fix the problem but that command is deprecated on v0.7 so I don't know what to do.
I have already looked at the other StackOverflow questions and those didn't resolve my issue. I also already tried Pkg.resolve() and Pkg.Update() to no avail.
I appreciate your support.
Edit W/Solution:
At the time of this writing, I am running MacOs Mojave on my Mac and would suggest at least MacOs High Sierra since the file structure was changed in there.
Install Julia 0.7: Note: if you don't see v0.7 on the link above, go here:
Once v0.7 is installed, make sure it dragged into your application folder.
Run the program. Type "Pkg.resolve()" and "Pkg.Update()" in the Julia Terminal window that appears.
Then Run:
in order to get your packages file to show up...
This should make it so the new package management system is enabled. You can confirm that by checking your ".julia" folder(which can be accessed but going to finder - clicking Command-Shift-H and then Command-Shift-.)
You should see an "environments", "packages" and "registries" folder(in addition to probably a few others). Note as of now, due to the new package manager, you either cannot or I don't know how to, clone a project from GitHub desktop to your packages folder.
To add a custom-made package: open command line version v0.7
Type "]". You should see "(v0.7) pkg> " in blue text. Note use "Control"-"c" to exit Pkg mode in terminal.
Type " add"
Type " add" Note: follow any on-screen prompts(i.e. "Type PKg.resolve() or Pkg.update()")
Note: you will probably see many depreciation warning when you run your old code.
How to use the new Pkg manager in Julia v0.7:
This is not possible and/or not recommended for the following reasons:
The package manager is completely new in Julia v0.7/v1.0 compared to the one in Julia v0.6. In particular, the new package manager does not understand the old package managers folder structure and method of installation (git cloning). As a sidenote, the packages folder is not supposed to be modified by users, it is controlled by Pkg, and, in particular, putting something in the packages folder does not mean it is installed.
Since there have been very many changes between Julia v0.6 and v0.7/v1.0 is is unlikely that the same package versions that you use on Julia v0.6 works on newer Julia versions, so you don't really gain anything from copying, since you need to "reinstall" new versions anyway.
I would also like to point out that the new package manager is much faster compared to the old one, so
pkg> add PackageA PackageB ...
to add all the packages you use should not take more than a minute.

How to install a package in Julia 1.0 (UndefVarError: Pkg not defined)

I installed Julia 1.0, and want to make a simple plot. The first step is to type this on Julia:
However, an error occurs:
ERROR: UndefVarError: Pkg not defined.
The same thing happens when I type:
What's the best way to install a package in Julia? I use MacOS.
In Julia 1.0, there are two ways to install a package. First, you can do
using Pkg
Second, you can use the Pkg REPL mode by pressing ] (similar to ?, help mode, and ;, shell mode):
(v1.0) pkg> add Packagename
You can find more information here:
and here (live demo):
Julia 1.0 is brand new. It has been released a few days ago, so some packages aren't yet compatible with 1.0. Sometimes it helps to install the master branch of a package instead of the last tagged release. On my machine I had to do
(v1.0) pkg> add LaTeXStrings#master
(v1.0) pkg> add PyPlot
to get PyPlot to work. Hope this helps.
UPDATE: LaTeXStrings has been updated (tagged). The first line above is therefore not necessary anymore.
UPDATE2: Another (shorter) live demo can be found here:
UPDATE3: There is a third way of interacting with the package manager, namely "pkg strings":
using Pkg
pkg"add Packagename"
As someone new to Julia, my initial confusion on the Julia 1.0 package manager was directly related to the OP's problem. I have not used pre-Julia 1.0 REPL's, but it would appear that it used to be that Pkg.add("Example") worked right out of the box--no using Pkg was required. There are examples floating around the web of this being the way to get started. The new Julia user, like me, might not initially be aware of this change.
However, the Julia 1.0 REPL requires the user to explicitly state using Pkg before employing the Pkg.add.("Example") command.

Dependency management in R

Does R have a dependency management tool to facilitate project-specific dependencies? I'm looking for something akin to Java's maven, Ruby's bundler, Python's virtualenv, Node's npm, etc.
I'm aware of the "Depends" clause in the DESCRIPTION file, as well as the R_LIBS facility, but these don't seem to work in concert to provide a solution to some very common workflows.
I'd essentially like to be able to check out a project and run a single command to build and test the project. The command should install any required packages into a project-specific library without affecting the global R installation. E.g.:
Unfortunately, Depends: within the DESCRIPTION: file is all you get for the following reasons:
R itself is reasonably cross-platform, but that means we need this to work across platforms and OSs
Encoding Depends: beyond R packages requires encoding the Depends in a portable manner across operating systems---good luck encoding even something simple such as 'a PNG graphics library' in a way that can be resolved unambiguously across systems
Windows does not have a package manager
AFAIK OS X does not have a package manager that mixes what Apple ships and what other Open Source projects provide
Even among Linux distributions, you do not get consistency: just take RStudio as an example which comes in two packages (which all provide their dependencies!) for RedHat/Fedora and Debian/Ubuntu
This is a hard problem.
The packrat package is precisely meant to achieve the following:
install any required packages into a project-specific library without affecting the global R installation
It allows installing different versions of the same packages in different project-local package libraries.
I am adding this answer even though this question is 5 years old, because this solution apparently didn't exist yet at the time the question was asked (as far as I can tell, packrat first appeared on CRAN in 2014).
Update (November 2019)
The new R package renv replaced packrat.
As a stop-gap, I've written a new rbundler package. It installs project dependencies into a project-specific subdirectory (e.g. <PROJECT>/.Rbundle), allowing the user to avoid using global libraries.
rbundler on Github
rbundler on CRAN
We've been using rbundler at Opower for a few months now and have seen a huge improvement in developer workflow, testability, and maintainability of internal packages. Combined with our internal package repository, we have been able to stabilize development of a dozen or so packages for use in production applications.
A common workflow:
Check out a project from github
cd into the project directory
Fire up R
From the R console:
All dependencies will be installed into ./.Rbundle, and an .Renviron file will be created with the following contents:
Any R operations run from within this project directory will adhere to the project-speciic library and package dependencies. Note that, while this method uses the package DESCRIPTION to define dependencies, it needn't have an actual package structure. Thus, rbundler becomes a general tool for managing an R project, whether it be a simple script or a full-blown package.
You could use the following workflow:
1) create a script file, which contains everything you want to setup and store it in your projectd directory as e.g. projectInit.R
2) source this script from your .Rprofile (or any other file executed by R at startup) with a try statement
try(source("./projectInit.R"), silent=TRUE)
This will guarantee that even when no projectInit.R is found, R starts without error message
3) if you start R in your project directory, the projectInit.R file will be sourced if present in the directory and you are ready to go
This is from a Linux perspective, but should work in the same way under windows and Mac as well.
